St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 8 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Student Leadership Council
- Quote of the Week
- Careers, Pathways and VET
- My Food Truck Rules
- Textiles - Softies
- What's Cooking?
- Rowing Program - Recruiting Year 9 & 10's
- Rowing Program - Yr 8A & 8B Rowing Practical
- Riverland Cricket Teams of the Year - Armaan, Anant and Noah
- Yr 10 - Space STEM School Camp
- Young RMS production of Frozen Jr
- Adelaide Kite Festival
- Free Mental Health Session For High School Students
- College Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group
- Riverland Special School Expo & Open Day
- Mission Transforms Lives
- SA Premiers Reading Challenge 2024
- Saver Plus - a program to help families save for 2025 school expenses
- G1 Youth - Term 1 Planner
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Harmony Week - Everyone Belongs
This week we acknowledged the gift of Australia’s cultural diversity, where inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone are celebrated. Harmony Week is celebrated around Australia and features on March 21; the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Harmony Week is managed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and gives people the opportunity to celebrate what makes each Australian unique and share what we have in common. The continuing message for Harmony Day in 2024 is that in the diversity of stories we all belong to and strengthen the identity of one Australia. We are all welcome as part of our country, enriching Australia by our story. It is also a day to reflect on where Australia has come from, recognising also the traditional owners of this land. Ultimately Harmony Day is about community participation, inclusiveness and respect – celebrating the different cultures that have made Australia a great place to live.
May the God of Gentleness soften the tensions within us.
The God of Power strengthen us.
The God of Wisdom gift us with discerning minds and hearts.
The God of Love teach us to be companions to each other.
Lenten Season and Project Compassion – For All Future Generations
Project Compassion
Throughout the six weeks of Lent, students will learn about the work of Project Compassion and how it has provided help to individuals and communities.
The work of Caritas Australia is only possible with generous supporters and the dedication, passion and tenacity of our local partners who implement the programs. They are the heroes on the ground working tirelessly behind-the-scenes every day to create a better future for their communities.
Caritas Australia partners with the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ), Caritas Samoa and with the Catholic Development Commission. Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations.
Lent is the season of fasting in the Catholic Church and this year it overlaps with the month of Ramadan. Fasting is an ancient religious practice that strives to hold God as the most important one in our lives, corresponding to our heart's deepest hunger. Fasting also expresses solidarity with the poor as we share the common experience of hunger. In this way, we are drawn closer to God and our neighbour.
Board Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 27th March, 7:00pm
Parents and carers are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, held on Wednesday March 27th, starting at 7pm in the Collaboration Centre (Year 7 – 9 teaching building).
Thank you for your time and attention given to the formation of the School Board for 2024.
Learner Conversations
Parents will receive information about the learning conversations in Week 10, including how to book an interview with your child’s home group teacher. Home group teachers play a key role in supporting students pastorally at school, and this is why the initial conversions in Week 10 are with the home group teacher.
At St Francis of Assisi College, learner agency is valued, and we encourage students to attend and play an active role in these learner conversations, with parents / carers and home group teachers.
I do emphasise to parents that you are most welcome to contact the College if you would like to make a time to meet with a specific subject teacher, in addition to the home group teacher.
Please contact the College administration office with any queries.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal

Harmony Week
Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it. The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. In Pastoral Care, students decorated an outline of their hand and drew or wrote something that represented either harmony, their family culture or multiculturalism. These were then used to form a moasaic display at the front of the 7-9 building.
Thank you to Mrs Trudgian for organsing the Hamony Day Mosaic.
Terra House Mass
On the 3rd of April at 9:30am, Terra House will celebrate Mass with Fr Hau and local parish members. This will be held in our multipurpose area. Parents, caregivers and family members are welcome to join us for this celebration.
Chrism Mass and Dioceses Assembly
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, parishioners, clergy, staff members and students from all over the Port Pirie diocese came together to take part in our annual Dioceses Assembly. Through the process of listening to guest speakers, conversing with one another and reflecting on our diocese priorities, there was a clear message of working together to help needs of others in our communities. Discussions and action plans took place to embrace diversity amongst people: we are all unique and different and have our individual beliefs and interpretations. It is about how we work together for the better good of those in our community.
To finish the Assembly, we celebrated Mass with Bishop Karol, Bishop Greg and the Priests, Sisters and Deacons from the Port Pirie Diocese. Student representatives from our Riverland Catholic Schools also attended this Mass where we received blessed Chrism oils for our parish sacraments.

