St Francis of Assisi College - Term 4 Week 9 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Volunteer Awards - Ivan Smith & Grant Schwartzkopff
- Academic Excellence Awards
- Adacemic Effort Awards - Yr 7, Yr 8 & Yr 9
- Premier's Reading Challenge 2023
- Laudato Si' Awards
- College Values Awards - Yr 7, Yr 8 & Yr 9
- Tim Whetstone Award 2023
- Barker Shield Awards for Academic Achievement, Community Service and Student Leadership
- Leader of Learning - Highlights and Reflections 2023
- Leader of Learning - Semester Two Reports
- College Community Wellbeing
- 2024 Student Leadership Council Announcement
- 2024 Student Leaders
- Student Leaders - Outgoing Leaders
- Rowing Program - Riverland Rowing Regatta
- Yr 9 Outdoor Education - All Day Bike Ride
- Year 8 Wood Technology - Compressed Air Dragster Project
- Gingerbread Biscuits
- End of Year Family Barbeque
- Congratulations Armaan and Noah W
- Aboriginal Family Support Services - Call for Foster Carers
- Barmera's Santa's Cave
- Ral Ral Avenue Bridge - Advanced Works Notice
- KFC Recruitment Opportunities
- Royal Life Saving SA - Holiday Swim Program
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

The Season of Advent
Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is a season of waiting and preparation. The season of Advent focuses on Christ’s threefold coming; past, present, and future.
We await and prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.
We hope and give thanks for Christ’s presence within us and in the Word and sacraments.
We look to the future, waiting for Christ to come again.
The Season of Advent began on Sunday 3 December, and so did the beginning of a new Liturgical Year in the Church. The Advent Wreath is a sign to us of the coming of Christ Our Light into our lives and our world.
The word ‘Advent’ means ‘coming’. Lighting the candles on the wreath symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world. The first candle (violet) represents hope, the second (violet) peace, the third (rose) joy, and the fourth (violet) love. The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day and represents Christ. This Advent we will learn, act, and pray for a more just and fairer world, a world full of hope, peace, joy, and love.
I invite you to see Advent as a time to pause and reflect upon our lives and decide what’s important and where our energy and attention should be focused. The more we consciously pause and reflect and exercise our gift of freedom to do what’s right and good, the more human we become. As Christians, the more consciously we pause and reflect, the more open we come to the presence of God in our lives and the power of his grace to shape our lives. Advent then is the time for conscious reflection upon our lives in the light of the presence of Christ amongst us. As we prepare for Christmas, there’s always a real challenge for us. Instinctively, we speed up and busy ourselves attempting to do so many things. The invitation to us today is the opposite. Pause, slow down, reflect, listen, and pray – make the experience intensely personal. Advent is a time for more prayer as individuals, families and as parish community.
In such a way Advent will be an opportunity for real change and renewal in our lives, unleashing the power to reflect upon our lives, humbly name our challenges, be freed and forgiven for past poor choices and experiencing the loving forgiveness of God as we move forward with hope and confidence.
Advent Prayer
Hopeful god,
As we wait this Advent, we wait in wonder at what the world might be: a place of fairness and welcome, where everyone has what they need to live fully.
As we wait this Advent, we also pray for all in our human family who hope for a better life, rich with possibility.
Hopeful God, help us share your hope.
Middle Years Student Awards Ceremony
We celebrated our Middle Years Student Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 13th of December with a great turn out from parents and families.
This was a wonderful way to conclude the school year, where we were able to celebrate the efforts and achievements of individual students in the areas of academic achievement and effort, wellbeing and community, and Catholic Identity and Mission.
While it is important to acknowledge individual efforts and to provide something for other students to aspire to, we are a team at St Francis of Assisi College and we were able to take a moment to look back on the terrific achievements of the College this year.
Awards and Award Recipients
College Volunteer Awards
Ivan Smith, Grant Schwartzkopff
Academic Excellence Award
Year 7: Anant D, Jack O
Year 8: Samuel D, Via N
Year 9: Riley B, Imogen L
Academic Effort Award
Year 7: Anant D, Campbell D, Jana M, Charlotte L, Tom C, Ruby M, Jack O
Year 8: Tate S, Georgio L, Samuel D, Via N, Jessica G, Anu A,
College Values Award
Year 7: Cloe D, Ruby M, Carys V, Campbell D, Madeline W
Year 8: Sophie R, Reece C, Alissa Y, Denver K, Logan P
Year 9: Brodie H, Henry D, Riley B, Imogen L, Ael A
Tim Whetstone Award
Year 9: Riley B
Barker Shield Academic Achievement: Year 8, Samuel D
Barker Shield Community Service and Spirit: Year 8, Reece C
Barker Shield Student Leadership: Year 7, Sebastian C
Laudato Si’ Award
Year 7: Jack O
Year 8: Sophie H
Year 9: Sienna R
College Volunteers: Ivan Smith and Grant Schwartzkopff
2023 Student Timetables
It is planned that current year 7, 8 and 9 students will be able to access their 2024 timetables through SEQTA by the end of Week 9. While it is possible there could be minor changes prior to the new school year, students will be able to see who their subjects and teachers for Term 1.
There is quite an administrative process in changing from the 2023 timetable to 2024 timetable in SEQTA, if there are delays in having new timetables available in SEQTA, there will be updates provided to parents.
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
The Christmas season is near and is a joyful time for many. Yet as we know, it can be a challenging time for less fortunate people within our community. Many people within our Riverland community struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Inflation, housing stress, high energy prices, and the rising cost of daily essentials make it difficult for families to thrive. On top of these, families have had continuing pressures such as COVID 19.
As a school we are taking part in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Vinnies Christmas Appeal aims to provide immediate relief from bills, and the basics such as food and clothing, so that families have a chance to survive and celebrate this Christmas.
There is a Giving Tree located in the front office at school, where families can place presents that the Riverland St Vinnies then pass onto families in need across the Riverland.
2024 Key Dates
To assist with planning for families, below are the key dates for the beginning of the 2024 school year, and subsequent pupil free days scheduled for each term.
Week 0:
Tuesday 23rd January - College Leadership Planning, New Staff Induction
Wednesday 24th January - All Teaching Staff Planning
Tuesday 25th January - All Teaching Staff Planning
Week 1 - Monday 29th January - All students commence.
2024 Pupil Free Days
Term 1 - Friday 8th March 2023
Term 2 - Friday 7th June
Term 3 - Friday 6th September
Term 4 - Thursday 12th and Friday 13th December
(important school days are also available here on our website calendar)
Nathan Hayes, Principal

