St Francis of Assisi College - Term 3 Week 6 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Showcase of Learning & $20 BOSS Expo
- Leader of Learning
- Current and New Family Information Session
- College Community Wellbeing
- Wellbeing Data
- Limitless Possibilities Expo - Invitation to Business Owners
- What's Cooking?
- Year 7 & 8 Boys KO Soccer
- Rowing Program Updates
- Catholic Education SA - 2024 Tuition Fee Freeze
- Important Message: Missing College Sports Tops
- Saver Plus
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - Holiday Swim Program
- REACHarge Youth ‘Movie & Dessert Night’ – Saturday 2 September
- Renmark Basketball Club - Yrs 8 - 15 Registrations
- Tennis Your Way
- SANFL - All-Girls Auskick
- Employment Opportunity - Bus Drivers
- Stay Connected
- Riverland YEL Forum (Young Environmental Leaders)
- G1 Youth - Riverland Central Church
- Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)
- Renmark Paringa Council Youth Sponsorship Program
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

The Season of Creation
The Season of Creation runs for September 1st until October 4th, and with our College ethos of Laudato Si’, this period in the Liturgical Season of the Catholic Church has particular importance to our school community.
The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.
In recent years, statements from religious leaders around the world have also encouraged the faithful to take time to care for creation during the month-long celebration.
Listen, Learn, Love –
A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
In 1967, Australians gave overwhelming support to a referendum that recognised Australia’s First Peoples as citizens. In 2023, we will be given a chance to vote in another referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through a Voice to Parliament.
Australia’s Bishops see it as an opportunity for all Australians to renew our engagement with the First Peoples of Australia. They have come to this view through much listening to the First Peoples and they encourage us all to listen to them in a spirit of love and humility.
The Bishops invite the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) to speak directly about their experiences of injustice and about their hopes for the future.
NATSICC addresses the many injustices their people have faced since colonisation until now. They speak of many concerns including high suicide rates and incarceration, shorter life expectancy and poorer outcomes in employment, education, and housing. They also identify racism as an on-going challenge. The information they use includes the Closing the Gap Report and the witness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who spoke about their concerns during visits to many communities during the preparation of this statement.
The Bishops invite us, as Catholics, to begin a new engagement with the First Peoples to overcome injustice, an engagement grounded in love. This love is at the heart of Jesus’ message. This love is characterised by a commitment to encounter and dialogue, reciprocity, mutual accompaniment, and a desire to put the other at the centre of our attention.
The Bishops offer us some simple actions which could help us to begin this new engagement. The Bishops do not tell us how to vote in the referendum, but they encourage us to inform ourselves about the issues through respectful dialogue, especially with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
ESO Week
Last week we celebrated 'Support Staff Week of Action'. This was an opportunity for us to recognise the significant contribution that our wonderful Education Support Officers make to our school community. Their work is wide and varied across our school. It ranges from supporting children in classes with their learning and wellbeing to ensuring that our wide range of administration services run day to day. Without them our College would not function. With grateful hearts, may we all give thanks for our fantastic support staff.
“Where we start matters”
National Child Protection Week – 3-9 September
The theme for this year continues to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future, being “Where we start matters”.
I believe that caring for children is a universal responsibility and privilege.
I will….
1. care for children in my community according to their needs. I will not discriminate due to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion or disability
2. respect that there are many different positive ways to raise children
3. seek to keep children connected to family, community, language, and culture
4. never knowingly harm a child or allow them to be harmed
5. speak up and seek advice about the safety and wellbeing of children (including talking to caregivers, other professionals, an appropriate supervisor, or legal authority)
6. provide an environment for children where they feel safe, thrive, and can develop positive relationships with adults and peers
7. be a good role model for children; be polite and respectful around children
8. listen to, and value, what children and young people have to say, and include their voices in decision making
9. be a leader who stands up for the rights of children, advocates for their best interests, and constructively challenges practices
10. support families and encourage them to ask for help, rather than judging
Wellbeing Initiative - Classroom Pulse ‘Check-In’
As in past years, each term this year during Week 5 and 6, every student in a Catholic School in South Australia will participate in a simple online Classroom Pulse Check-In. This Check-In has been developed to ascertain how students are currently feeling about their experience in school. It is tailored to allow your child’s teacher(s) to Check-In and provide immediate feedback and support to them. The Check-In will be carried out during the school day.
Welcome to Mr John Neate:
Chair, South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS)
Last Wednesday we welcomed Mrs Nichii Mardon, Diocesan Director Catholic Education, Diocese of Port Pirie, and Mr John Neate, the newly appointed Chair of SACCS.
It was terrific to welcome Mr Neate to the Riverland for the first time, where he spent the week visiting all the Riverland Catholic Schools.
The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) has oversight of education in all Catholic schools and sets directions, allocates resources, and develops policies for Catholic schools in South Australia.
The Commission and its four Standing Committees are supported by a number of permanent committees and working parties. Catholic Education SA through its schools, colleges, and centres, implements SACCS’ decisions and policies.
Mr Neate has a long association with Catholic education in the State, having commenced his teaching at Thomas More College and worked in Catholic schools over the past three decades, which includes serving as the principal of Kildare College and Cabra Dominican College and other senior roles within Catholic Education SA. For 5 years John worked in Prague in various leadership roles at Riverside International School.
He has served as a SACCS member since 2016 and was chair of the Commission’s Learning Wellbeing and Inclusion Standing Committee prior to his appointment as Chair of the Commission. John is also on the Board of Trustees of Dominican Education Australia.
Nathan Hayes, Principal

