St Francis of Assisi College - Term 4 - Week 9 - 2022
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Yr 7 Academic Excellence Awards 2022 - Recipients: Samuel De Palma & Georgio Loulas
- Yr 8 Academic Excellence Awards 2022 - Recipients: Riley Broad & Imogen Lyons
- Yr 7 Academic Effort Awards 2022 - Recipients: Chelsea Docking, Kaelen Greenhalgh, Jessica Grewal, Samuel De Palma, Georgio Loulas
- Yr 8 Academic Effort Awards 2022 - Recipients: Ael Atienza, Billie Augey, Henry Dring, Ali Finlayson, Marissa Finlayson, Yvette Kroon, Imogen Lyons, Riley Broad
- Tim Whetstone Award 2022 - Recipient: Riley Broad
- Barker Shield Awards 2022 - Recipients: Academic Achievement - Samuel DePalma, Community Service and Spirit - Aleesha Crosby, Student Leadership - Billie Augey
- Yr 7 College Values Awards 2022 - Recipients: Jessica Grewal, Jaxon Curtis, Blossom Kimberley, Chelsea Docking, Kaelen Greenhalgh
- Yr 8 College Values Awards 2022 - Recipients: Imogen Lyons, Henry Dring, Brodie Hunt, Billie Augey, Ael Atienza
- Yr 7 Laudato Si' Award - Recipient Eli McLeod
- Yr 8 Laudato Si' Award 2022 - Recipient: Riley Broad
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Focus Article
- Words of Wisdom
- Swimming Carnival
- National All Schools Track and Field Championships
- Lumination's Moonshot Award
- Yr 8B - Textile Class visit to St Joseph's Barmera
- Rowing Program
- Our Lady of the River Parish – Christmas Celebration (Renmark)
- College Uniforms
- Family Business Directory
- Australian Air Force Cadets
- Carers Peer Group
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is a season of waiting and preparation. In fact, this season of Advent focuses on Christ’s threefold coming—past, present, and future.
• We await and prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.
• We hope and give thanks for Christ’s presence within us and in the Word and sacraments.
• We look to the future, waiting for Christ to come again.
Prayer for the Third Week of Advent
Joyful God,
As we wait this Advent, we celebrate Jesus’ good news: a message of life and healing that transforms even deep sadness into joy.
As we wait this Advent, we also pray: for all in our human family who, like Sita, have been unfairly treated because of their status or situation. Joyful God, help us share your joy.
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
As a school we are taking part in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Vinnies Christmas Appeal aims to provide immediate relief from bills, and the basics such as food and clothing, so that families have a chance to survive and celebrate this Christmas.
Students have been involved in a range of activities to raise money, create and purchase items to support families. These activities have included creating Cards of Hope, preparing Christmas Hampers, Christmas Baking, Care Packages and making Christmas cards for donation.
As the photos show, the students took great pride in this initiative and gained a lot of satisfaction in knowing what they were doing was going to directly benefit families in the Riverland.
Val and John Fewster, on behalf of the Renmark and Berri St Vincent de Paul Society accepted these donations at the College.

2023 Student Timetables
Current year 7 and 8 students will be able to access their 2023 timetables through SEQTA by the end of Week 9. While it is possible there could be minor changes, students will be able to see who their subjects and teachers for Term 1.
St Francis of Assisi College Family Night - Save the date!!
With further details to come in the new school year, please put this date aside and take the opportunity to meet other families from our College community.
We hope this will be the first of many opportunities to bring families together, and to invite interested parents and carers to be actively involved in our parents and friends initiatives.
Details: Hosted by the School Board - Saturday February 18th 2023
From 5pm at SFOAC for 6.30pm BBQ Dinner (provided by School Board)
Dinner supplied by School Board, BYO drinks / nibbles
Rising Water Event
The St Francis of Assisi College leadership team is closely monitoring the developing situation in Renmark with respect to high Murray River water flows and impending rain events. We are working closely with local authorities and Catholic Education South Australia to ensure our school is appropriately prepared for various contingencies.
We are aware that the unfolding situation will affect families in different ways. Please continue to monitor State Emergency Services and Council information, and if roads are closed or become impassable, please do not put your family at risk by travelling to and from school. Instead, please advise the school as soon as possible of your child’s absence and we will make best efforts to support their engagement in remote learning.
Middle Years Student Awards Ceremony
We celebrated our Middle Years Student Awards Ceremony on Friday 9th of December with a great turn out from parents and families.
This was a wonderful way to conclude the school year, where we were able to celebrate the efforts and achievements of individual students in the areas of academic achievement and effort, wellbeing and community, and Catholic Identity and Mission.
While it is important to acknowledge individual efforts and to provide something for other students to aspire to, we are a team at St Francis of Assisi College and we were able to take a moment to look back on the terrific achievements of the College this year.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal

Semester Two Reports
Student reports will be available to parents and caregivers through SEQTA Engage and Learn on Friday, December 16. The College will not print and issue reports at the end of a semester unless a request is made to the school. Instead, student reports are uploaded to SEQTA. By accessing the Reports page, you will see your child’s report. Clicking on a Report icon will display a pdf record that you can download, view, save and print. Your PC or mobile device will need to be equipped with a pdf reader for you to be able to access your child’s reports. New reports will be added to the archive at the conclusion of each reporting cycle.
Highlights and Reflections of 2022
This year I have had the privilege of interacting with staff and students at St Francis of Assisi College every day, and I have been consistently impressed and proud with what we, as a college community, have created for the Riverland. As a new college, St Francis of Assisi educators have worked towards building a collaborative and supportive culture to ensure we create a learning environment where our students can learn and be successful. Our students have been provided a myriad of engaging learning experiences throughout the year and teachers have employed a variety of methods to allow students to demonstrate their learning. Year 8 students have engaged in a variety of learning experiences throughout the year. These include orienteering in Outdoor Education, $20 boss in HASS, science demonstrations for primary school students, creating a Softie toy in Textile, designing a bushfire resistant house in STEM and writing a mystery story in English. Year 7 students have also been busy with their learning this year with Vinnies Christmas Appeal in RE, making a smart snack in Master of Meals, writing a spooky story in English, exploring coding using Micro:bit sensors and motors in Cyberology, creating a movie trailer in Media Arts and being involved in Lumination XR Challenge for Virtual Worlds.
Our students amazing work and successes were showcased at the College’s first Community Open Night. It was incredible to see all the work that students had produced in their first semester at the College. An enormous thank you to all the parents and students who attended our first Community Open Night. We look forward to holding another Community Open Night in 2023. As a College, we are always very proud of our students’ achievements and acknowledge the effort each of you have gone to in producing your remarkable pieces of work throughout the year.
Finally, thank you to the staff for their commitment to supporting students with their learning and ensuring we provide an innovative and contemporary Catholic Education. Also, thank you to the wonderful families for the trust and support you have shown the College in educating you child. And most importantly, thank you to the first students of St Francis of Assisi College for your enthusiasm to learning. As you progress with your journey through the college to year 12, we hope that each and every one of you continues to develop a life-long love of learning.
Lastly, I would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
2022 Reflections
At the start of the year, we began with no Houses. We couldn’t be forever known as Home Group 1, Home Group 2, Home Group 3 and Home Group 4! It has been a pleasure to see each House begin to form its own identity and culture across the year. I thank the students in each House who, led by their student leaders, were able to define their house identity, and design their crests. The crests can be found further down this article.
Aqua – with the humility and, as we are discovering, the strength of water.
Ignis – with the burning courage and pluckiness of fire
Terra – with the grounded tenacity and resilience of earth
Ventus – with the solidarity and grace of wind
I must thank the 15 members of the Student Leadership Council who have been instrumental in representing and advertising our college through 2022. All of them have been friendly faces and knowledgeable voices in their interactions with visitors on tours and community events. A highlight was their warmth and welcoming nature to new students on transition days. They have been impressive in their leadership through words and actions daily and have set up high expectations for the 2023 leaders.
We were able to gather for lunch on Monday to celebrate the year with all leaders bringing along something to share. A fantastic moment to connect, reflect and wonder about the next 12 months!

A part of our leadership structure was to ensure every student had the opportunity to have a voice. The student leaders were integral to this and have been supportive of and led our student action groups. Through these groups, many students have become leaders in their own right by organising fundraisers and leading the development of student clubs ready for 2023!
I would like to thank the work of all staff members for their commitment to unconditional positive regard for all students. To all families, for your unwavering dedication to your child and the partnerships you have formed with our staff. And to our students, thank you for your kindness, integrity, compassion, and care to yourself, to others and to our college. You have all built a glorious and unique culture at St Francis of Assisi College that will grow and adapt as you lead us all through the next 5 years and beyond.
Lastly, to our students directly. Congratulations on your year, your engagement, your successes, your ideas and innovations, and most importantly congratulations on your failures without which, you would have not grown. It with this that I leave you to know that:
We hear you; we see you; and what you say matters to us all.
2023 Student Leadership Council Announcement
I am delighted to announce the following students as the Year 8 and 9 representatives for 2023 on the Student Leadership Council. We all look forward to your ideas becoming reality in 2023!

This term, we will share an article each newsletter that may be of benefit to our parent and caregiver community in raising a teenager.
In this edition, you can access an article from the Raising Children Network Australia. It focuses on Help pre-teens and teenagers develop healthy body image by talking, focusing on the whole person, and being a positive role model.
“A healthy body image in childhood can lay the foundations for good physical and mental health later in life. An unhealthy body image in childhood can have long-lasting consequences.”
Read more here: Body image: pre-teens and teenagers | Raising Children Network

Rupi Kaur, a Canadian poet, illustrator, photographer, and author, rose to fame through her poetry on Instagram. She has released 4 books of poetry and guided writing activities to date.
The team spirit on display yesterday at the College Swimming Carnival is a testament to the connections our students have formed across the whole College. Their willingness to support and celebrate the success of all is a delight to see!
Have a great Christmas, New Year, and summer. Let us remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Go forth with kindness, compassion and love.
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
Students braved some very cool and unseasonal conditions on Tuesday to compete in our first every swimming carnival. There was great participation and some stand out performances, and at the end of the day some very tired students and teachers. Congratulations to Aqua for winning the Swimming Championship Shield.
Enjoy a brief recap of our inaugural Swimming Carnival - Carnival Video
Championship Shield
1st Aqua 202
2nd Ignis 194
3rd Terra 100
4th Ventus 74
Team Spirit
1st Ignis
2nd Ventus
3rd Terra
4th Aqua
Age Cup Champions
U13G Winner: Blossom Kimberley (Ignis)
U13G R/Up: Chelsea Docking (Aqua) & Denver Kimberley (Ignis)
U13B Winner: Hugh Riedel (Aqua)
U13B R/Up: Samuel De Palma (Ignis)
U14G Winner: Imogen Lyons (Ignis)
U14G R/Up: Irah Morelos (Ignis) & Ali Finlayson (Aqua)
U14B Winner: Ryan Prokopec (Aqua)
U14B R/Up: Mitchell Ebert (Ventus)
Special thank you to VRASC (Renmark Swimming Club) and Mark and Janet Riedel for their support and assistance with our Swimming Carnival.
Congratulations to River Dowling! Last weekend River represented our school at the National All Schools Track and Field Championships held in the SA Athletics Stadium in Adelaide.
River was selected in four events: U/14 90m hurdles, 100m, 200m and long jump. As he was carrying an injury, he withdrew from the 90m hurdles to ensure he could do his best in his favoured 100m, 200m sprints and long jump. And that he did, achieving personal bests in each of these events.
River is now that sixth fastest U/14 male in Australia for 100m metres (11.86sec) and seventh fastest in 200m (25.27sec). These are outstanding results.
River described the weekend as “hot (35 degrees) and there was lots of waiting around between events, getting number tags organised and running spikes checked by race officials”. When asked if he got nervous before races River casually explains that he “just treats the event as any other race meet”.
Well done, River!

Congratulations to Sophie Robertson! Sophie created an amazing virtual world called ‘Water World’ and won the Moonshot Award for Lumination’s 2022 Catholic Education South Australia Extended Reality Challenge. She is pictured above with her trophy and prizes!
Sophie explained that ‘Water World’ is an “Earth Water City in 2050, when the land has gone underwater due to global warming.” ‘Water World’ consists of a hydroelectric power plant, solar panels, interactive garden, a school, sea bins to collect rubbish on the waters surface, an animal farm and space-saving apartments.
Well done Sophie, such a great achievement!
During term 4 the 8b class have been perfecting their sewing skills in their creative textiles lessons. Students received a children's story and from there they designed a Softie Toy to suit.
The criteria:
- Must be made from Felt
- Hand sewn using: blanket, whip or running stitch
- 2D design requiring stuffing
- Recognizable from the story book
Once finished we arranged a visit to St Jospeh's in Barmera for our students to read their stories and share their Softies with the Reception/Year 1 students.
The students at St Jospeh's really loved the visit and our students did a great job reading to the children. Promoting role play, fine motor skill development and literacy skills was our key focus for this project.

Our first year of College Rowing was a great success. Well done to all the students who took part throughout the year. I am incredibly impressed with how everyone handled some of the challenges that were thrown our way; wind, other river uses, and of course the high river and fast flows! We haven’t been able to do a lot of on water rowing, but students in the program continue to come to sessions with excitement and enthusiasm. And a big thank you to all the involved families, for supporting their children through this exciting, new venture. Looking forward to what next year holds.
Mrs Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Coach
A barbeque will be held after 6:30pm Mass, St Therese’s Church, Renmark on Saturday 17 December. This will be a Christmas celebration and farewell for our Timorese friends. Meat and salads, tea and coffee will be provided. Please BYO drinks and either a plate of nibbles or a sweet to share. For catering purposes please put your name on the form at the back of the Church or contact the College office on 8595 4500.
Call for Used Uniforms
From time to time, for a variety of reasons, our students have a need for spare uniforms. If you have uniforms at home that have been outgrown, consider dropping them into the College to be used as spares.
St Francis of Assisi College is establishing a Family Business Directory and inviting families to be part of the Directory.
The Family Business Directory is an opportunity for families who run businesses to promote their business through our College community, via our College webpage and Facebook page.
The Family Business Directory is also an opportunity for members of the College community to consider supporting businesses from the Directory when making their purchasing decisions.
The Family Business Directory is free of charge for current families of the College.
To be included, send the following information to
Family Surname (not for publishing):
Business Name: Sample Family Business
Business Phone Number: 1800 SAMPLE
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
And your business logo or photo (small file size is fine).
We look forward to seeing many College families' businesses get involved!
Check out our Family Business Directory: listings so far!