- Certificate to Champion
- Legend Medal
- Hall of Fame
- Reader for Life - Level 8
- Reader for Life - Level 8
- Reader for Life - Level 9
- 20 Books in 20 Years Challenge

As the year 2023 draws to a close, it is a moment of reflection and celebration of the remarkable journey of teaching and learning at St. Francis of Assisi College. For our students, this year has been filled with growth, exploration, and achievement. At St. Francis of Assisi College, we believe that the journey of education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about fostering a love for learning. Our commitment to providing a holistic and nurturing environment for our students is unwavering. Our curriculum has been carefully crafted to meet the diverse needs and interests of our students. From the foundation subjects of mathematics, science, and English to a variety of enriching electives, we ensure that every student can explore their passions and develop a well-rounded education. This diversity empowers our students to find their unique path to success.
On the evening of Monday, September 25, St. Francis of Assisi College opened its doors to parents, carers, and the wider community for a remarkable event: the Showcase of Learning Night. This event provided a platform for our Year 7-9 students to shine and exhibit their academic prowess, creative talents, and the skills they've developed so far over the year. The heart of the evening was the $20 Boss Twilight Market. Our year 8 students sold their products with enthusiasm and pride, with most stalls selling out and making a profit. Another highlight was the Year 9 Limitless Possibilities Exhibition, which showcased students’ products or business which aimed to drive social or environmental change within out Riverland community. The event was not just an opportunity for parents to see what their children have been up to; it was also a chance for the community to come together. Thank you to our amazing Industry and Community engagement sub-committee, for providing the BBQ, salads and drinks. These connections strengthen the partnership between the school and the community, fostering a supportive environment for our students. We are proud of our Year 7-9 students and the remarkable work they've showcased. We look forward to holding this event again next year. Thank you to everyone who joined us on this special night.
Thank you to all the staff who continuously strive to foster excellence through innovative teaching, providing a comprehensive curriculum, and a supportive environment. Also, thank you to the exceptional families who have placed their trust and support in our College to educate their child. Above all, a heartful thanks to the students of St Francis of Assisi College for your enthusiasm to learning. As these students advance through their educational journey at the College, we hope that each student discovers their potential, building lifelong skills and make a meaningful impact on the world.
Lastly, I would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Semester Two Reports
Student reports will be available to parents and caregivers through SEQTA Engage and Learn on Friday, December 15. The College will not print and issue reports at the end of a semester unless a request is made to the school. Instead, student reports are uploaded to SEQTA. By accessing the Reports page, you will see your child’s report. Clicking on a Report icon will display a pdf record that you can download, view, save and print. Your PC or mobile device will need to be equipped with a pdf reader for you to be able to access your child’s reports. New reports will be added to the archive at the conclusion of each reporting cycle.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
2023 Reflections
This year has been one of growth and development for the College in the Community Wellbeing team. We introduced a number of new initiatives which we look forward to gaining traction and growing over the coming years. Most exciting is how the St Vinnie’s Walk-a-thon, led by our student leadership council, can grow and become an annual feature of our College fundraising calendar.
Another highlight of the year came in the first two weeks of 2023. All staff and students were instrumental in further developing their House identity by forming House Credos and Responsibilities. Recently, we reviewed these at our Year 7 Transition days to see how we are and can continue to actively live out these statements as citizens of our respective Houses.

