St Francis of Assisi College - Term 4 Week 6 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Wellbeing In Focus
- Year 9 Retreat/Camp
- What's Cooking?
- Rowing SA 3rd Grade and Novice State Championships
- Inter-School Triathlon
- Riverland Triathlon Club - Summer Challenge Series
- Swimming Carnival Helpers Needed
- End of Year Family Night
- Aboriginal Family Support Services - Call for Foster Carers
- Barmera's Santa's Cave
- Ral Ral Avenue Bridge - Advanced Works Notice
- KFC Recruitment Opportunities
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

High Expectations
As we approach the final weeks of the school year, as a staff team, we continue our focus and expectation of high expectations for all. That includes maintaining a focus on excellence for us as a staff team, and a continued focus on supporting students to maintain high standards for the remainder of the school year.
High expectations and excellence are not the unrealistic and unhealthy search for perfection. Excellence is doing everything to the best of our own ability, with a growth mindset to always learn and grow.
Whilst students will begin to engage in different types of activities and experiential learning over the next few weeks, it is expected they do this in a way that maintains safety and respect for themselves, all students and staff.
End of Year Student Award Ceremony
All parents, carers and families are invited to our award ceremony on the last day of Week 8. This will be an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the individual and collective successes of what has been an amazing first year for St Francis of Assisi College:
Middle Years Student Award Ceremony
Friday December 8th of December
9am – 10.15am
Multi-Purpose Room
Morning Tea after ceremony
Staffing Announcements
I am very pleased to confirm we have completed our teaching appointments for the 2024 school year.
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan
As a Riverland local, Ramanjeet is excited to be returning to family and region. Ramanjeet has been teaching at St Columba College this year, mainly teaching English. She will join our community teaching in the English and HASS learning areas.
Ms Anita Modlinski
Anita is joining our community as a middle year’s specialist teacher, primarily taking Year 7 and 8 subjects, including mathematics, science and religious education. We look forward to Anita’s strong primary and middle years expertise supporting our students as they progress to senior secondary.
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
The Christmas season is near and is a joyful time for many. Yet as we know, it can be a challenging time for less fortunate people within our community. Many people within our Riverland community struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Inflation, housing stress, high energy prices, and the rising cost of daily essentials make it difficult for families to thrive.
As a school we are taking part in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Vinnies Christmas Appeal aims to provide immediate relief from bills, and the basics such as food and clothing, so that families have a chance to survive and celebrate this Christmas.
Further information will be shared with students and families outlining the range of activities our students will engage in over the last few weeks of term in support the Christmas Appeal.
2024 Key Dates
To assist with planning for families, below are the key dates for the beginning of the 2024 school year, and subsequent pupil free days scheduled for each term.
Week 0:
Tuesday 23rd January
- College Leadership Planning
- New Staff Induction
Wednesday 24th January
- All Teaching Staff Planning
Thursday 25th January
All Teaching Staff Planning
Week 1:
Monday 29th All students commence.
2024 Pupil Free Days
Term 1:
Friday 8th March 2023
Term 2:
Friday 7th June
Term 3:
Friday 6th September 2024 – Staff Retreat
Term 4:
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th December 2024
(important school days are also available here on our website calendar)
Nathan Hayes, Principal

Career Education for 2024
Career education benefits children academically during their school years and empowers their future participation in careers across their adult years.
Students who explore, experience and think about their futures in work often experience lower levels of unemployment, receive higher wages and are happier in their careers as adults. Beneficial results are found in relation to both students who continue to tertiary education and those who enter the labour market directly from school. OECD, 2021
In 2024, at St Francis of Assisi college, we will be providing a Career Education program targeted for each level for year 7-10 students. Throughout this program, students will have the opportunity to
- explore who they are and their abilities
- examine employability skills
- investigate jobs of the future and growth industries
- experience industry visits with the local Riverland community
- participate in work experience
- develop a resume
- participate in a mock interview
- develop a Career Action Plan
Our career education program will also align with the Living, Learning, Leading Framework by enhancing students’ self-efficacy and empowering students to
- explore diverse careers and develop hope for the future.
- find a greater sense of purpose in their school education, seeing stronger connections between what they learn in the classroom and the knowledge required for future work.
- be more motivated to develop their literacy and numeracy skills.
- develop their Key Capabilities.
- Acquire the attitudes and skills necessary to build a strong Learner Profile and be successful in SACE subjects Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) and Activating Identities and Futures (AIF).
- knowledge and skills to transition from school confidently and successfully to training, study or employment.
In week 4, all students completed the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT). There are two tests: PAT-R (reading) and PAT-M (Numeracy). These are diagnostic assessments conducted to measure student’s growth throughout the year. They provide valuable information to teachers about your child’s learning strengths and needs. The tests will indicate what skills students have mastered, what skills they are consolidating and even more importantly what skills they need to be educationally stretched. Later in the term, all teaching staff will analyse both NAPLAN and PAT data to enable them to better plan learning programs and ensure successful learning outcomes for all students.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
Student Transitions
We look forward to meeting our 2024 Year 7 cohort at our two formal transition days held on Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st.
If you are interested to reserve a place for your child or to book a tour, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email
Student Leadership Council - Applications for 2024
Applications for student leadership positions have now closed. Thank you to all our applicants! The applicants will receive a communication shortly detailing if they have been shortlisted and when their interview time will be.
The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by appointed members from the student body for 2024 in each of the four houses:

The process adopted by the College allows for multiple inputs into the decision making process by the College leadership team. Each applicant’s application is reviewed and a shortlist of applicants are invited to an interview. Additionally, shortlisted applicants are also listed in a democratic voting system and voted upon by the student body. All aspects of this process are treated equally and give guidance to the selection panel in their decision making.
Timeline |
Week 6/7 |
Interviews conducted & Student Vote |
Week 8 |
Announcement at Whole School Assembly (Friday) |

Community Building
I took this photo the other week in the Collaboration Centre - also known as the 7-9 Building (of course, our young adults were not very impressed with having their photo taken!). What caught my eye was the diverse group of students in this small space of the building all mingling together. The Year 9’s didn’t care they were hanging out with the Year 7’s; it is showing that no one feels like a space is specifically for a certain year group which you may remember from your own high school experiences!
What the photo doesn’t capture is the sounds that I could hear at the time – the laughter, the jokes, the quiet conversations. This gathering of students represents everything our College strives for: Acceptance, Care and Safety. All qualities that lead to building of community.

Headspace Event
Registrations are required for this event as there is limited spots available.
For more information please contact headspace Berri on 8582 4422.
Facebook event for more details >
Eventbrite & Tickets can be found here >
Ongoing Support
At St Francis of Assisi College, we have a well-rounded Wellbeing team with broader access to professional support. Please get in touch with Mr. Luke Cotter (Leader of Wellbeing) if you wish to seek support for your child.
“There's no shame in failing. The only shame is not giving things your best shot.”
- Robin Williams
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
This week our Year 9s enjoyed their Year 9 Retreat/Camp in Adelaide. They toured Parliament House and explored the process for passing a bill. Followed by a visit to the Adelaide Magistrates Court to explore the roles of courts, judges, defendants, and lawyers within trials, as well as the rights of the accused and victims.
Day 2 was their Retreat. Retreats are a valuable opportunity provided in Catholic Schools for students to bond with their peers and to focus on our unique Catholic Identity. The theme of the day was centered around our College Motto of Laudato Si’. Students were split into three different workshops: Care for Self, Care for Others, and Care for our Common Home. In the evening students were surprised with an EPIC silent disco, completely funded by (part) of their 2022 $20 Boss profit!
Day 3 was dedicated to putting social justice into action. All leftover food was donated to Christ of the King Church, to be used for community care packs. Students spent the morning at the Marine Discovery Centre at Henley Beach, learning about the importance of the Great Southern Reef. They then worked together to complete a beach debris survey/clean up, this resulted in the collection of an astounding amount of rubbish in just a 600 metre stretch of beach.
Thank you to Mrs Trudgian, Miss Graney, Mr Lyons and Miss Gibbons for this amazing experiential opportunity.

Photo: Students eating outside, making the most of our lovely new garden space
Students over the past week have been enjoying using fresh produce from our kitchen garden. We made Falafel Wraps, making our own Tabouli and had a go at making Vegetable Pasties. The Year 9’s have been working hard at presentation and plating, making the most of our fresh herbs.
Mrs Burgess, Food Techology Teacher

On Saturday 18th November, our Rowing Program students travelled to West Lakes to compete in the Rowing SA 3rd Grade and Novice State Championships. This was our first regatta where we not only transported our own equipment, but it was also our first where we competed against other schools.
We entered six events across the day; 3M1x, 3M2x, 3W4x+, NM1x, NM2x, NW4x+. Each rower had the opportunity to compete in two races, with our Yr8 W4x+ making the 3W4x+ final and getting an extra race. We narrowly missed the finals in the NM2x and NW4x+ races, with both crews missing progression placings by 0.47s! Very close racing amongst some very well-established school crews with a long history of rowing. Our rowers competed exceptionally well and proved that their training is making a difference, with all crews showing huge improvements since our last regatta in September; reducing race times, improving crew technique and how they conduct themselves as a team. Well done!!
Our crews also represented our College extremely well and were well supported by their families. A big thank you goes out to them all for assistance with boat unloading, re-loading and managing a few breakages on the day. It was a great regatta experience for all involved and we received a lot of very positive feedback from the wider Rowing SA community.
Our rowers now set their sights on the Riverland Regatta in Berri at the end of Week 8.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Rowing Coach

Approximately 30 College students competed against the four other Riverland High Schools in their first ever triathlon. Triathlons are great inclusive events using three different skills and merging them into the one event.
It started with a 200m swim, being in waist/ chest deep water, following the Lake Bonney shoreline to the transition area where students hand over to their first team-mate to complete a 10km bike ride with the 3rd and final leg a 2.5km run. The Riverland Triathlon Club hosted the event from the Lake Bonney Yacht Club and coordinated the marshals on the day. Over 100 students participated in this inaugural event. Our Year 9 Sports Academy students, particularly, gained valuable experience, got a taste of a new sport, along with some good competition.

RSVPs appreciated, use this link: RSVP

Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society South Australia initiative bringing affordable and educational swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations across Metro and Regional South Australia since the 1950’s. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The aim of keeping the program affordable, is to reach families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, and as we approach the busy Summer months now is the time to equip them with the knowledge to save a life.
The program will be returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the newly adapted Royal Life Saving Swim & Survive program.
Royal Life Saving also offer pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross , Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within the local communities.
