St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 2 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Catholic Mission
- Riverland Catholic Schools Commission Mass
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- “7/8’s exploring Mathematics, Science, Religion and Digital Tech with Miss Modlinski
- Swimming Carnival - Moved to Wednesday 14 February 2024
- Rowing at St Francis of Assisi College
- SA Premiers Reading Challenge 2024
- College Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group
- Mr Reeks’ Wonderful Fantastic Magical Art Classes
- Middle to High School Cool - Information Session
- River Murray Youth Council
- Renmark Netball Club - Junior Netball Trials
- 2024 Youth Environment Council applications open
- Saver Plus - a program to help families save for 2025 school expenses
- G1 Youth - Term 1 Planner
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

The St Francis of Assisi College Community had a terrific start to the 2024 academic year!
Our staff used our final planning days at the end of the 2023 school year, and our planning days during Week 0 to ensure we were ready to welcome and support our students and families from day 1.
I thank all our students for putting their best foot forward in what has been and excellent first two weeks of school.
The great attendance at our Parent Information Evening and BBQ was a positive reflection that we are building a connected larger community.
A warm welcome to our new families and students to the College community, it is my hope that you make long-lasting friendships and enjoy your learning at St Francis of Assisi College.
Making A Great Start
It is critically important for your child’s educational experience that a positive, healthy relationship exists between their parents and the College. This provides your child with a sense of security which is a foundation for good learning. As Principal, I encourage proactive communication from our educators to parents, and likewise, I encourage parents and carers to make early contact with teachers as needed.
Over the coming weeks, please be sure to make contact if you have any questions or concerns around your child’s start to the school year. In most instances, initial contact can be made to your child’s Home Group teacher for general pastoral matters, or to the specific subject teacher if it is more subject related.
Outside of that, key leadership team members who can provide support are:
Nathan Hayes Principal
Sheri Bonney Assistant Principal: Religious Identity and Mission
Natalie Meuret Leader of Learning
Luke Cotter Leader of Wellbeing
Tasha Morath Student Counsellor and Diversity and Inclusion
Masterplan Parent Consultation
We are entering into our Master Planning process with the support of our architects at Swanbury and Penglase and this process will include consultation with our staff, students, and parent body. Swanbury and Penglase will be facilitating a consultation process for parents at the College on February 21st at 7.00pm, in GLA 1 (Collaboration Centre).
The Master Plan is a long-term site plan that captures the potential future needs of the College and ensures a planned approach is taken with any future development, to ensure over time, our site continues to be well planned in its layout.
Interested parents and carers are invited to register to attend and provide input to this planning process. (to register: St Francis of Assisi College | Events )
Car Park: School Drop Off and Pick Up
With the continued growth of the College, our student pick-up point after school has become noticeably busier, and to ensure student safety and to avoid accidents, please note:
- The pick-up area outside of the main administration building is designed to keep traffic flowing, not for stationery parking for an extended period.
- When pulling into the pick-up area, please move to most forward parking space, and continue to move forward if spaces in front become available.
- Please remind your child to use the school crossing if there is a need to cross the road for pick-up, students are not to cross the road at any other location.
- Be cautious when exiting the pick-up area, use indicators to inform other drivers when exiting the pick-up area.
COVID 19 Approach
With cases of COVID 19 present in the community, the health protocol for the College remains the same as last year. If you child is COVID positive and has symptoms, please leave them home until symptoms are no longer present. Students can attend school if no symptoms are present, it is much the same judgement as other illnesses such as cold and flu.
Nathan Hayes, Principal

2024 Diocesan Theme and Beginning of Year Mass
Each year, our Catholic schools in the Port Pirie Diocese have a theme. This year our theme is ‘Our Light,’ where we invite students, staff and the whole community to focus on individual strengths, gifts and talents.
Our beginning of year Mass was a great way to start the year, with our Student Leaders taking on key roles throughout the ceremony. Thank you to Fr Hau for delivering an inspiring message and well wishes for a positive year together.
The Season of Lent
Next week, we begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent is the Church’s primary penitential season in the liturgical year and is a way to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us as we prepare for the Easter season. During Lent, we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert leading up to his death on Good Friday. Many traditions for Catholic families come from the Lenton season, such as prayers, fasting and almsgiving. The season has six Sundays: the final one, known as Passion (or Palm) Sunday, begins Holy Week.
Ash Wednesday serves as a time for Christians to reflect on their lives, repent and prepare spiritually for the celebration of Easter. During Pastoral Care on Wednesday morning, classes will take part in a Liturgy and activity based around Ash Wednesday.
Shrove Tuesday falls on the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to feast before embarking on the Lenten fast. Pancakes were a dish that was often made and has continued to this day. One of our Year 10 classes will be cooking pancakes for the school on Tuesday and our Student Leaders will be serving these at lunch.
Ash Wednesday and Lent Prayer
Gracious God,
Ash Wednesday begins a period of inner reflection. During this time of reflection, we remember how you lived as an example to all. You showed us how to love and be good neighbour to others. As this Lenten season begins, help us to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. Give us love to forgive ourselves and each other, so that, in peace and joy, we may celebrate at Easter the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal and Reglious Identity and Mission (APRIM)

During Week 0 (prior to school commencing) Riverland Catholic Schools staff came together for a Commissioning Mass celebrated by Bishop Karol, followed by a social gathering. It was a lovely opportunity to share time together before beginning a busy school year.
PAT Testing
In week 4, all year 7 students will complete the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT). There are two tests: PAT-R (reading) and PAT-M (Numeracy). These are diagnostic assessments conducted to measure student’s growth throughout the year. They provide valuable information to teachers about your child’s learning strengths and needs. The tests will indicate what skills students have mastered, what skills they are consolidating and even more importantly what skills they need to be educationally stretched. It will also provide teachers with objective information for setting realistic learning goals and enables them to better plan learning programs as students’ progress through the college.
If you have any questions about PAT Testing, please contact the College.
Maths Pathway 2024
At St Francis of Assisi College, we believe that all students can succeed in mathematics. We also understand that each student is unique. That’s why we use a “differentiated” approach to mathematics instruction up to Year 9, where each student learns the maths that’s right for them. We're excited to announce that from 2024, Year 7 and 8 students will embark on a balanced, integrated course which blends the best of explicit exposure teaching with differentiated mastery instruction - using the new “Maths Pathway Flex” platform to power this. Students will spend some time learning age-appropriate material with the whole class, with a light exposure approach ensuring all students can succeed. Students will also spend some time mastering mathematics at their level with high rigour, with teachers monitoring their trajectories to keep mastery on track for later mathematics courses.
If questions arise during Term 1, please reach out to your child’s mathematics teacher.
Learning Around the College
The school year began with great success for both students and teachers. Collaboratively, teachers have ensured that learning experiences are both meaningful and captivating for every student. Across all subjects, students have begun honing their communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration abilities – essential for their growth as proficient learners. Personally, observing classrooms, I've been thoroughly impressed by the high levels of involvement and enthusiasm exhibited by every student.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Welcome back!
It seemed we all hit the ground running to start 2024! It has been excellent to see all our new students become so comfortable and for our returning students being great mentors and role models. By the end of the first week, students were seamlessly moving between classes, mastering their locks, and building on newfound friendships.

This year, all students have received a personal study diary sourced from the Institute of Positive Education. The diary contains important information regarding our College culture and expectations. Many of the College’s policies can be viewed in the first 20 pages. Additionally, each week there is a page dedicated to wellbeing actions.
The diary is structured with a week to a page and has space for daily entries regarding upcoming events, homework, and assessments. Students will work closely with their home group and subject teachers to ensure they are using the diary to manage time and projects.
Parents are encouraged to check their child’s diary on a regular basis, however there is no requirement to sign the diary.
When a student is absent from school, a parent/guardian is to inform the College by email, phone call or SEQTA Engage.
Phone: 08 85954500
SEQTA Engage: Direct message
Students who arrive after 8:45am must report to Student Services (Front Office/Wisdom Centre) to sign in.
Any students who are required to leave throughout the school day before 3:15pm, must report to Student Services to sign out. Parents/Caregivers must inform Administration staff via phone, email or SEQTA Engage before a student can leave school grounds.
College Uniform
Home group teachers regularly inspect student uniform and refer to the College uniform policy for guidance. The full uniform policy can be viewed here: St Francis of Assisi College | College Policies and the key takeaways are addressed below.
The College uniform must be always worn correctly going to and from school and on other occasions when students are asked to wear it. The uniform should be kept clean, and students should always take care to see that they present well.
It is important to note that the acceptable length of the dress and skirt is to the back of the knee when standing and for both the sport and formal shorts to extend past the end of fingertips when standing.
Only on the days students have practical PE lessons are they permitted to wear the full sports uniform both to and from school.
Students should always wear the correct footwear unless a note is provided by a parent/guardian. Approved footwear for the Formal Uniform are black lace-up school shoes (not black sneakers), and T-Bar sandals.
Hair & Make-up:
It is expected that students have a neat and tidy hairstyle that is of a natural colour and is tied back if extending past the collar. All students are expected to be clean shaven, cultural and / or religious reasons are excepted, as communicated by parents and / or carers. Makeup should be minimal, with only a subtle amount of mascara and foundation is permitted. No nail colour or fake nails are permitted.
House Formation
Our aim is to ensure Home Group and each House is always a safe, welcoming, micro-community within the College where they are valued, have agency and form leadership skills. All teachers have begun to make strong relationships with their Home Group. Notably, the students have been open to forming friendships across year levels in our morning meetings and are already continuing to show pride and care of their house common areas where their lockers and rooms are located.
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.

