St Francis of Assisi College - Term 3 Week 10 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Circle of Support
- St Joseph's Barmera - Sports Day
- St Joseph's Renmark - Sports Day
- OLOR Sports Day
- Yr 8 Outdoor Education Camp
- Flinders University Enrichment Day
- Rowing Program Update
- Renmark Rowing Club - Come & Try Rowing (for parents and adults)
- Uniform buy/swap/sell/giveaway Facebook Page
- Try a Trade
- Junior Employment Opportunity - Tri State Graphics
- Life Without Barriers - Become a Foster Carer
- Resilience First Aid Training
- SA Police Hosted: Business Security Conference - 2 October 2024
- General Food Allergen Labelling Information
- Government Funded Program: Saver Plus – Assisting families with education costs
- The Ways We Communicate
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Thank you for a Terrific Term!
As Term 3 comes to an end, thank you to our students, parents and caregivers, and staff who have all contributed to make this term such a success. As a College community, we continue to thrive due the collective efforts of all, and it is heart-warming to see our students find their place.
I am further delighted about the range of planning and delivery that has occurred this term in evolving further our exciting, nuanced curriculum offerings this year. I thank the staff for their insights, creativity, and commitment to offer the best possible integrated learning experiences to our students.
So thank you to the many students, staff, parents and caregivers who have played their part in the success of day-to-day learning experiences, as well as the planning for our preferred future as a Catholic school community of excellence, achievement and care.
Community Showcase
On Monday of week 10, we held our annual Showcase of Learning, where parents and families were invited to come together and celebrate highlights of student learning, with the centre piece being the Year 8 students $20 Boss Market.
The real-world application of these initiatives led to high levels of engagement for the students, and allowed them to express their creativity, and critical thinking skills required to think like a business owner.
It was terrific to see the high number of parents and families who attended the evening, sharing a meal organized by our Community and Industry Engagement School Board Sub-committee.
Key dates for the commencement of 2025:
A full list of 2025 key dates will follow soon, but to assist with planning I inform our College community of dates to commence the 2025 academic year:
Tuesday January 21 Leadership Team and POR Team commence
Wednesday January 22 All Teaching Staff commence. Staff Planning Day
Thursday January 23 Staff Planning Day
Monday 27 January Australia Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 28 January All students commence
International Day of Peace – Cultivating a Culture of Peace and a Picnic for Peace
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.
The 2024 Theme for the International Day of Peace is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace”. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, "Peace is needed today more than ever. War and conflict are unleashing devastation, poverty, and hunger, and driving tens of millions of people from their homes. Climate chaos is all around. And even peaceful countries are gripped by gaping inequalities and political polarization."
Prayer for Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal
Year 9 Retreat
This week our Year 9 students took part in their retreat at the Berri Hotel. The day was based around our College Motto, Laudato Si’, where there was opportunity for students to care for self, others and common home. Students participated in a range of activities, one of which included a drumming session with Sonya Scadden based around finding the beat of their own drum and working in sync with others as a team. A massive thank you to Sonya from St Joesph’s School in Barmera for volunteering her time to run this meaningful and engaging activity. Students also took part in candle decorating based around special moments in their life, a nature walk along the river and a reflection on caring for the environment. Well done to all students for the way you participated in this event and thank you to all the staff who helped put this day together.
St Francis of Assisi Feast Day
This week, we celebrated the Feast Day of our Patron Saint, St. Francis of Assisi, with our very first ‘Assisi Day’. We began with a Whole School Liturgy, reflecting on the legacy of St. Francis. Following this, we took a whole school photo and then broke into year-level groups for various activities. These included recycled artwork, protein ball making, a petting zoo with therapy animals, team-building activities, a nature walk, and a disco room. Students created natural mandalas for their home groups, which will be framed to commemorate our inaugural Assisi Day.

![IMG_5306[2] - frame at 0m0s](/files/1116368/1067x600/IMG_53062_-_frame_at_0m0s.jpg)

A Prayer Inspired by St. Francis of Assisi
O God, grant us the wisdom to seek understanding,
the courage to embrace compassion,
and the strength to serve one another with love.
May we walk in humility,
fostering peace within our community and beyond.
Help us to be instruments of your grace,
bringing hope to those in need.
Through our studies and actions,
may we reflect the light of your love.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission
Community College Open Night - Bringing Learning to Life
On Monday 23 September, our College opened its doors for our vibrant annual community open night. This showcased the exceptional talents and creativity of all our students. The evening was a celebration of learning, innovation, and community spirit, with students eager to share their work and achievements across various subjects.
Visitors were invited to explore classrooms and see firsthand the engaging learning experiences provided at every year level, providing parents and community members a comprehensive view of the diverse curriculum and teaching practices at our college.
A special highlight of the night was the $20 Boss Twilight Market, where our Year 8 students took centre stage. As part of their entrepreneurial challenge, they designed, created, and marketed their own products, which were available for sale during the evening. From handcrafted goods to innovative products, the students demonstrated their creativity, business and teamwork. The market buzzed with excitement as families and friends browsed the stalls, impressed by the students' entrepreneurial spirit.
To enhance the atmosphere, our talented students filled the air with live music, providing a relaxing and enjoyable background as attendees moved through the various displays and activities. The event was not just an opportunity for parents to see what their children have been up to; it was also a chance for the community to come together. Thank you to our amazing Industry and Community engagement sub-committee, for providing the BBQ, salads and drinks. These connections strengthen the partnership between the school and the community, fostering a supportive environment for our students.
The Community Open Night was a true celebration of the talent, effort, and dedication of both students and staff, and it was a wonderful opportunity for the community to see how St Francis of Assisi College is continuing to grow and support our young learners. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this annual night a success!
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Student Wellbeing Overview – A Look into Our Students' Emotional Climate
In our ongoing effort to support student wellbeing, we have continued to gather data on the moods and feelings of our students through Orah mood checks. Here's a snapshot of what we've learned about their emotional wellbeing and some of the factors influencing their day-to-day experiences.
A Positive Emotional Climate:
The good news is that many of our students are feeling "Calm," "Happy," and "Pleasant." These emotions came up the most when students checked in on their mood. Other positive feelings like "Motivated," "Excited," and "At Ease" were also quite common. While there are students who occasionally reported feeling "Tired," "Bored," or even "Anxious," the overall emotional climate seems positive, with many students finding balance in their day-to-day activities.
Energy and Happiness Trends:
We tracked two key aspects of student wellbeing: their energy levels and how happy or pleasant they were feeling. While students' energy was highest in the first week, it dropped slightly before leveling out through the rest of the term. Their sense of happiness remained quite steady across the weeks, generally higher than their energy levels, which suggests that while they are content, the daily demands may be leaving them feeling a little drained by the end of the term.
Participation and Engagement:
Of the 177 students invited to participate, 153 actively shared their feelings. While this is a strong level of participation, there are still 24 students who didn’t check in. We’re working on ensuring that every student has the opportunity to share how they’re feeling so we can continue to support them.
What’s Affecting Our Students' Moods:
We also identified what was influencing the moods of our students. Unsurprisingly, sleep came up as the most significant factor. A good night’s sleep generally led to more positive moods, while lack of sleep often contributed to lower energy and mood levels. Sport and Peer Relationships also had a big impact—students who were active in sports or felt connected to their friends reported feeling better overall. On the other hand, assessments and homework were contributing factors to feelings of stress, with mixed effects on their mood.
What This Means for Our Community:
The data paints a picture of generally happy, motivated students, but it also highlights the importance of balance. Supporting our children in maintaining good sleep habits, encouraging regular physical activity, and keeping an eye on academic pressures can go a long way in maintaining their wellbeing.
We’re proud of how our students are handling the ups and downs of school life, and we'll continue to provide them with the support they need to thrive both academically and emotionally. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.
Hair for Heart
As part of our St Francis of Assisi Feast Day celebrations, we also held a Hair for Heart fundraiser, which brought the College community together for a meaningful cause. Special thanks to Riley B and the Student Leadership Council (SLC) for their efforts in making this event possible.
Riley B cut and donated 23 centimetres of hair to the Kids with Cancer Foundation. The fundraiser aimed to raise awareness and funds to support families and young patients battling cancer and long-term medical conditions. The Kids with Cancer Foundation, like many similar organizations, rely on donations—including the proceeds from the gold coin casual day—to improve the quality of life and treatment for children with cancer.
Riley’s donated hair will be sent to Ella Wigmakers, who creates real-hair wigs for children in need. These wigs, custom-made for each child, are provided at little or no cost to families, helping children regain their confidence and sense of normalcy during their difficult journeys.
We thank students and families for their generosity and support with their donations today.
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.
Home Group |
Teachers |
Miss Rebecca Ward |
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan |
Miss Niamh Graney |
Mr. John Lyons |
Miss Mae Camporeale |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Mrs Isabella Trudgian |
Miss Ruby Orchard |
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
During Week 10 our College hosted sports days for St Joseph's Barmera, St Joseph's Renmark and OLOR Catholic Primary Schools. It was wonderful to open up the College to our Catholic Primary School communities, not to mention the fun and colour the primary school students brought to our school.
Year 10 students supported the young competitors with their games over the three sports days. We received many positive compliments for the work of our students and their contribution to the sports day!

The Year 8s had an action-packed camp in Week 9, filled with outdoor adventures! On the first day, students developed their water skills through kayaking and canoeing. The second day, they took on orienteering, bug surveying, and raft building, pushing their limits and embracing teamwork.
The nights were ones to remember with toasted marshmallows and campfire games! More kayaking and canoeing followed on the last day, as the students continued to shine through their teamwork, leadership, and willingness to step out of their comfort zones.
Mr. Sampson and Mrs. Trudgian are incredibly proud of this group, who supported each other through challenges and formed new friendships. Well done, Year 8s!

Last week Year 10 students traveled to Adelaide to participate in the Enrichment Program at Flinders University. They heard from current students about university life and participated in a wide variety of hands-on and informative sessions including:
- Nursing, speech pathology and exercise science
- Law, business and accounting
- Archaeology
- Creative writing and acting
- Paramedicine, medical science and public health
- Engineering and surveying
- Cybersecurity
- Trades and VET
Thank you to Mrs Booysen, Mr Lyons and Mrs Warner for supporting the students to attend the day.

On Saturday 21st September, our Senior and Junior Squad travelled to West Lakes to compete in another regatta. Much like our last event, the goal was to continue learning how regattas are run and more importantly how to manage our time efficiently.
Due to forecast conditions, we only raced in 4x+’s. Both our girls and boys crews showed improvements from their last racing experience, making the desired technical changes which improved their on-water performances. Crews also received positive feedback from RSA boat race officials, noting how they are understanding the rules of racing and overall progress.
We look forward to our more competitive regattas during Term 4 when other schools commence racing.
Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator & Rowing Coach

Don't forget we have a Facebook page for parents/caregivers to exchange College uniforms.
You'll need to be a member of the group to access and can then directly communicate with others wanting to exchange uniforms.
The College also keeps a small supply of emergency uniforms that are needed from time to time. If you would like to donate pre-loved uniforms please drop them into the College office. Thank you.

Tri State Graphis are looking for a junior staff member to work after school hours.
3.30pm to 5.30pm, 3 nights a week plus two – three Saturday mornings per month, plus extra hours. Looking for someone who is available during school holidays.
Key Duties & Responsibilities:
- Assisting sales staff with shop displays
- Pricing stock
- Refilling clothing racks
- Answering phones occasionally
Required Skills and Experience:
- Reliable and committed
- Willingness to learn
- General knowledge of computers
- Polite phone manner
- Good Communication skills
- Position to start Mid-August
If this sounds like the position for you, please present your resumé and cover letter to our business manager in person or email a copy to:
Tri State Graphics
216 Renmark Avenue
Renmark S.A.

Renmark Paringa Council in partnership with Mental Health First Aid Partners have secured grant funding from the State Emergency Relief Fund to bring Resilience First Aid Training to the Riverland at the end of October 2024. More information as to what Resilience First Aid Training is, when the courses are taking place etc, details can be found on Council’s Engage RPC Platform
The 2-day courses available are wonderful professional development opportunity and best of all they are FREE. Following the River Murray Floods 2022/2023, the aim for this program is to equip front facing professionals in our community with tools that enable and build resilience.

South Australia Police are hosting a Business Security Conference in Berri in order to engage with Riverland business owners about security, cybercrime, and reporting. SAPOL senior management from the Murray Mallee will also be in attendance for questions.
The details of the conference are as follows:-
WHERE: Berri Hotel, Riverview Drive, Berri
WHEN: Wednesday, 2 October 2024
TIME: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
COST: $13.50 (plus booking fee)
Includes finger food, with tea and coffee.
To book visit and search “SA Police”

Don't hestiate to contact the College office on 8595 4500 if you have any difficulty with the various mediums used by the College to commuicate with families. Or alternatively complete the form below.