St Francis of Assisi College - Term 4 Week 4 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Term 4 Rowing Day Camp
- Remembrance Day 2023
- End of Year Family Night
- Excellence Gold Level Athlete for 2022/2023 Season
- Barmera's Santa's Cave
- Renmark Paringa Council - Community Satisfaction Survey
- KFC Recruitment Opportunities
- RYT Term 4 Program
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
- White Ribbon Australia
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Remembrance Day – Saturday 11 November
Remembrance Day is an opportunity for us to pay tribute to those men and women who have given their lives in the service of our country.
Our Year 9 students led Remembrance Day reflections with their home groups Friday morning, and poppies distributed to staff and students. Such commemoration helps us reflect on events that have shaped our history and on the lives that have been impacted by the will of others. As we reflect on those who have offered themselves for the cause of freedom, let us not forget the part our faith can play in bringing peace to our world.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Ever Patient Teacher,
show us the ways of tolerance, teach us the ways of justice.
Draw us all in heart and mind nearer Jesus Christ your son,
Prince of peace. Amen
End of Year Student Award Ceremony
All parents, carers and families are invited to our award ceremony on the last day of Week 8. This will be an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the individual and collective successes of what has been an amazing first year for St Francis of Assisi College:
Middle Years Student Award Ceremony
                             Friday December 8th of December
                             9am – 10.15am
                             Multi-Purpose Room
                             Morning Tea after ceremony
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
The Christmas season is near and is a joyful time for many. Yet as we know, it can be a challenging time for less fortunate people within our community. Many people within our Riverland community struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Inflation, housing stress, high energy prices, and the rising cost of daily essentials make it difficult for families to thrive.
As a school we are taking part in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Vinnies Christmas Appeal aims to provide immediate relief from bills, and the basics such as food and clothing, so that families have a chance to survive and celebrate this Christmas.
Further information will be shared with students and families outlining the range of activities our students will engage in over the last few weeks of term in support the Christmas Appeal.
2024 Key Dates
To assist with planning for families, below are the key dates for the beginning of the 2024 school year, and subsequent pupil free days scheduled for each term.
Week 0:
Tuesday 23rd January
- College Leadership Planning
- New Staff Induction
Wednesday 24th January
- All Teaching Staff Planning
Thursday 25th January
All Teaching Staff Planning
Week 1:
Monday 29th All students commence.
2024 Pupil Free Days
Term 1:
Friday 8th March 2023
Term 2:
Friday 7th June
Term 3:
Friday 6th September 2024 – Staff Retreat
Term 4:
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th December 2024
Nathan Hayes, Principal
Learning around the College
As we find ourselves nearing the halfway point of Term Four at St. Francis of Assisi College, we take this moment to reflect on the remarkable learning journey we've been on together. This term has been filled with accomplishments, challenges, and moments of growth for our students. Our students have continued to shine. The dedication and hard work they have put into their studies are evident in their personal achievements. We applaud their commitment to learning, their resilience, and their ability to adapt to different teaching and assessment methods. Throughout all areas of the curriculum, students have had an opportunity to develop their communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration skills. These are important skills as they develop into capable learners.
Some of the highlights so far this term, include our year 9 students learning about bike safety and maintenance in Outdoor Education, where students have been enjoying riding around Renmark as they prepare for their day bike trek. In English year 9 students are learning film techniques and creating a film based on a poem, whereas in HASS they are learning about World War one and the impact on Australia. In science, our year 8 students have been learning about the types of rocks and how they form. In Mathematics, some students have made a Biltmore stick that measures both the diameter and height of a tree, using knowledge of similar triangles, Pythagoras’ theorem and some challenging algebra. They have also been enjoying cooking as they learn about the diversity of food in Europe, Asian and America and gain insight into the influence these cultures have had on Australian cuisine. In Kitchen Garden, Year 7 students have been learning about a planting guide and creating fact sheets for different plants. In mathematics, they have been learning how to use formulas to calculate area of rectangle, triangles, parallelograms and circles, whereas in science they have been investigating how different surfaces affect the force of friction on an object.
Below are some photos of students enjoying their learning.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Student Transitions
We look forward to meeting our 2024 Year 7 cohort at our two formal transition days held on Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st.
If you are interested to reserve a place for your child or to book a tour, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email
Student Leadership Council - Applications for 2024
We are accepting applications from our students to fill the positions on the Student Leadership Council. The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by appointed members from the student body for 2024 in each of the four houses:
Application form available: Student Leadership Application

These positions will be held by the successful students for the entire school year and will involve responsibilities such as:
- Regular (weekly or fortnightly) student leader meetings
- Rotating Attendance at College events (e.g. tours, ceremonies, fundraisers etc.)
- Rotating Attendance at Community events (e.g. ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Riverland Field Days, Rose and Garden Festival etc.)
- Master of Ceremonies for Term Assemblies
- Participation in Student Action Groups
- Other duties as invited by the Leader of Wellbeing or Principal
The process adopted by the College allows for multiple inputs into the decision making process by the College leadership team. Each applicant’s application is reviewed and a shortlist of applicants are invited to an interview. Additionally, shortlisted applicants are also listed in a democratic voting system and voted upon by the student body. All aspects of this process are treated equally and give guidance to the selection panel in their decision making.
Timeline |
Week 1 |
Application forms emailed to students by home group teachers |
Week 5 |
Applications due on Wednesday November 15th 2023 (NEXT WEEK) |
Week 6 |
Interviews conducted & Student vote |
Week 8 |
Announcement at Whole School Assembly |

Olympics Unleashed Guest Speaker - Kristina Clonan
On Tuesday morning we welcomed Kristina Clonan to the College. Kristina has represented Australia in Sprint Track Cycling in the Commonwealth Games and World Championships where she has won Gold and Silver respectively.
Kristina shared her personal journey through different cycling disciplines and the numerous challenges and roadblocks she has faced. Kristina focussed heavily on the importance of values and knowing your why – why you are engaging in an activity – which assists in knowing your purpose. Additionally, Kristina spoke on the importance of holding a “positive self-concept”. The students were highly engaged throughout and received some great answers from Kristina during Q&A.
We thank Kristina for her time!
Wellbeing In Focus
Digital Wellbeing
If you’re finding it difficult to set rules, regulations and boundaries for technology in your household, a family agreement can be a great way to get started. A digital family agreement helps you create a safe space to talk about technology together, and set guidelines for your online life in and out of the home. You can access a free printable family digital agreement to help guide the conversation via the link below:
2022-07 Digital Agreement_teens_ENG (
Ongoing Support
At St Francis of Assisi College, we have a well-rounded Wellbeing Team with broader access to professional support. Please get in touch with Mr. Luke Cotter (Leader of Wellbeing) if you wish to seek support for your child.
“There's nothing better than a world where everybody's just trying to make each other laugh.”
- Matthew Perry
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
On Wednesday, our Rowing Program students took part in another Day Camp. Anna Petersen joined us again, assisting Mrs Turnbull with coaching and discussing the importance of crews developing race plans and strategies in preparation for upcoming regattas, also highlighting the key role our coxswains play in racing situations.
Mrs Turnbull and Anna shared their own personal experiences as a crew on how they used to develop race plans, sometimes having to overcome differing opinions. These are common challenges in team sports but a valuable skill, in sport and life, to be able to develop a respectful relationship with our crew mates. Through developing our race plans, crews were also asked to consider their WHY – something we all took away from the visit from Australian Sprint Track Cyclist, Kristina Clonan the day before.
Students participated in three on-water sessions, showing technical improvements through each one. Crews practised race starts and worked through different components of their race plans. The Yr 9 girls quad even finished off the day with a practise 1000m race. It was a great day of growth, perseverance, and skill development!
Thanks, Anna, for sharing your experience with us. A special thank you is also extended to Miss Gibbons who is taking on more coaching responsibilities this term and Miss Camporeale for her continued support, making it all possible!
Enjoy this short video from the day: ROWING VIDEO
Our crews are off to West Lakes on Saturday 18th November to compete in the 3rd Grade and Novice State Championship Regatta.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Rowing Coach

Remembrance Day is this Saturday 11th of November. Our Year 9's have been studying WW1 in HASS, so it was fitting for them to lead a Remembrance Day reflection, which they did during Home Group on Friday 10 November. Students also made poppies which can be pinned to staff and student's shirts as a visual reminder of Remembrance Day.
Mrs Trudigan and Miss Graney

RSVPs appreciated, use this link: RSVP

Congratulations to Hugh R - Hugh was awarded Gold in Swimming Australia’s Pho3nix Junior Excellence program (11 - 14 years). As a result of his hard work and talent in the pool Hugh was invited to Pho3nix Junior Excellence Gold Level Clinic, held on Saturday 14th October at SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre in Adelaide.
Olympian, Matt Temple and Australia National swimmer, Brittany Castelluzzo were among the coaches that supported the Junior Excellence Gold Level Clinic. Hugh was the only swimmer invited from the Riverland, he proudly represented Vitor Renmark Amateur Swimming Club and St Francis of Assisi College at the top level of his age group.
Congratulations also to Louis B for being awarded Blue in Swimming Australia’s Pho3nix Junior Excellence program.

Council’s Community Satisfaction Survey is undertaken every four (4) years with an aim to understand community satisfaction with Council, highlight areas for improvement and to benchmark against the local government sector.
To participate in the Survey, individuals can scan the QR code on the promotional material or alternatively, they can request a phone interview by calling 1800 077 789 (free call) or emailing or by completing a hard copy survey at the library or civic centre.
The Survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes and everyone who participates in the Survey will go into the running to win 1 of 4 $250 vouchers.
All responses will remain confidential, and results will be represented without any personally identifying information.
Participation in the Survey is available for Renmark, Paringa and Lyrup residents (18+) only and is open for three weeks commencing Monday 23 October to COB Sunday 12 November 2023.

Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society South Australia initiative bringing affordable and educational swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations across Metro and Regional South Australia since the 1950’s. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The aim of keeping the program affordable, is to reach families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, and as we approach the busy Summer months now is the time to equip them with the knowledge to save a life.
The program will be returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the newly adapted Royal Life Saving Swim & Survive program.
Royal Life Saving also offer pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross , Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within the local communities.