Student Leadership
Last year, we announced our Year 8, 9 and 10 student leaders for the 2024 school year. Upon their return from Camp in Week 4, the Year 7 cohort will begin applying for leadership positions within their house.
The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by elected members from the student body each year:

The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by elected members from the student body each year:
Year 7 Leader |
Year 8 Leader |
Year 9 Leader |
Year 7 Leader |
Year 8 Leader |
Year 9 Leader |
Year 10 Leader |
Vice-Captain |
Captain |
Year 10 Leader |
Vice-Captain |
Captain |
Year 7 Leader |
Year 8 Leader |
Year 9 Leader |
Year 7 Leader |
Year 8 Leader |
Year 9 Leader |
Year 10 Leader |
Vice-Captain |
Captain |
Year 10 Leader |
Vice-Captain |
Captain |
The broader student population will have the opportunity to seek informal leadership in the Laudato Si Action Group and overseen by the Leader of Wellbeing:
Laudato Si’ Action Group |
Bookmark Creek Student Clubs Peer Support Arts Development Community Outreach |
“What’s more likely to get your kids to talk to you: questioning them or allowing them some space?”
Extract from Do Pause by Robert Poynton, 2019
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

Due to the forecast temperature of 40 degrees on Monday, the Swimming Carnival has been moved to Wednesday 14 February 2024. This is to ensure the safety of all staff, students and families, not simply the students who are in the pool swimming. The forecast for Wednesday is currently 28 degrees.
As the new dates falls on Ash Wednesday, we will still complete a liturgy and activity in the morning during Home Group/Pastoral Care, before leaving via buses at approximately 9:20am.
Fraser Sampson, HPE Teacher

St Francis of Assisi College are committed to providing students within our College community an opportunity to try the sport of rowing. Through HPE, they will be exposed to the sport and learn to row. From here, students can then choose to follow a pathway, within our Rowing Program, to develop and potentially excel in the sport.
The below outlines the opportunities available to students from Learn to Row through to our Senior Squad. Entry into the Rowing Program involves a students application process and additional fees will apply.
Learn to Row – Phase 1 (Year 7’s)
For our Learn to Row – Phase 1 cohort, we will encourage:
- Introduction to the sport of rowing
- Enjoyment
- Participation
- Exposure to on-water experience
Rowing will be available during HPE in Term 2
Learn to Row – Phase 2 (Year 8’s)
For our Learn to Row – Phase 2 cohort, we will encourage:
- Enjoyment
- Skill development
- Team building
- Commitment
The Strength & Conditioning focus for this cohort will be:
- Fundamental movement patterns
- Circuits
Rowing will be available during HPE in Term 1
Additional Learn to Row sessions will be available during Term 2, for those considering joining our College Rowing Program: Tuesday’s 3:30 – 5:30pm
Entry into Rowing Program (Terms 3 & 4). Trainings will occur at the following times:
Monday 3:20 – 4:45pm | Ergo, Strength & Conditioning - College MP Room
Tuesday 3:30-5:30pm | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Junior Squad (Year 9’s)
For our Junior Squad, we will encourage:
- Enjoyment
- Team building
- Further skill development
- Technical understanding
- Competitive opportunities (1000m races)
The Strength & Conditioning focus for this cohort will be:
- Generic strength program
Additional Learn to Row sessions will be available during Term 2, for those not previously involved and considering joining our College Rowing Program: Monday’s or Tuesday’s 3:30 – 5:30pm *dependent on numbers
Rowing Program (Terms 3 & 4). Trainings will occur at the following times:
Monday 3:30–5:30pm | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Tuesday 1:20-1:40pm (lunchtime) | Ergo training - College MP Room
Wednesday 3:30-5:30pm | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Thursday 7:00-8:30am | Ergo, Strength & Conditioning – College MP Room
Regattas | Held on Saturday’s during Term 3 & Term 4, travel is required
Day Camp | Day Camps will be held at the start of Term 3 & Term 4 at Renmark Rowing Club
Senior Squad (Year 10+)
For our Senior Squad, we will encourage:
- Enjoyment
- Crew and individual goals
- Further skill and technical development
- Development of leadership, mentoring and coaching skills
- Increased competitive opportunities (1500m/2000m races)
- Promote future pathways
The Strength & Conditioning focus for this cohort will be:
- Personalised programs tailored to rowing specific technical goals
- Promote independent (supervised) training
Additional Learn to Row sessions will be available during Term 2, for those not previously involved and considering joining our College Rowing Program: Monday’s or Tuesday’s 3:30 – 5:30pm *dependent on numbers
Rowing Program (Terms 4 & 1). Trainings will occur at the following times:
Pre-season commences Term 3, Wk 7-10. Trainings will occur at the following times:
Wednesday 7:00-8:30am | Ergo, Strength & Conditioning – College MP Room
Thursday 3:30-5:30pm | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Rowing Program (Terms 4 & 1). Trainings will occur at the following times:
Monday 3:30-5:30pm *Term 1 ONLY* | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Tuesday 6:45-8:30am | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Wednesday 3:30-5:30pm | On-water training - Renmark Rowing Club
Thursday 7:00-8:30am | Ergo, Strength & Conditioning – College MP Room
Friday 1:20-1:40pm (lunchtime) | Ergo training - College MP Room
Regattas | Held on Saturday’s during Term 4 & Term 1, travel is required
Rowing Camp | Seniors will participate in 2 rowing camps during their competitive season. Held during the Term 3 holidays and summer holidays. These camps will run for 2-3 days.
Please note, there may be modifications to the above due to time, equipment or staffing requirements.
Further communication will be circulated to families in Week 8 Term 1, seeking EOI from students in years 8, 9 and 10 who haven’t previously been involved in the Rowing Program and would like to take up the opportunity to continue a Learn to Row. Students considering joining the College Rowing Program are expected to attended the Term 2 sessions to support their application.
If you have any questions, please contact
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator and Rowing Coach
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
As a college, we will be participating in the SA Premiers Reading Challenge in 2024. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading, as well as improve overall literacy levels. The Challenge requires students to read 12 books between the beginning of the school year and early September (6th of September 2024).
To complete the challenge, students are required to read a combination of books from the Challenge booklists and books of their own choosing.
- Year 7- 9 students need to select at least 4 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist and 8 books of their own choice.
- Year 10-12 students can select 12 books of their own choice at an appropriate literacy level.
The booklists are available on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Book List | Premiers Reading Challenge SA
We understand that each student at our college will have different entry points due to various reasons when it comes to reading. However, we strongly encourage all students, no matter their reading ability, to participate and find personal confidence and enjoyment in reading. There are a range of strategies and tools that can be used to support reading, and we encourage all students to communicate with their English teacher to choose appropriate books to their reading level, as well as find other platforms that can support them to complete this challenge.
Public libraries across South Australia strongly support the Premier’s Reading Challenge. They play an integral part in the program by providing books for students to borrow. Many of the books in the booklists can be downloaded for free or borrowed in hardcopy format through the statewide OneCard library catalogue. Your OneCard allows you to borrow and return Premier’s Reading Challenge books to any of the public libraries across South Australia.
→ Join online and search the library catalogue at
→ Read parent and family information about the PRC at
→ Access the digital services, including PRC ebooks and audiobooks at (Libby and BorrowBox are recommended free apps that have a large collection of e-books and audiobooks)
If you have any further questions about the challenge, please email your child’s English teacher, or contact the front office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Isabella Trudgian Natalie Meuret
Learning and Wellbeing Coordinator Leader of Learning
The College has set up a Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group to enable parents and caregivers to buy, sell, swap or giveaway second hand uniforms. For these transactions parents and caregivers will deal directly with each other, with the Facebook Group merely acting as a way to connect families disposing of, or wanting, second hand uniforms.
The group is for members only and the following group rules apply:
- it is the parent/caregivers responsibility to liaise directly with each other for the purpose of
buy/swap/sell/giveaway of second-hand uniforms
- detailed information about the College's uniform policy is available on the College website and can be referred to as required
Please use the link if you would like to join the group

A well-known local is encouraging young Riverlanders to gain and develop new artistic skills. Riverland artist and long-time school teacher Greg Reeks has begun a series of art classes aimed toward local children and youth.
Mr Reeks said the classes would help build an understanding of foundational art skills. “I want to help young people develop art skills and painting techniques,” Mr Reeks said. “It’s like learning football or netball, where you’ve just got to practice a bit. By attending regular classes you can fine tune your skills in observation, hand-eye co-ordination and spatial awareness”.
“We’ll be looking at line work, shading, watercolour techniques, toning, patterns, shadows and understanding the interaction of colours. We’ll also look at primary and secondary colours, complimentary colours, tones and tints. It’s concepts that are basic, but also foundational for more advanced artwork.”
Mr Reeks said “a main goal each week will be that each person finishes a piece of art, enjoys the process, uses their imagination and develops their own style".
Mr Reeks’ Wonderful Fantastic Magical Art Classes will run after school on Monday at the Our Lady of the River School Art room in Berri and on Tuesday and Wednesday, at St Joseph’s School, Renmark Art room, with sessions for different age groups:
3.30pm to 4.30pm (8 to 9)
4.40pm to 5.40pm (10 to 12)
5.50pm to 6,50pm (13+)
For further information contact Mr Reeks by phone on 0403 697 315, or email

Catholic School Parents SA Info Session – attend in person or online
Tuesday 12 March, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
No matter what we say to young people about not caring about what others think, this is the age where they care the most. During this period of psychological change and growth, pre-teens and teenagers want to fit in. This workshop will help you understand what’s going through their minds, how to help, and the importance of staying connected.
This practical workshop will give you an insight into the minds of this age group, how best to respond to their social and emotional needs to prepare them for the next stage of their education. The event will have online and in person attendance options.
Madhavi Nawana Parker, Director of Positive Minds Australia is one of Australia’s leading experts on Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Cost: Free
Register via the CESA Registration Centre -

The Youth Environment Council (YEC) is open to South Australian students in Years 7 to 11 with a passion for a sustainable future.
Do you want to make a difference and develop your leadership skills all while having heaps of fun? Join this year’s intake to:
- share your passion for the environment and sustainability with students across the state.
- develop leadership and public speaking skills at camps, workshops, and forums.
- take actions for the environment and make a difference.
- share your views and actions with governments.
Eligible students, in both regional and metropolitan South Australia, are invited to apply. Places are strictly limited.
Click here to apply for 2024!
Applications close Thursday 29 February.
For more information on what the YEC involves and eligibility requirements please visit the YEC website or contact

Many families are experiencing cost of living challenges as well as increased education costs.
Saver Plus supports eligible families to take some control of their finances by offering a matched savings incentive and financial education workshops.
If parents commit to saving up to $50 a month for 10 months, ANZ will match their savings up to $500 for families to put towards school uniforms, stationary, camps, laptops, sports fees and music lessons.
*The program accepts Child Support, Carers Payment and Cash in hand as regular income.
If families join in February 2024, they can claim their matched savings in December 2024 in time for 2025 school costs.
To learn more about Saver Plus attend an online Information Sessions: Register here.

Gi Youth is a community youth group located in Berri aimed at young people across the Riverland region in years 7-12. As a ministry of Riverland Central Church, we want to be a safe space for young people to be in community with other like-minded young people, make friends and learn more about who they were created to be. Plus, we have a LOT OF FUN!
"Do you complain there is nothing to do in the Riverland? No bowling alleys, cinemas, frozen yogurt shops?
Well, G1 Youth provides a fun program on Friday nights during the school term for high school aged students. We welcome everyone from all ages, gender identities, religions, home situations and Riverland regions!