St Joseph Feast Day
This week we celebrated the Feast of St Joseph. Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary and legal father of Jesus, was a carpenter who earned an honest living to provide for his family. From him, Jesus learned the value, the dignity and the joy of what it means to work and provide for others and yourself in life. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop had a strong devotion to St Joseph and so named her order the Sisters of St Joseph (Josephites). Many of the students in our school come from the Josephite primary schools in our Riverland community.
Prayer to St Joseph and for Harmony
God of Joseph and Mary, guarding the weak from the dominating, hear our prayer and encourage our efforts to create a just, kind and inclusive society. We ask this through the refugee Christ and the Spirit of Community.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Reglious Identity and Mission
Home Group Learner Conversations
Home Group Learner Conversations will occur over two nights, 2nd and 3rd of April from 4-6pm at the College. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s current progress with their teacher.
This term these conversations will occur with only your child’s home group teacher. It is an expectation that your child attends this meeting, as your child is an important part of this conversation as they reflect on their strengths and needs as they become a capable learner.
If you wish to have a meeting with one of your child’s specific subject teachers, please contact the College or the subject teacher directly.
When making a booking, please only select your child’s home group teacher.
For further information, please see communication send by your child’s home group teacher.
Bookings are made online through School Interviews
To log on, please use the following link
If you have any questions or if you are unable to book an appointment but would still like to meet with a teacher, please contact the school on 8595 4500.
SEQTA Online Continuous Reporting
What is it?
Continuous reporting or progressive/ongoing feedback refers to the process of teachers providing timely and targeted feedback to students about their learning progress in a subject. At St Francis of Assisi College this is achieved through our learning management system - SEQTA. This term all teachers have been working hard to utilise this function in SEQTA by providing assessment information and specific feedback for assessment tasks. This is visible to students through SEQTA learn and similarly to parents through SEQTA Engage.
What is the advantage?
The main advantage of continuous reporting is that students and parents receive feedback in a ‘timely’ manner about how the child is progressing. End of semester reports are often seen as too little, too late, with not enough targeted feedback and time for the student to improve their learning. Research shows high-quality feedback that is specific and on-going has immediate feedback on learning progress.
What is your role as a parent?
Continuous reporting not only allows students to constantly reflect on their progress and make improvements as they go but involves parents more in their child’s educational journey as they receive frequent updates of their progress. If any situation arises where you, as a parent have a concern or question regarding the feedback provided, it is critical that as a parent you:
1) Initially discuss the feedback with your child.
2) If required, encourage your child to seek further clarification from their subject teacher.
3) If this is ineffective, or you have any major concerns with your child’s learning progress, then please utilise our normal channels of communication through the relevant subject teacher.
Supporting your child to take ownership of the feedback provided is critical in assisting them to develop into reflective and independent learners.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Student Leadership Council Announcement
We are pleased to announce our 2024 Student leadership Council has been finalised with the addition of four Year 7 students. We congratulate Ivan (AQUA), Imogen (TERRA), Tahlia (IGNIS) and Ruby (VENTUS) as the Year 7 SLC Representatives.
We thank all Year 7 applicants for their outstanding applications and interviews.

