St Francis of Assisi College - Term 3 Week 10 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Leader of Learning
- Year 8 $20 Boss
- Year 9 Limitless Possibilites
- College Community Wellbeing
- Rowing & Wood Tech Community Project
- College hosted Catholic Primary Schools Sports Days
- Employment Opportunity - Finance, Administration and Human Resource Support Officer
- Australian Youth Climate Coalition in South Australia - Training Weekend
- Catholic Education SA - 2024 Tuition Fee Freeze
- Glossop High School Reunion
- Important Message: Missing College Sports Tops
- Saver Plus
- KFC Are Hiring
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
- SANFL - All-Girls Auskick
- Employment Opportunity - Bus Drivers
- Stay Connected
- Renmark Paringa Council Youth Sponsorship Program
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Experiential Learning
On Monday this week, we held our second Showcase of Learning, where parents and families were invited to explore the College to see examples of the learning our students have been engaging in. Highlights were the $20 Boss Market, and the showcasing of the year 9 students’ Limitless Possibilities product concepts. Our year 7 students have been engaging in a similar process in HASS, during their Business and Economics unit this term.
The real-world application of these initiatives led to high levels of engagement for the students, and allowed them to express their creativity, and critical thinking skills required to think like a business owner.
Personalised learning and real world application are consistent priorities in the learning opportunities at the College, and the current development of our Productive Garden is another example of this. Currently the first section of this area is being developed for use in our Kitchen Garden Program. With support from our Community and Industry Engagement Sub-committe the remainder of the area is being planned out to provide further learning opportunities, relevant to our local context, for our students.
It was terrific to see the high number of parents and families who attended the evening, sharing a meal organized by our Community and Industry Engagement School Board Sub-committee. The members of this committee are looking forward to further opportunities for our families to connect socially.
Staffing Announcements
Throughout this term, we have been working through an appointment process for 2024 teaching and curriculum ESO’s for student support.
There will be more announcements to come, and more detail provided when we gather in person, initial announcements are:
Teaching Positions:
Sarah Vater
Sarah will be joining us from Berri Regional, Sarah’s main teaching areas will be Years 7-12 English, and Years 7 – 12 HASS (specifically senior History).
Rebecca Ward
Rebecca will be joining us from Renmark High School, Rebecca’s main teaching areas are 7 – 12 Visual Art, HPE / Outdoor Education, English.
Ruby Orchard
Ruby is a Graduate Teacher joining us from Adelaide, her specialist areas are Years 7 – 12 HPE, and Years 7 – 10 Mathematics.
ESO Positions:
The appointment process for the ESO positions was competitive, and we are really pleased to add to our already very talented team, the new members below all bring a range of skills and experience that collectively will support the variety of needs our students have.
Stephanie Prokopec
Emma Warner
Haylee Poulish
James Goodman
Key Dates for Beginning of 2024
Week 0:
Tuesday 23rd of January College Leadership Planning
New Staff Induction
Wednesday 24th of January All Teaching Staff Planning
Thursday 25th of January All Teaching Staff Planning
Week 1:
Monday 29th January All students commence.
2024 Pupil Free Days
Term 1:
Friday 8 March 2023
Term 2:
Friday 7th June
Term 3:
Friday 6th September 2024 – Staff Retreat
Term 4:
Thursday 12 and Friday 13 December 2024
St Francis of Assisi Feast Day – October 4
During the school holiday period, we celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. The inspiration for the naming of our College comes from our current pope, St Francis, who has taken his name from St Francis of Assisi.
Our College ethos, Laudato Si’, comes from Pope Francis encyclical, which also draws inspiration from the life and purpose of St Francis of Assisi.

“Jesus… said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it’” (Mark 10:14-15).
“I believe that Saint Francis is the example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically” (LS 10).
Confronting the challenges of the present day can be overwhelming.
From the climate crisis to poverty to various forms of violence and discrimination, the crises we face require careful attention to facts – facts about nature and human society that are often discouraging.
In the Gospels, Jesus approves of prudent forethought, asking, “which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost?” (Luke 14:28).
Our work to confront a problem like the climate crisis or global poverty needs to be realistic, attuned to the true nature of the crises, the communities most at risk, and the political realities that constrain our initiatives.
Yet, the joyful ethos of St. Francis and Jesus’ welcoming of the children point to another dimension of Christian spirituality which is likewise required for meeting the current moment.
St. Francis had a deeply otherworldly perspective. While he rejoiced in the physical, tangible, splendid beauty of nature, he also appreciated this in light of Jesus’ redeeming actions toward the world. This gave St. Francis a sustaining hope in all his trials.
Similarly, St. Francis reached out toward his neighbour with radical generosity, responding based on God’s moving impulse and, again, God’s grace in his life.
Term 4 Uniform
Please ensure your child’s uniform is ready for term 4 students are required to wear hats at all times when outdoors during Term 4 and Term 1.
Nathan Hayes, Principal

St. Francis of Assisi College's Showcase of Learning Night
Monday, September 25, 2023 marked an exciting evening at St. Francis of Assisi College as the school opened its doors to parents, carers, and the wider community for a remarkable event: the Showcase of Learning Night. This event provided a platform for our Year 7-9 students to shine and exhibit their academic prowess, creative talents, and the skills they've developed so far over the year.
The Showcase of Learning Night is an annual event that showcases the incredible progress and achievements of our young learners. It's not just a night for displaying projects and assignments; it's a testament to the dedication and hard work that both our students and educators put into their academic journey.
The heart of the evening was the $20 Boss Twilight Market. Our Year 8 students sold their products with enthusiasm and pride, with most stalls selling out and making a profit. Another highlight was the Year 9 Limitless Possibilities Exhibition, which showcased students’ products or business which aimed to drive social or environmental change within out Riverland community.
The Showcase of Learning Night also recognized the hard work and dedication of our exceptional educators. Teachers worked tirelessly to guide and support their students in their learning journeys. Their commitment to providing a rich and engaging learning experience was evident in the quality of the projects and presentations on display. St Francis of Assisi College aims to inspire a lifelong curiosity and enthusiasm for knowledge. Through different learning experiences, students able to learn the value of persistence, creativity, and critical thinking, all while having fun in the process.
The event was not just an opportunity for parents to see what their children have been up to; it was also a chance for the community to come together. Thank you to our amazing Industry and Community Engagement sub-committee, for providing the BBQ, salads and drinks. These connections strengthen the partnership between the school and the community, fostering a supportive environment for our students.
We are proud of our Year 7-9 students and the remarkable work they've showcased. We look forward to holding this event again next year.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on this special night.
(and enjoy a short video courtesy of Mrs Trudgian: The BIG event 2023 )
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Student Transitions
We look forward to meeting our 2024 Year 7 cohort at our two formal transition days held on Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st.
If you are interested to reserve a place for your child or to book a tour, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email
Student Leadership
Next term, we invite applications from our students to fill the positions on the Student Leadership Council. The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by appointed members from the student body for 2024 in each of the four houses:

These positions will be held by the successful students for the entire school year and will involve responsibilities such as:
- Regular (weekly or fortnightly) student leader meetings
- Rotating Attendance at College events (e.g. tours, ceremonies, fundraisers etc.)
- Rotating Attendance at Community events (e.g. ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Riverland Field Days, Rose and Garden Festival etc.)
- Master of Ceremonies for Term Assemblies
- Participation in Student Action Groups
- Other duties as invited by the Leader of Wellbeing or Principal
The process adopted by the College allows for multiple inputs into the decision making process by the College leadership team. Each applicant’s application is reviewed and a shortlist of applicants are invited to an interview. Additionally, shortlisted applicants are also listed in a democratic voting system and voted upon by the student body. All aspects of this process are treated equally and give guidance to the selection panel in their decision making.
Timeline |
Week 1 |
Application forms emailed to students by home group teachers |
Week 5 |
Applications due on Wednesday November 15th 2023 |
Week 6 |
Interviews conducted & Student vote |
Week 8 |
Announcement at Whole School Assembly |
Wellbeing In Focus
Next term, the Year 9 female students will be visited by the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia as part of our Pastoral Care program. The session, lasting one hour, is delivered by fully trained educators and incorporates animation, video and interactive components. It includes specifically developed resources for use during the session and resources for girls with pain to take home and discuss with their parents.
You can read more about their mission here: About the Foundation - Pelvic Pain Foundation
Ongoing Support
At St Francis of Assisi College, we have a well-rounded Wellbeing team with broader access to professional support. Please get in touch with Mr. Luke Cotter (Leader of Wellbeing) if you wish to seek support for your child.
“I believe in living in the present and making each day count.”
- Matthew McConaughey
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

This term, 8A’s Wood Tech Community project was building and painting five sets of rowing trestles which would support our Rowing Program and also be used by Renmark Rowing Club members. A big thank you to Mr Hunt, Mr Sampson and all the students involved in the construction process. Our rowers think they are great and will be valuable asset next term as we transport our own boats to regatta in Waikerie, West Lakes and Berri.
On Wednesday afternoon our rowers had their last training session of the term. While it was too windy to row, Miss Gibbons put everyone through an on-land workout. The group worked in pairs but it was great to see the overall comradery within the group. We are so proud of the way they encouraged each other through out the session but also how they have learnt to push themselves physically. It was a great end to what has been a very rewarding term of training. Well done all!!
Thank you to Miss Gibbons for capturing the session and putting together this video LAST TRAINING TERM 3.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator and Rowing Coach

This week St Francis of Assisi College was pleased to open up our facilaties to Our Lady of the River, St Joseph's Renmark and St Joseph's Barmera Primary Schools for their schools sports days.
It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to continue to develop their leadership skills as they supported the younger students.

The AYCC is Australia’s largest youth-led organisation, uplifting youth voices to work towards climate solutions. From extreme heat to extreme rainfall, young people are growing up with the impacts of climate change, here and now. When young people join forces, build their skills and make plans together, they are unstoppable. This Training Weekend will be a space for students to meet other young people who care about climate justice, to learn more about how to make a difference and to build their confidence as leaders. It's open to any young person living in South Australia, whether they've been involved with the environment for years or are new to taking action on climate change.
Key Details:
This will be a weekend of training, skill-sharing and connection for young people who want to fight for a better future. This Youth Climate Training Weekend will be a launchpad for getting involved in campaigning for solutions to the climate crisis.
The Training Weekend will be a gathering of about 30 young people aged 13-30 who care about climate justice. All young people are welcome, whether they're at school, at uni, working or doing something else with their time.
WHEN IS IT? - Over 2 days on the 7th & 8th October, from 9am-5pm.
WHERE IS IT? - The Minor Works Building, Adelaide CBD.
COST - $40 for students, also free tickets available, and travel and accommodation support.
RSVP - Young people between the ages of 13 and 30 can register to attend here.
AYCC is also able to provide ongoing support for any students who want to start an action group at their school following on from the Training Weekend. AYCC has run similar trainings for thousands of young people over the past 10+ years, and many high school students have gone on to become powerful leaders in their community.
For more information contact: School Program Organiser Jordan on 0434 987 014 or email

Old Glossop High School are holding a school reunion on October 28th and 29th athe the Glossop High School
For more information contact: Marie Flavel

We are missing a number of the College's sports tops used by students when they are representing the College for a range of different sporting events.
Can we please ask both parents & students to have a good look at home for any St Francis Sports tops.
These can be returned (preferably laundered) to either Mr Sampson or Mr Prokopec in the Staff Office.
With several events coming up these missing tops will be needed.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Could your family use an extra $500? Learn about Saver Plus.
If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it.
$500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months)
Participants can put that money towards education expenses for themselves or their children, including:
- Computers, laptops, and tablets
- Books, uniforms & shoes
- Sports & music, camps, excursions, and more…
What is Saver Plus?
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about boosting their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
At its heart, Saver Plus is about steering people towards sustainable, life-changing savings habits that set them up for a brighter future.

Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society South Australia initiative bringing affordable and educational swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations across Metro and Regional South Australia since the 1950’s. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The aim of keeping the program affordable, is to reach families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, and as we approach the busy Summer months now is the time to equip them with the knowledge to save a life.
The program will be returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the newly adapted Royal Life Saving Swim & Survive program.
Royal Life Saving also offer pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross , Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within the local communities.

SANFL is excited to announce the new format for girls footy in the Riverland.
Starting on October 21, the SANFL will run FREE U16, U13 & U10 competitions and training squads, plus an All-Girls Auskick at the discounted price of $50!
The exciting new format will give girls of all skill levels - including newcomers - the chance to play in an all girls format.
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗫 competition will see girls placed into one of four teams (not club-based) at U16 and U13 level and coached by some of the Riverland's top coaches.
The six-week program on Saturday mornings will see the players train and then play at a central RFL venue each week.
Best players, goal kickers and ladders will be recorded too!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 program will see U10s come together under the eye of newly appointed SANFL staff member Kayla Mudge, to learn the fundamentals, rules and nuances of footy, but most of all to have fun!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
And the 𝗔𝗹𝗹-𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗰𝗸 will be headed up by local goal kicking superstar Stacey Geyer.
The first 24 girls to register will also get to take part in the AFLW half time experience at the Adelaide v North Melbourne game in October.
Registrations for All-Girls Auskick will open at a later date so keep your eyes peeled for that information.
If you or your child would like to get involved in any of these programs, please don't hesitate to contact the SANFL staff below:
Nick Dillon | 0479 016 854
Kayla Mudge | 0429 626 885

Our partners, LinkSA are currently recruiting bus drivers for permanent positions! LinkSA would like to employ someone from our College community and are also open to applications from the broader community. Driving hours are between 7am-9am and 3pm-5pm and the role would suit a semi-retired person. Support will be provided to the right applicant to obtain accreditation and extensive training will be provided.
Requirements –
- As a minimum a MR licence is required
- Applicants need to be willing to get bus accreditation
- Working with Children Check is required
Please contact Paul on 08 85322633 or 0437 860 539
