St Francis of Assisi College - Term 4 Week 2 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Year 10 Retreat
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Circle of Support
- Year 8B Visual Art
- Stage 1 Child Studies
- National Wakakirri Award Winner
- Rowing Day Camp
- Riverland Regatta Support and Fundraising Opportunity for SFoAC Rowing Program
- Renmark Rowing Club - Come & Try Rowing (for parents and adults)
- Congratulations Panos
- College Office - Open Hours
- Vitor Renmark Swimming Club Welcome Night
- Renmark Paringa Council – Young Citizen of the Year nominations
- Riverland All Girls - Australian Rules Football
- Department for Child Protection - call for Volunteers
- The Haven Riverland - Women's Information Service call for Volunteers
- Life Without Barriers - Become a Foster Carer
- Junior Employment Opportunity - Tri State Graphics
- Uniform buy/swap/sell/giveaway Facebook Page
- Saver Plus-Funded by Department of Social Services, partnered by Brotherhood St Laurence and ANZ, delivered by The Smith Family.
- Twentyfirst Street Bridge Replacement
- The Ways We Communicate
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Let's celebrate our teachers!
World Teachers' Day is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the incredible work teachers do every day. By celebrating this day and showing our appreciation, we can help create a supportive and encouraging environment that allows teachers to thrive and continue making a positive impact on our children's lives.
All Saints and All Soul’s Days
The month of November begins with All Saints Day, 1 November, followed by All Soul’s Day, 2 November. On All Saints Day we honour all Saints, canonised or not, known, and unknown. This day can be celebrated by reading stories of the Saints and praying to them, reminding us that there are many paths to sainthood, and we are all called to holiness just like they were.
On All Soul’s Day, we honour our deceased loved one, and pray for their souls, and ask them to pray for us.
The pagan festival Halloween, which is celebrated with growing enthusiasm in Australia, interestingly comes from the old English word, ‘hallow,’ and literally means holy or blessed and can be used to describe saints. Halloween then actually means All Hallows Eve - or 'the day before All Saints Day'. These saints and these souls have gone before us and responded to the invitations of their time with an imagination, creativity, and courage. Their lives were so filled with the love of God that people began to experience God’s love more deeply through them.
Staffing Announcements
We sadly farewell, and all wish the best, to following current teachers leaving our school community at the end of 2024:
Ms Mae Camporeale
Mae has accepted a permanent teaching position at St Mark’s College, Port Pirie.
Mae is an inaugural member of our College staff team, beginning in 2022 and will forever be part of our history in these important formative years.
Ms Ruby Orchard
Ms Orchard has accepted a permanent teaching position at St Joseph’s School, Port Lincoln.
Ruby joined our school community as a Graduate Teacher this year, and quickly immersed herself in the local school and broader community.
We look forward to formally thanking Mae and Ruby for their valuable contributions as the school year comes to an end.
The following teachers will be taking Maternity Leave in 2025:
Mrs Rebecca Ward
Mrs Ward will continue her Maternity Leave in 2025 with a planned return from the beginning of Term 3, 2025.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney
Mrs Bonney will begin Maternity Leave from the beginning of 2025, for the remainder of the 2025 school year.
We welcome the following new teachers to our school community for 2025:
Mrs Adelle Matthews English and Humanities
Mrs Julia Chukwuani Language
Mrs Neven Daoud Maths, Science, Language
Mrs Sarah Baugh Maths and Science
2025 Enrolments
The College continues to experience significant demand in relation to enrolments. Our two year 7 classes are nearing capacity and parents planning to enrol their child are encouraged to do so immediately.
There remain places for enrolment open in years 8, 9, 10 and 11 for the 2025 school year.
Should you wish to discuss this further please contact our College Registrar, Claire Smith (phone 8595 4500, or email
2025 Core Class Groups
We are about to begin the important task of reviewing Year 8 to 11 core class groups for 2025. In doing so we consider several factors to ensure the best possible learning environment for your child. These include a balance of males and females and a full range of abilities and needs, including educational and behavioural.
Should you have any specific educational or behavioural information that would assist in the process of creating classes, please email Luke Cotter ( by no later than Friday November 8th. Please note that this is not an opportunity to request that your child be with specific students or teachers.
Classes will be carefully constructed after Friday 8th November, and therefore any relevant information you want to share must be emailed prior to this date for consideration.
We thank you for observing this advice and the timeframe set, and I am very much looking forward to setting up the best learning environments for the 2024 school year.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal
Year 10 Retreat
This week, our Year 10 students gathered for a meaningful retreat focused on Laudato Si', emphasizing care for creation and social justice. The day began with a warm welcome and a powerful keynote from Michelle Storry of AC Care, who spoke about homelessness in the Riverland, inspiring students to think about their role in making a difference. Students spent some time later in the day brainstorming ideas of how we could work with AC are during RE lessons for a SACE unit of work as an ongoing partnership.
After some fun teamwork games, students participated in workshops that encouraged self-care and environmental awareness. Activities included a Toxic Chemical Workshop, a DIY Body Scrub session, and a Nature Walk and Reflection, all designed to deepen their understanding of personal and community well-being.
The retreat concluded with a time capsule activity where students shared their reflections and hopes. A liturgy followed, fostering gratitude and commitment to caring for ourselves and the world around us.
This retreat was a wonderful opportunity for our students to grow together, and we look forward to seeing how they apply these important lessons in their lives.
Feast of St John Paul the II
On October 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint John Paul II, who was Pope from 1978 to 2005. He is remembered for his contributions to the Church and the world, including his role in promoting peace, human rights, and interfaith dialogue.
Prayer - St John Paul II
Dear God,
We thank you for the life of Saint John Paul II and his commitment to love, peace, and hope. Inspire us at St. Francis of Assisi School to follow his example by promoting kindness and understanding in our community.
Help us to stand up for what is right and to spread joy to those around us. May we reflect the spirit of St. Francis in our actions, showing compassion and respect to all.
We ask this in Jesus' name.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

PAT Testing
In week 3, all students will complete the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT). There are two tests: PAT-R (reading) and PAT-M (Numeracy). These are diagnostic assessments conducted to measure student’s growth throughout the year. They provide valuable information to teachers about your child’s learning strengths and needs. The tests will indicate what skills students have mastered, what skills they are consolidating and even more importantly what skills they need to be educationally stretched. It will also provide teachers with objective information for setting realistic learning goals and enables them to better plan learning programs as students’ progress through the college.
If you have any questions about PAT Testing, please contact the College.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Student Transitions
We look forward to meeting our 2025 Year 7 cohort at our two formal transition days held on Thursday 28 November and Friday 29 November 2024.
If you are interested to reserve a place for your child or to book a tour, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email

Student Leadership
The College has the above student leadership positions to be filled by appointed members from the student body for 2025 in each of the four houses.
We are accepting applications from our current Year 7, 8 and 9 students to fill the positions on the Student Leadership Council for Years 8-10. The 2025 Year 11 cohort will have the opportunity to apply for House Captain and Vice-Captain positions through a separate process. The current Year 10’s will receive further information in Pastoral Care next week regarding the roles and responsibilities for House Captain and Vice-Captain.
The positions will be held by the successful students for the entire school year and will involve responsibilities such as:
- Regular student leader meetings
- Rotating Attendance at College events (e.g. tours, ceremonies, fundraisers etc.)
- Rotating Attendance at Community events (e.g. ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Riverland Field Days, Rose and Garden Festival etc.)
- Master of Ceremonies for Term Assemblies
- Participation in Student Action Groups
- Other duties as invited by the Leader of Wellbeing or Principal
The process adopted by the College allows for multiple inputs into the decision-making process by the College leadership team. Each applicant’s application is reviewed, and a shortlist of applicants are invited to an interview. Additionally, shortlisted applicants are also listed in a democratic voting system and voted upon by the student body. All aspects of this process are treated equally and give guidance to the selection panel in their decision making.
Timeline |
Week 2 |
Application forms emailed to students |
Week 4 |
Applications due on Friday Nov 8th |
Week 6 |
Interviews conducted & student vote |
Week 8 |
Announcement at Whole School Assembly |
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.
Home Group |
Teachers |
Miss Rebecca Ward |
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan |
Miss Niamh Graney |
Mr. John Lyons |
Miss Mae Camporeale |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Mrs Isabella Trudgian |
Miss Ruby Orchard |
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
This term 8B have been experimenting with Air-dry clay and practicing the techniques of pinching and coiling to create pinch pots/coil pots. Students have also been getting creative with their drawing.
They've had lots of fun and have found it very relaxing too!

This term our focus is on children and play. In particular, students are exploring the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social development linked to Nature Play. Students have been conducting research within a chosen topic of development linking this to the benefits of Nature Play for children.
To enhance student learning we visited the Renmark Children's Centre and observed toddlers, pre-schoolers, and kindy children at play. Our students loved the experience and the playful interactions from the children we met.
A big thank you to Gale and her team at RCC for sharing their wonderful nature play environment with us.
Mrs Amber Burgess, Child Studies Teacher

Our College was one of two Catholic Schools in South Australia to bring home National Wakakirri Awards. The other award winner was Whitefriars Catholic Schoool located at Woodville Park.
Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools with 180 schools from across the country taking part in 2024. Participating schools are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos ‘great stories inspire change’ to create and perform story-dances that reflect students’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations. This year’s theme was ‘Belonging’ and the event was performed at the Norwood Concert Hall across a number of days in August and September.
Our students’ performance focussed on the understanding that each student has their own narrative, and experiencing the challenges of adolescence is like a rite of passage to becoming a young adult. Although there are challenges, there are also many positives, supported by one's ability to embrace and accept themselves, and their strengths, and finding comfort in people they feel safe with, and trust.
Congratulations to all involved! This is an incredible achievement and we are so proud. Thank you to the amazing Kiesha Barber and supporting staff for making it happen.
On Thursday 24October our Senior and Junior Squad took part in their Term 4 Day Camp. Our focus was on preparing for this weekends Waikerie Regatta on Saturday 26 October. We were faced with some windy conditions but students proved to be growing in skill and confidence, still completing all the three sessions as planned.
Another great day on the water improving our skills and working as a team. Best of luck to our crews on Saturday!
Mrs Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator, Rowing Coach & Learning Support

This year, Renmark Rowing Club will host the Riverland Regatta and 2nd Grade State Champs on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 December. This event is a major fundraiser for the Club, which due to our strong partnership, means it’s an opportunity to assist in raising funds to support our St Francis Rowing Program.
The Riverland Regatta is one of the largest events on the Rowing SA calendar and sees many clubs and schools travel to our region. At their last event in 2021, there were 866 rowers who competed in 220 races across the 2 day’s. It is a great opportunity to get a taste for what the sport has to offer.
We are seeking members of our community who are interested in volunteering to support this major fundraising event. People can opt into specific duties, and state availability. All families will receive an Edsmart Form seeking EOI before a more comprehensive list is circulated.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Rowing Coach

Pictured: Panos after one of his bouts in Boxing SA State Championships
Panos S competed in Boxing SA State Championships held in Adelaide last weekend. Panos gained a Silver Medal in the 50kg weight category. Great effort, especially so since this was his first experience competing at this level.

Vitor Renmark Swimming Club is holding their season launch and welcome night on Monday 28 October. New members welcome – kids must be 7+ years old and a competent swimmer.
Nominations for the 2025 Citizen of the Year Awards are now open!
Nominations are invited from people who live in the Renmark Paringa Council area, are aged between 16-30 years and who have significantly contributed to the Renmark Paringa community?
This could be a student, teacher or even a volunteer that comes to mind.
The awards rely on members of the public to nominate, we are encouraged to consider outstanding individuals at our school or that person that came to mind whilst reading this message. We also encourage you to share this email with your networks or other potential nominators.
Nominations are open – simply complete the online form by 15 November 2024.
Tell them who they are, what they have achieved and why you would like to see them recognised.
Further details regarding the awards in Renmark Paringa can be found on Engage RPC, Council’s engagement platform

The link to register is below:

Tri State Graphis are looking for a junior staff member to work after school hours.
3.30pm to 5.30pm, 3 nights a week plus two – three Saturday mornings per month, plus extra hours. Looking for someone who is available during school holidays.
Key Duties & Responsibilities:
- Assisting sales staff with shop displays
- Pricing stock
- Refilling clothing racks
- Answering phones occasionally
Required Skills and Experience:
- Reliable and committed
- Willingness to learn
- General knowledge of computers
- Polite phone manner
- Good Communication skills
- Position to start Mid-August
If this sounds like the position for you, please present your resumé and cover letter to our business manager in person or email a copy to:
Tri State Graphics
216 Renmark Avenue
Renmark S.A.

Don't forget we have a Facebook page for parents/caregivers to exchange College uniforms.
You'll need to be a member of the group to access and can then directly communicate with others wanting to exchange uniforms.
The College also keeps a small supply of emergency uniforms that are needed from time to time. If you would like to donate pre-loved uniforms please drop them into the College office. Thank you.

Saver Plus will chat with families about their eligibility:
- Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card
- Payment from Centrelink and
- Earning an income (employment, carer’s payment, or child support).
Families can check their eligibility and receive a call back using the enquiry link - Saver Plus - Enquire Now or call our national number 1300 610 355 and a local coordinator will contact them directly.

The replacement bridge works are now underway, with a scheduled completion date of April 2025.
Renmark Paringa Council has informed the College they will use their website to provide ongoing and up to date information for the community:

Don't hestiate to contact the College office on 8595 4500 if you have any difficulty with the various mediums used by the College to commuicate with families. Or alternatively complete the form below.
Important Dates
Open Twilight Garden
Waikerie Omnium Rowing Regatta
All Saints Day
Murray Bridge Rowing Regatta
All Souls Day
Year 10 Outdoor Education - Surf Camp 6-8 November 2024
Riverland Schools Triathlon, Barmera
Remembrance Day 2024
3rd Grade & Novice State Rowing Champships
Upcoming Events
Open Twilight Garden

Please join us for a magical evening for the whole family! Purchas a delicious platter from Crave Catering Co and enjoy live music, while exploring handcrafted produces and recycled artwork made by our students!
BYO drings & picnic rugs.