C Guiding Principles
Make it Fun!
We seek to have small wins and celebrate our successes to ensure we enjoy the role we are in.
Have a Shared Intent
We will listen to the broader student body to identify a common goal we can work on together.
Role Modelling
We will be role models that leave a legacy and act appropriately to set an example of expectations and culture.
Our Year 10 students have been trained as workshop mentors this week by our friends at LifeChanger, Angus and Caitlin. The Year 10’s will be supporting our Year 7 cohort in their LifeChanger Workshops later this term.
Parents of year 7 students can download a family handbook summarising the workshops and has some great conversation starters for parents/carers to discuss our LifeChanger program at home.
2024 Lifechanger Family Handbook
Circle of Support
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.
Home Group |
Teachers |
Miss Rebecca Ward |
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan |
Miss Niamh Graney |
Mr. John Lyons |
Miss Mae Camporeale |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Mrs Isabella Trudgian |
Miss Ruby Orchard |

Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

This term our Year 10 Food and Hospitality class have been busily planning, preparing and collaborating to bring our schools first My Food Truck Rules event. Each group had a theme and focus on bringing students food that was fast, fresh and 'on trend'. Our food trucks included: Wrap N Go, Sushi Bar, Jaffle-icious, Ninja Nachos, Burger Boys, Freakshakes, Pretzels and Pizza. Every group did an amazing job in preparing and selling their food to the wider school community, which was held last Thursday. Students have been collecting feedback from their peers about their food and will now complete a review of their learning and overall experience.
Mrs Amber Burgess

Year 8 students have been learning some important life skills in textiles. They have showcased these skills in the design and make process of their very own Softie. Students are now transferring these skills to make a pencil case which includes both hand and machine sewn elements.
Mrs Amber Burgess

Over the past few weeks our students have been busy in the food tech kitchen. We have made wattle-seed damper, chicken schnitzels, Bahn Mi rolls and surprise chocolate tarts. It is a real pleasure watching our students make, create and try new things that they wouldn't otherwise experience. Over the rest of the term students have an array of practical assessment tasks that will allow them to showcase their learning and fine-tuned culinary skills.
Mrs Amber Burgess

Recruiting Year 9 & 10's for the Rowing Program 2024
During Term 2 we will be offering Rowing on a Monday after school to any Year 9 or 10 students, who haven’t previously been part of the Rowing Program. This is a great opportunity to not only grow our team, but for students to try the sport again or maybe for the first time! We are also seeking students who may be interested in coxing, not just rowing. During the term we will alternate between on-water and ergo and strength & conditioning sessions. The goal is to build rowing skill development and introduce key fundamental movements to support.
On-water sessions will be at the Renmark Rowing Club from 3:30 – 5:30pm
Ergo and Strength & Conditioning sessions will be in College Multipurpose Room from 3:20 – 4:45pm
Those wishing to try rowing during Term 2, will incur a fee of $50. This will cover a learn to row membership with Renmark Rowing Club, to use the facilities, and for insurance coverage. All new junior rowers are required to wear a life jacket. If your child wishes to attend these sessions, the expectation is they commit and are available every Monday. This enbles planning for crews and ensures students learn how to work as a team, which is crucial. Families are responsible for transporting their students to and from the Rowing Club. Teacher supervision is provided at training.
If you have any further questions, would like more information or simply to register interest, please email or call 8595 4500.

This week our Yr 8 students took part in an on-water rowing practical as part of their HPE Riverfront Fitness unit. Students on land were put through a strength and conditioning circuit with Miss Gibbons. Students engaged well in all activities, with those on the water having success as a full crew.
The Riverland Turf Cricket Association recently held its presentation night, with three St Francis of Assisi College students, who all play for Renmark North Cricket Club, being announced in Riverland teams of the year.
Congratulations to Armaan for being announced as part of the Riverland Turf Cricket Association’s “Riverland B Grade Team of the Year”.
Congratulations to Anant and Noah W for being announced as part of the Riverland Turf Cricket Association’s “Riverland Under 16 Team of the Year”.

Attention Year 10's
Are you wanting to explore a career within the space industry?
You may be interested in attending a Space STEM School Camp during the April school holidays. There are currently a few places left.
There is a cost of $80 to attend the 3 night camp in Adelaide. Students will stay at Warradale Urban Camp.
Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) sponsors a scholarship to enable rural and remote students to attend the Space School. This scholarship can be used to help cover the costs of getting to the space school from a regional area.
The application requires a statement from the
- Student
- students’ school/ science teacher
If you are interested please see Mrs Burgess.

A group of our students are involved in the Young RMS production of Frozen Jr at the Bonney Theatre in Barmera during the upcoming school holidays. Over 50 talented students, aged 7 to 17 years, from 15 Riverland schools are involved in the production and have been busily rehearsing all term.
Performances are on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April at 1pm and 3:30pm. Tickets go on sale on April 2nd April at 8:30am through Trybooking

Renmark Paringa Council is providing a free mental health session for high school students in the upcoming school holidays.
The session, hosted by Mental Health Partners, provides an opportunity for high school students to learn strategies on how to help themselves and others.
It will take place on Tuesday 23 April from 10am to 11.30am at the Renmark Paringa Civic Centre.
To secure a spot email or phone 8580 3000 by Tuesday 16 April.
The College has set up a Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group to enable parents and caregivers to buy, sell, swap or giveaway second hand uniforms. For these transactions parents and caregivers will deal directly with each other, with the Facebook Group merely acting as a way to connect families disposing of, or wanting, second hand uniforms.
The group is for members only and the following group rules apply:
- it is the parent/caregivers responsibility to liaise directly with each other for the purpose of
buy/swap/sell/giveaway of second-hand uniforms
- detailed information about the College's uniform policy is available on the College website and can be referred to as required
Please use the link if you would like to join the group

Learn more: join our two-week tour to Timor-Leste on 5th May to see Palms program participants and our local partner communities in action together.

Dear Parents & Caregivers,
As a college, we will be participating in the SA Premiers Reading Challenge in 2024. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading, as well as improve overall literacy levels. The Challenge requires students to read 12 books between the beginning of the school year and early September (6th of September 2024).
To complete the challenge, students are required to read a combination of books from the Challenge booklists and books of their own choosing.
- Year 7- 9 students need to select at least 4 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist and 8 books of their own choice.
- Year 10-12 students can select 12 books of their own choice at an appropriate literacy level.
The booklists are available on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Book List | Premiers Reading Challenge SA
We understand that each student at our college will have different entry points due to various reasons when it comes to reading. However, we strongly encourage all students, no matter their reading ability, to participate and find personal confidence and enjoyment in reading. There are a range of strategies and tools that can be used to support reading, and we encourage all students to communicate with their English teacher to choose appropriate books to their reading level, as well as find other platforms that can support them to complete this challenge.
Public libraries across South Australia strongly support the Premier’s Reading Challenge. They play an integral part in the program by providing books for students to borrow. Many of the books in the booklists can be downloaded for free or borrowed in hardcopy format through the statewide OneCard library catalogue. Your OneCard allows you to borrow and return Premier’s Reading Challenge books to any of the public libraries across South Australia.
→ Join online and search the library catalogue at
→ Read parent and family information about the PRC at
→ Access the digital services, including PRC ebooks and audiobooks at (Libby and BorrowBox are recommended free apps that have a large collection of e-books and audiobooks)
If you have any further questions about the challenge, please email your child’s English teacher, or contact the front office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Isabella Trudgian Natalie Meuret
Learning and Wellbeing Coordinator Leader of Learning

Many families are experiencing cost of living challenges as well as increased education costs.
Saver Plus supports eligible families to take some control of their finances by offering a matched savings incentive and financial education workshops.
If parents commit to saving up to $50 a month for 10 months, ANZ will match their savings up to $500 for families to put towards school uniforms, stationary, camps, laptops, sports fees and music lessons.
*The program accepts Child Support, Carers Payment and Cash in hand as regular income.
If families join in February 2024, they can claim their matched savings in December 2024 in time for 2025 school costs.
To learn more about Saver Plus attend an online Information Sessions: Register here.

Gi Youth is a community youth group located in Berri aimed at young people across the Riverland region in years 7-12. As a ministry of Riverland Central Church, we want to be a safe space for young people to be in community with other like-minded young people, make friends and learn more about who they were created to be. Plus, we have a LOT OF FUN!
"Do you complain there is nothing to do in the Riverland? No bowling alleys, cinemas, frozen yogurt shops?
Well, G1 Youth provides a fun program on Friday nights during the school term for high school aged students. We welcome everyone from all ages, gender identities, religions, home situations and Riverland regions!