I extend my thanks to the 2023 members of the Student Leadership Council who have been instrumental in representing and advertising our College throughout the year. All of them have been friendly faces and knowledgeable voices in their interactions with visitors on tours and community events. A highlight was their warmth and welcoming nature to new students on transition days and at the Riverland Field Days. They have been impressive in their leadership through words and actions daily and have set up high expectations for the 2024 leaders.
We were able to gather for lunch on Wednesday to celebrate the year; a fantastic moment to connect, reflect and wonder about the next 12 months!
A part of our leadership structure was to ensure every student had the opportunity to have a voice. The student leaders were integral to this and have been supportive of and led our student action group and the management of developing student clubs. Through these groups, many students have become leaders in their own right by organising fundraisers and leading the continued development of student clubs! We are most excited to have started the process for a College podcast due out in early 2024!
I would like to thank the work of all staff members for their commitment to unconditional positive regard for all students. To all families, for your unwavering dedication to your child and the partnerships you have formed with our staff. And to our students, thank you for your kindness, integrity, compassion, and care to yourself, to others and to our College. You have all built a glorious and unique culture at St Francis of Assisi College that will grow and adapt as you lead us all through the next 5 years and beyond.
Lastly, to our students directly. Congratulations on your year, your engagement, your successes, your ideas and innovations, and most importantly congratulations on your failures without which, you would have not grown. It is with this that I leave you to know that:
We hear you; we see you; and what you say matters to us all.

I am delighted to announce the above students as the Year 8, 9 and 10 representatives for 2024 on the Student Leadership Council. We all look forward to your ideas becoming reality next year!
Have a great Christmas, New Year, and summer. Let us remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Go forth with kindness, compassion and love.
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

Our 2023 Student Leaders enjoying their Farewell Lunch!

Over the weekend, our Rowing Program students took part in their very first Riverland Regatta, which is one of the largest regattas on Rowing SA’s event calendar. There were 192 races (82 events), which ran across the 2 days, with 766 athletes entered. It exposed our young team to a large community; including school, club and masters athletes. They had to manage their time well to contend with some chaotic times launching and retrieving boats, as well as handle some very testing on-water conditions due to wind.
Our boy’s squad of Harry, Ryan and Brodie were the first to race in the 3rd Grade Men’s Double Sculls. Due to our smaller squad, Adrian Hunt volunteered to jump in a boat to ensure our rowers had more opportunities. Harry and Ryan teamed up, while Brodie and Adrian made it a father/son duo. Both crews competed well coming in 3rd in their respective races. Later-on Saturday, Harry, Ryan, Brodie and Adrian teamed up to compete in the 3rd Grade Men’s Quad Scull (3M4x+). It proved to be a thrilling race, with the crew, coxed by Riley Hunt, coming in second place in their race, finishing 5th overall in a field of 18. On Sunday, Brodie and Ryan both competed in the 3rd Grade Men’s Single Scull (3M1x). Conditions were challenging for the smaller boats, but both boys overcame steering and boat issues to finish strong. Harry, Ryan, Brodie and Riley were then joined by Renmark Rowing Club Member, Tom Sullivan, for another 3M4x+ race. Concluding our regatta with a win!
Our Year 8 girls’ squad of Sophie, Chelsea, Blossom and Denver, along with coxswain Jenson, competed in the Schoolgirl Yr8 Coxed Quad Scull (SGYr8 4x+) and 3rd Grade Women’s Coxed Quad Scull (3W4x+) events over the weekend. They had 3 races on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. This crew consistently improved each race, recording a massive 38sec improvement from their first race to their last. It was a great learning experience for them all, especially managing a steering breakage before their last race. They displayed great perseverance to overcome and row their best time to complete their regatta in the 3W4x+, coming in 3rd in their race, but finishing up an impressive 10th overall in a field of 27 boats!
Our Year 9 girls squad of Billie, Imogen, Riley and Jadyn, along with coxswain Max, competed in the Schoolgirl Yr9 Coxed Quad Scull (SGYr9 4x+) and 3rd Grade Women’s Coxed Quad Scull (3W4x+) events over the weekend. They also had 3 races on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, 4 of which were over 1500m; the first time they have raced over this distance. This crew also showed strong technical improvements each race, and dealt with some disappointing finishes which enabled them to learn how to improve their racing strategies. This worked to their favour as they too showed great improvement in their last race for the regatta, also the 3W4x+, finishing second by only 2secs to Pembroke’s top crew! They finished up 7th overall in the field of 27, noting that the top 7 crews were separated by only 4secs. Such an amazing achievement.
All crews competed exceptionally well and showed tremendous growth in what has been a short time. Back in April, we competed in our first Regatta where there were tears, a capsize and some real struggles. I am so incredibly proud of how they have committed themselves to the Rowing Program during Terms 3 & 4, their hard work was definitely evident over the weekend. Well done to all our rowers and a big thank you to their families for continuing to support the program.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Coach

On Wednesday of Week 7, Mr. Sampson, Miss Camporeale, Miss Gibbons and Mr. Prokopec took the Year 9 students on a full day bike riding expedition.
Students were required to pack and carry a day pack with their food, water and resources required for the day. The group was split into two, with one group covering approximately 32kms, and the other approximately 22kms for the day, around the various Renmark and Paringa bike trails.
The aim of the expedition was to demonstrate bike riding skills developed throughout the term, as well as apply skills in camp cooking, minimal impact recreation, and expedition planning and risk management. All students who participated in the expedition demonstrated strong resilience to challenge themselves and had a lot of fun along the way, particularly in the muddy puddles through Paringa Paddock.
Mr Sampson, HPE Teacher

In Year 8 Wood Technology with Mr. Hunt and Mr. Sampson, 8B have been deepening their understanding of the design process, through the Compressed Air Dragster project. In Week 8, students peer-assessed each other’s designs based on creativity, quality and appearance. They also competed in a head-to-head dragster race competition, battling it out to find out which design was the fastest! Students learnt about the importance of aerodynamics, reducing friction, and minimising mass.
Top 5 best design:
1st Georgio (Pencil)
2nd Declan (Lightning McQueen)
3rd Charlize (absent) (Watermelon)
4th Tate (Shark)
5th Samuel (Maccas Chips)
Top 4 Fastest Dragsters
1st William
2nd Max
3rd Reece
4th Matthew

9A with Mrs Trudigan and Mrs Warner baked and decorated gingerbread cookies which they then packaged up to gift to family, friends or community members.

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the End of Year Family BBQ night celebration last week. It was wonderful to see many new and current families enjoying each others company, having dinner together and playing indoor and outdoor games!
A BIG thank you to Paringa Bakery for the bread and salads, and Warburton’s Butchers for the meat. Also a BIG thank you to the parents and volunteers who organised the food and drink for the night.

Armaan has been selected to represent and play for the U16 Murray Districts/Barrier/Sunraysia Cricket team, playing in the SACA Representatives Carnival in the Barossa Valley, 11-14 December 2023.
Noah W has been selected to represent and play for the U14 Murray Districts/Barrier/Sunraysia Cricket team, playing in the SACA Representatives Carnival in the Barossa Valley, 8-11 January 2024.
Photos courtesy of: Paul McCormick Photograhy and Grant Schwartzkopff

Online Enrolments are closing soon!
Online enrolments will be closing soon, and we don't want you to miss out on booking your children in for Holiday Swim!
The main aims of the program are to:
- Teach children critical life-saving skills
- Teach basic swimming skills
- Equip kids with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The program is AFFORDABLE so that it remains ACCESSIBLE to families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons.
Royal Life Saving also offers pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within their local communities.
The program is returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the Royal Life Saving Swim and Survive program.
$40 per child (additional pool entry fees may apply)
Higher awards from $50
5 days ( may vary based on location)
5yrs+ 45-minute lessons
Under 5s 30-minute lessons.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Royal Life Saving SA by phoning 08 8210 4500
or email holidayswim@
More information can be found on their website:
