St Francis of Assisi College - Term 3 Week 8 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- R U OK? Day
- Year 8 Wood Technology
- Year 8 - Rube Goldberg Machines
- Inspired by Nature
- Rowing - Grade Regatta #2, West Lakes
- Employment Opportunity - Maths and/or Science Teaching Position
- Catholic Education SA - 2024 Tuition Fee Freeze
- Important Message: Missing College Sports Tops
- Saver Plus
- KFC Are Hiring
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
- Tennis Your Way
- SANFL - All-Girls Auskick
- Employment Opportunity - Bus Drivers
- Stay Connected
- Riverland YEL Forum (Young Environmental Leaders)
- G1 Youth - Riverland Central Church
- Renmark Paringa Council Youth Sponsorship Program
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Staff Retreat Day
All staff gathered last Friday at Banrock Station to engage in a day of reflection and dialogue. We were joined by Jacqui Remond, who guided staff through the day.
The purpose of the retreat day was for the staff of St Francis of Assisi College to engage with Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ – On Care For Our Common Home, to deepen our individual and collective understanding of Integral Ecology in response to the ecological, economic, cultural and social crises and discern the implications and co-creative responses for the common good. The day focused on Laudato Si’ Goals 1, 2 and 4: Responding to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor, Ecological Spirituality.
The day finished with staff re-visiting some of our agreed priorities that will embed our commitment to Laudato Si’ as a school community. These priorities are:
- Bookmark Creek – ongoing engagement with stakeholders to grow our student engagement with Bookmark Creek in a range of ways.
- ‘Empow-her’ – wellbeing initiatives catering for specific needs of our female students.
- The Community Garden – developing beyond the kitchen garden aspect, and engaging with key stakeholders to engage with our regions First Nations people, agricultural and industry links, and bringing the local community in to our College.
- First Nations Partnership - An ongoing relationship with the Meru/ Erawirung people is a critical element of the Laudato Si’ vision.
- The Laudato Si’ approach for engaging students in social justice issues
R U OK? DAY 2023 – I am here to hear
This week we celebrated R U OK? Day on Thursday 14 September. The message this year is “I am here to hear.” The message appreciates that life's ups and downs happen to all of us and R U OK? is calling on all of us to let the people you care about know you're here, to really hear them. So chances are someone we know might be struggling, and our genuine support can make a difference with whatever they are facing, big or small. R U OK? Day encourages us not to wait until someone is visibly distressed or in crisis. Rather we are urged to make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going. I take this opportunity to reiterate that St Francis of Assisi College has a strong commitment to wellbeing, using trauma informed, scientific methodology of Positive Psychology, which is designed to guide and strengthen relationships. All staff are trained in the Resilient IMPACT program of intentional practice, which is carried out with our partner, Life Buoyancy Institute and focuses on adults being mindful teachers, who intentionally respond to individual and student growth needs.
At St Francis of Assisi College we also use Orah wellbeing check-ins twice per week during Home Group, we want to know if our students are ok every day.
Season of Creation
We have entered the Season of Creation which will end on 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of Ecology.
This week you might like to ponder these questions as a family:
1. Can we be more mindful in the way we reduce, reuse and recycle?
2. How can we live more simply and incorporate time in nature into our day?
‘…Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature…’ (Excerpt from the 2023 Laudato Si’ Prayer)
Nathan Hayes, Principal

High Impact Teaching Strategies – Explicit teaching
For our collaborative and reflective practices cycle this term, teachers have been asked to focus on the high impact teaching strategy of explicit teaching. When teachers adopt explicit teaching practices they clearly show students what to do and how to do it. The teacher decides on learning intentions and success criteria, makes them transparent to students, and demonstrates them by modelling. The teacher checks for understanding, and at the end of each lesson revisits what was covered and ties it all together. Providing explicit instruction to students limits the mental effort for students allowing them to process new information more effectively. It also improves students’ ability to recall previously learnt knowledge and provides opportunities for students to achieve learning outcomes efficiently and effectively.
Showcase of Learning
On Monday 25 September, from 5-7pm, the College will be holding our annual Showcase of Learning evening. Following last year’s great success, we have combined our Showcase of Learning, $20 Boss Expo and Limitless Possibilities Business Expo into one evening of community fun. This night will showcase students learning and their achievements across all year levels, with year 8 $20 boss business products available to purchase. Also, thanks to our amazing Industry and Community engagement sub-committee, BBQ, salads and drinks will be provided. Please join us and celebrate in our students’ successes.
Term 3 Learner Conversations
Student/Parent/Teacher conversations will occur Tuesday 19 September and Wednesday 20 September from 4pm-6:30 pm at the College. This term these conversations will occur with your child’s subject teacher. Your child is an important part of this conversation as they reflect on their strengths and needs as they become a capable learner.
Student progress update reports were released through SEQTA on Thursday 7 September. To access these reports, click on assessments and the relevant subject. Please view these reports, as a subject teacher may have identified an interview would be beneficial to discuss your child's learning and to support their progress.
If your child has a teacher for multiple subjects, could you please make one booking time slot with that teacher. This will ensure there is enough booking times available for all parents.
Bookings are made online through School Interviews
To log on, please use the link
If you are unable to book an appointment but would still like to meet with a teacher, please contact the school on 8595 4500. Please contact the College if you have any questions.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
Student Transitions
Last Thursday, we welcomed students from St Albert’s Catholic School and several students from other Riverland primary schools for an Immersion Day. Once again, Food Technology proved to be a hit and many of the students shared they couldn’t pick just one aspect of the day as their favourite because they enjoyed everything!

We look forward to meeting our 2024 Year 7 cohort at our two formal transition days held on Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st.
If you are interested to reserve a place for your child or to book a tour, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email

September 14th was R U OK? Day.
What is R U OK?
R U OK? is a harm prevention charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives.
Today brings awareness to how we can support people going through tough times and to encourage friends and family to check in with each other with meaningful conversations.
What does a meaningful conversation look like?
It makes them feel supported, heard and safe. The conversation is helpful and makes them feel better and assists in managing their situation.
In Term 3 in Year 8 Wood Technology, the Year 8A class deepened their understanding of the design process through a Compressed Air Dragster Project. Students conducted individual research into the most aerodynamic designs, as well as creating ways to reduce the overall mass of their dragster. They completed hand drawn sketches of their designs to create a template, which were used to cut out the initial shapes of their dragsters. They then used a variety of hand tools to shape the body of their cars, before adding eyelets, axels and wheels. They tested their cars for speed, before going back and making necessary modifications to maximise aerodynamics. Finally, students spray painted their cars and raced them.
The winner of the dragster competition was Anu Arkan, who defeated Greg Empedocles in the final. The best design was awarded to Jaxon Curtis with his Hot Dog design, ahead of Kaleb Moxham and Sophie Robertson. Well done to all students!

Year 8's have been building Rube Goldberg machines in Science
Year 8’s have been drawing inspiration from nature to assist with their visual art assessment. Along with this, students have been exploring and using different mediums in art.
The only limited criteria was set for students, these were:
- inspired by nature
- abstract or semi-abstract outcomes
- A3 size
These artworks will be on display for our upcoming showcase of learning evening and the students will be very proud to present them to you.
Amber Burgess, Art Teacher

On Saturday 9th September, our Rowing Program students competed in their first Regatta for the season at West Lakes. This Regatta is part of a format that was added to Rowing SA’s Regatta Calendar this season, to support new rowers and provide a non-intimidating introduction to racing.
We entered 9 crews in 7 events – Singles, Doubles and Coxed Quads, in both Novice and 3rd Grade Divisions.
While this is a regatta with fewer entries, our rowers were able to test out their improved fitness and skills in each event. There were some exciting pushes to the finish line amongst our Year 8 and 9 girls 4x+ (Coxed Quads), with each securing a win over the other in their two races. We also had most crews finish ahead of at least one other crew from an Adelaide Club. The day ended with a very exciting race, Brodie and Harry fighting it out against Pt Adelaide in the Novice Men’s 2x – if it wasn’t or a seat breakage in the last 100m our boys would have won!
A huge congratulations to all our rowers on an exceptional start to our competitive season. Not only did you all represent the College well amongst the wider Rowing SA community, but you also all noticed the difference your training is making to your performance. A great improvement!!
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Rowing Coach
(some recent rowing training video footage)
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator and Rowing Coach

We are missing a number of the College's sports tops used by students when they are representing the College for a range of different sporting events.
Can we please ask both parents & students to have a good look at home for any St Francis Sports tops.
These can be returned (preferably laundered) to either Mr Sampson or Mr Prokopec in the Staff Office.
With several events coming up these missing tops will be needed.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Could your family use an extra $500? Learn about Saver Plus.
If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it.
$500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months)
Participants can put that money towards education expenses for themselves or their children, including:
- Computers, laptops, and tablets
- Books, uniforms & shoes
- Sports & music, camps, excursions, and more…
What is Saver Plus?
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about boosting their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
At its heart, Saver Plus is about steering people towards sustainable, life-changing savings habits that set them up for a brighter future.

Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society South Australia initiative bringing affordable and educational swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations across Metro and Regional South Australia since the 1950’s. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The aim of keeping the program affordable, is to reach families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, and as we approach the busy Summer months now is the time to equip them with the knowledge to save a life.
The program will be returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the newly adapted Royal Life Saving Swim & Survive program.
Royal Life Saving also offer pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross , Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within the local communities.

Introducing, Tennis Your Way.
An innovative Tennis Australia funded and research driven program aimed at High School girls who've had little or no tennis experience.
Tennis Australia has listened and responded to what girls are saying and has implemented a fun, friendly and engaging program.
Music, racquets and fun games supplied and it's FREE.
Starts August 24th.
John Pick

SANFL is excited to announce the new format for girls footy in the Riverland.
Starting on October 21, the SANFL will run FREE U16, U13 & U10 competitions and training squads, plus an All-Girls Auskick at the discounted price of $50!
The exciting new format will give girls of all skill levels - including newcomers - the chance to play in an all girls format.
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗫 competition will see girls placed into one of four teams (not club-based) at U16 and U13 level and coached by some of the Riverland's top coaches.
The six-week program on Saturday mornings will see the players train and then play at a central RFL venue each week.
Best players, goal kickers and ladders will be recorded too!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 program will see U10s come together under the eye of newly appointed SANFL staff member Kayla Mudge, to learn the fundamentals, rules and nuances of footy, but most of all to have fun!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
And the 𝗔𝗹𝗹-𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗰𝗸 will be headed up by local goal kicking superstar Stacey Geyer.
The first 24 girls to register will also get to take part in the AFLW half time experience at the Adelaide v North Melbourne game in October.
Registrations for All-Girls Auskick will open at a later date so keep your eyes peeled for that information.
If you or your child would like to get involved in any of these programs, please don't hesitate to contact the SANFL staff below:
Nick Dillon | 0479 016 854
Kayla Mudge | 0429 626 885

Our partners, LinkSA are currently recruiting bus drivers for permanent positions! LinkSA would like to employ someone from our College community and are also open to applications from the broader community. Driving hours are between 7am-9am and 3pm-5pm and the role would suit a semi-retired person. Support will be provided to the right applicant to obtain accreditation and extensive training will be provided.
Requirements –
- As a minimum a MR licence is required
- Applicants need to be willing to get bus accreditation
- Working with Children Check is required
Please contact Paul on 08 85322633 or 0437 860 539

G1 Youth is a passionate group of young people reaching young people.
They run a program for high school-aged students each Friday night from 7-9pm at 11 Mortimer Road, Berri, offering games, dinner and talk about how to navigate being a teenager in our 21st century.