Pictured: Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal, Mrs Nichii Mardon, Diocesan Director Catholic Education, Mr John Neate, Chair, South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) and Mr Tim Pfeiffer, Collge Board Chairperson

Book Week
The theme for this year’s book week was, READ, GROW, INSPIRE. We celebrated this by travelling to the Riverland Catholic Primary Schools. Year 7 and Year 8 St Francis of Assisi students read to the younger primary school students and worked alongside the students during a range of activities. There were so many smiling faces and everybody had fun. Thank you to our amazing Riverland Catholic Primary schools, St. Joseph's School Renmark, St Joseph's School Barmera, Our Lady of the River Berri.
Term 3 Student Progress Update Reports:
Student progress update reports will be released through SEQTA on Friday 8 September. To access these reports, click on assessments and the relevant subject.
The aim of this report is to provide parents/carers feedback about their child’s progress before a formal grade is given in the end of semester report. Feedback enables a student to monitor their learning and focus on areas of improvement. It also provides a starting point, for parent/carers to discuss their child’s attitude to learning, to ask about your child’s strengths and how they can be enhanced, to ask which subjects are most challenging for your child and why, and to focus on your child’s learning growth and progression rather than the grade. We hope you find these progress reports valuable.
Student /Parent/ Home Group Teacher Conversations:
Student/Parent/Home Group Teacher conversations will occur Tuesday 19 September and Wednesday 20 September from 4pm-6pm at the College. These meetings will involve subject teacher, parent and child. Your child is an important part of this conversation as they reflect on their strengths and needs as they become a capable learner.
Further details will be provided on how to make a booking with your child’s subject teacher.
Showcase of Learning
On Monday 25 September, from 5-7pm, the College will be holding our annual Showcase of Learning evening. Following last year’s great success, we have combined our Showcase of Learning, $20 Boss Expo and Limitless Possibilities Business Expo into one evening of community fun. This night will showcase students learning and their achievements across all year levels, with Year 8 $20 boss business products available to purchase. Also, thanks to our amazing Industry and Community engagement sub-committee, BBQ, salads and drinks will be provided. Please join us and celebrate in our students’ successes.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Register Renmark Info Session St Francis of Assisi College | Events
Student Transitions
We welcomed Year 6 students from St Joseph’s Renmark in Week 5 for their final Immersion Day. Mr Hunt presented the group with a challenging building problem and Mrs Trudgian presented a task requiring each group to construct a bridge with limited resources.
The College welcome other catholic schools as below:
School |
Term 3 |
St Albert’s and Non-Catholic Primary Schools |
7th September |

Tracking Student Wellbeing
Every Monday and Thursday, all students are invited to complete a ‘Mood Check’ via the Orah platform. The College trialled the platform in late 2022 with sample of students before embarking on 2023 with whole school use.
In full transparency, we are sharing our whole school data we have captured from this process so far. As you can see from the influences chart, sometimes what is under the surface for each child cannot be categorised by specific categories as we have attempted. It is pleasing to note however that the overwhelming emotions are generally positive (as demonstrated by the orange and green bars/emotions).
I invite you to converse with your child about their mood checks and discuss what their general influences on mood and feelings are in their daily lives. As research displays many young people are turning inward due to the changes in society, it is more imperative to ensure we connect outwardly with the young persons in our lives and in our care.
Ongoing Support
At St Francis of Assisi College, we have a well-rounded Wellbeing team with broader access to professional support. Please get in touch with Mr. Luke Cotter (Leader of Wellbeing) if you wish to seek support for your child.
Wellbeing Webinars
Wellio will be delivering a webinar each term to parents. The upcoming webinar this term is focussed on healthy relationships.
If you would like to attend via Zoom you can register here:
Wellio will record the event, so please register if you can't attend but want access to the recording.
“It’s not enough to be against something. You have to be for something better.”
- Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

Dear local business owner,
The Year 9 students of St Francis of Assisi College have been exploring sustainable businesses and social entrepreneurship within HASS and RE this term. Within this unit, students have worked hard in small groups to develop a business or product which drives social or environmental change within our Riverland community.
We would like to formally invite you to our Limitless Possibilities Business Expo on Monday the 25th of September 2023. It would be greatly appreciated if you could attend this expo anytime from 9:30am to 11am, to offer students valuable feedback and advice.
If you are able to attend, please RSVP.
Term 3 has been flying by quickly and for students in Food Technology they have been fine-tuning their culinary skills, confidence, and knowledge of cuisines.
Over the past two weeks we have made: Okonomiyaki, Noodle Ninja Mince and Apple Crumble with Custard.
Stay tuned for the Year 7’s Smart Snack Assessment piece, this will be held in week 7.

Our Yr 7 & 8 boys soccer team travelled to Thomas Moore College, Salisbury Downs today (Friday 18 August) to compete in the KO Soccer competition.
Great work by our team, with a hard fought victory 4-5 over St Columba and the game going to extra time. The winning goal was scored with just 30 seconds left in the game. Great defense work by Jaxon and Reece, with Matt making some big saves!!
Unfortunately the boys went down to Thomas Moore College in their second round robin match.
Big thank you to John Lyons and Luke Prokopec for supporting the team today.

Our rowers have shown great improvements so far this term, a large contributor to this being their commitment to the four training sessions each week. This was evident during last weeks first round of ergo testing for the season, where they completed a 10min piece at a set rating. This test is used to measure the athletes aerobic improvements as well as improvements in their efficiency per stroke. Almost all rowers achieved a new PB, well done!!
Our focus is now on preparing for the upcoming Regatta at West Lakes at the end of Week 7.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator and Rowing Coach

We are missing a number of the College's sports tops used by students when they are representing the College for a range of different sporting events.
Can we please ask both parents & students to have a good look at home for any St Francis Sports tops.
These can be returned (preferably laundered) to either Mr Sampson or Mr Prokopec in the Staff Office.
With several events coming up these missing tops will be needed.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Could your family use an extra $500? Learn about Saver Plus.
If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it.
$500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months)
Participants can put that money towards education expenses for themselves or their children, including:
- Computers, laptops, and tablets
- Books, uniforms & shoes
- Sports & music, camps, excursions, and more…
What is Saver Plus?
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about boosting their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
At its heart, Saver Plus is about steering people towards sustainable, life-changing savings habits that set them up for a brighter future.

Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society South Australia initiative bringing affordable and educational swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations across Metro and Regional South Australia since the 1950’s. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.
The aim of keeping the program affordable, is to reach families and communities that might otherwise miss out on the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons, and as we approach the busy Summer months now is the time to equip them with the knowledge to save a life.
The program will be returning in December 2023 and January 2024 with the newly adapted Royal Life Saving Swim & Survive program.
Royal Life Saving also offer pathways into the aquatic industry with their ICONIC Bronze Awards. The Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross , Award of Merit and Distinction levels are designed for those wanting to further their knowledge and skill set, before moving into the aquatic industry as Lifeguards and Swim Teachers within the local communities.

REACHarge Youth ‘Movie & Dessert Night’ – Saturday 2 September
REACHarge Youth is hosting its first–ever Box Night on Saturday 2 September. We’ve taken up the challenge to see how many ways we can have fun using only (for the most part) boxes! Some of our activities include box forts, boxing relays and ten–box bowling. Bring along a friend and some boxes to help make the night a fun one! Please meet at Living Waters Christian Community, 14 Edward Street, Loxton by 6pm for a 9pm finish. Note: parents/caregivers need to sign their youth in and out on the evening unless an alternative arrangement is made with REACHarge Youth prior to the event.
Please bring $2 for supper and drinks. Consent and behavioural policy forms are available on arrival or online at For any questions, queries or to supply dietary information, please contact Ethan Grosse on 0488 444 240 or message the REACHarge Youth Facebook page.

Introducing, Tennis Your Way.
An innovative Tennis Australia funded and research driven program aimed at High School girls who've had little or no tennis experience.
Tennis Australia has listened and responded to what girls are saying and has implemented a fun, friendly and engaging program.
Music, racquets and fun games supplied and it's FREE.
Starts August 24th.
John Pick

SANFL is excited to announce the new format for girls footy in the Riverland.
Starting on October 21, the SANFL will run FREE U16, U13 & U10 competitions and training squads, plus an All-Girls Auskick at the discounted price of $50!
The exciting new format will give girls of all skill levels - including newcomers - the chance to play in an all girls format.
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗫 competition will see girls placed into one of four teams (not club-based) at U16 and U13 level and coached by some of the Riverland's top coaches.
The six-week program on Saturday mornings will see the players train and then play at a central RFL venue each week.
Best players, goal kickers and ladders will be recorded too!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
The 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗟 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 program will see U10s come together under the eye of newly appointed SANFL staff member Kayla Mudge, to learn the fundamentals, rules and nuances of footy, but most of all to have fun!
Register via the QR codes on the flyers below or here:
And the 𝗔𝗹𝗹-𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗰𝗸 will be headed up by local goal kicking superstar Stacey Geyer.
The first 24 girls to register will also get to take part in the AFLW half time experience at the Adelaide v North Melbourne game in October.
Registrations for All-Girls Auskick will open at a later date so keep your eyes peeled for that information.
If you or your child would like to get involved in any of these programs, please don't hesitate to contact the SANFL staff below:
Nick Dillon | 0479 016 854
Kayla Mudge | 0429 626 885

Our partners, LinkSA are currently recruiting bus drivers for permanent positions! LinkSA would like to employ someone from our College community and are also open to applications from the broader community. Driving hours are between 7am-9am and 3pm-5pm and the role would suit a semi-retired person. Support will be provided to the right applicant to obtain accreditation and extensive training will be provided.
Requirements –
- As a minimum a MR licence is required
- Applicants need to be willing to get bus accreditation
- Working with Children Check is required
Please contact Paul on 08 85322633 or 0437 860 539

G1 Youth is a passionate group of young people reaching young people.
They run a program for high school-aged students each Friday night from 7-9pm at 11 Mortimer Road, Berri, offering games, dinner and talk about how to navigate being a teenager in our 21st century.

RYPEN is a three-day residential program of enrichment for young people aged 14 to 17.
The program aims to provide opportunities for young people to develop important life-skills, and to assist them to progress their communication and leadership skills through a range of formal and informal activities.
- RYPEN will be held at Woodhouse Activity Centre from Friday 1 - Sunday 3 September 2023.
- The cost of the program is approximately $425, but most students will attend at no cost, fully sponsored by Rotary.
- Based on each student’s registration details, their local Rotary Club will contact the student directly. The club may interview the student and ask for the interviews to occur at the student’s school.
- RYPEN facilitators are aged between 19 and 24, have attended Rotary leadership training, have their Working With Children Check (WWCC) and have been vetted for suitability by Rotary.
RYPEN 9510 – Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment
