St Francis of Assisi College - Term 2 Week 8 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Circle of Support
- Quote of the Week
- Invitiation: VET Information Evening
- Kitchen Garden
- Riverland NAIDOC Week Celebrations 2024
- Aviation Course - Open Day
- Junk Arts Sculpture Competition
- Yr 9/10 Statewide School Football-Round 1
- College Rowing Program - Update
- Invitation - Our Lady of the River Catholic Parish 10th Year Inauguration elebration
- “Health of the River” 2024 Rotary Youth Forum
- Youth Climate Training Weekend - Scholarships
- RYT - Crafty Studio
- The Ways We Communicate
- Saver Plus - Government Funded Program: Assisting families with education costs
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

An Excellent Catholic Education: The St Francis of Assisi College School Culture
As a staff team, we regularly re-visit, and re-enforce the development of our collaborative, professional learning-based school culture.
The ‘true-north’ of our school culture, is a student-centred faith based Catholic education, with a focus on our school community. As an educational team, this means continually challenging what we do and why, and whether it adds value to our students. The student-centred mindset is about making a difference and focusing on what it means for our students and our families.
A daily focus on being the best we can at all we do, not trying to be perfect. Whilst not complicated, it does take a disciplined and consistent approach from all team members to maintain a daily focus on our everyday standards, practical examples of this include keeping high quality learning and teaching at the core, consistency with our school policies and procedures, our daily interactions with colleagues and students.
As our school community grows, and the initiative and opportunities grow also, it will be this relentless focus on daily high standards that enables the overall success of all we do, keeping our students at the centre.
2024 Enrolment of Students
I am very pleased to see that the College is experiencing significant enrolment demand. Our 2025-year 7 intake is nearing capacity and parents planning to enrol their child are encouraged to do as soon as possible.
There remain places for enrolment open in years 8, 9, 10 and 11 for 2024.
Should you wish to discuss this further please contact our College Registrar, Claire Smith (phone 8595 4500, or email
Refugee Week 2024 - Finding Freedom: Family
This week we celebrate National Refugee Week. In a world marked by displacement and the search for refuge, this year’s Refugee Week theme 'Finding Freedom' – with a focus on family – encapsulates the profound journey of resilience, strength, and unity that defines the refugee experience. This Refugee Week sheds light on the transformative power of familial bonds as well as chosen bonds in the face of adversity and emphasises the crucial role families play in providing solace, support, and a sense of belonging to those forced to flee their homelands.
In 2024, we are encouraged to reflect on the journey of finding freedom, whether it be through a new home, a new career, finding love or friendships. Let us show compassion and celebrate the resilience that makes up parts of our wider community. For freedom should not be an ask, it should be a way of life. In such a way, Refugee Week unites individuals, communities, and organisations from many different backgrounds behind a common cause. The common theme is a reminder that, regardless of our differences, we all share a common humanity.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal
We're excited to share the amazing outcome of our Walk-a-thon on Wednesday 12th June. Our students truly impressed us with their enthusiasm and effort. Many of them averaged over 30 laps, showing incredible determination and spirit. Their hard work paid off, resulting in a fantastic fundraising total of over $500 for the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
The final lap results for each House were: Terra House with an outstanding achievement of 1015 laps, closely followed by Ventus House with an impressive 1001 laps. Aqua House and Ignis House also showing a great effort with 957 and 917 laps respectively.
It was great to see family and community members attending this event and even joining in on the walk.
We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated, sponsored, volunteered, or supported the event in any way. Your generosity and commitment made a real difference.
Winter Appeal
All Houses have done a fantastic job collecting long-life goods and blankets for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Together with the funds raised from the Walk-a-thon, we have gathered a substantial donation for our local St Vincent de Paul Society branches across the Riverland. Representatives from these branches will join our Whole School Assembly in Week 10 where we will formally present these contributions.

Thursday was World Refugee Day, a time to reflect on the hardship of refugees around the world and to pray for their safety, well-being, and peace.
Compassionate God,
We lift up to you all refugees around the world, those who have been forced to flee their homes due to violence, persecution, and war.
Grant them courage and strength as they embark on perilous journeys, seeking safety and a better future for themselves and their families.
Protect them from harm and danger, and guide them to places of refuge where they may find hospitality, compassion, and support.
Open the hearts and minds of people everywhere to welcome refugees with open arms, to offer them dignity, respect, and opportunities for a new beginning.
May your love and mercy surround all refugees, and may they find hope and healing in the midst of their struggles.
We pray for peace in the world, that all conflicts may cease, and that every person may live in safety and freedom.
In your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Reglious Identity and Mission
Semester Reports
Semester 1 reports for your child will be available Friday 5 July on SEQTA Engage. This report will provide an overall achievement grade based on the Australian Curriculum and an indication of your child’s work habits. The College will not print and issue reports at the end of a semester unless a request is made to the school. Instead, student reports are uploaded to SEQTA. By accessing the Reports page, you will see your child’s report. Clicking on a Report icon will display a pdf record that you can download, view, save and print. Your PC or mobile device will need to be equipped with a pdf reader for you to be able to access your child’s reports. New reports will be added to the archive at the conclusion of each reporting cycle.

A graded semester report is only one part of the College’s assessment and reporting practices. Throughout the semester, parents also receive feedback about their child’s learning progress through:
- student progress update reports
- parent/student/teacher conferences
- continuous reporting on SEQTA which focuses on timely and targeted feedback for specific
subject assessment tasks.
More detailed information about your child’s learning and assessment is always accessible on SEQTA Engage. If there are any concerns, please contact your child’s teachers, so that we can work in partnership to improve your child’s learning outcomes.
Senior Science Labs
For the last few weeks, our students have been enjoying using our new cutting-edge science laboratories at St Francis of Assisi College. This facility is equipped with the latest scientific tools and technology, are designed to enhance the learning experience and foster a passion for science among our students. The labs will support advanced coursework in biology, chemistry, and physics, providing an environment where students can engage in hands-on experiments and innovative research projects.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Life Buoyancy Institute
On our most recent Pupil Free Day on June 11th, new staff members completed the IMPACT Foundations training course delivered by Dr Ivan Raymond from LBI. The Foundations course provides the theory behind trauma-responsive strategies and includes key concepts such as:
- Responding to need rather than behaviour
- Being intentional in your support with young people
- The What-What-How as a model of intentional practice
- Bring focus to a ‘growth intent’
Additionally, all staff engaged in a session covering Attachment Instability delivered by Dr. Ivan Raymond. The key growth intents for staff were:
- Grow an awareness of “what is attachment?’ and the impact of instability on a student’s functioning.
- Grow an awareness of best-practice Safe Base growth intents and ‘how’ strategies for students.
We have partnered with LBI since 2021 to build a Wellbeing and Trauma Responsive Educational Community. If you would like to read more of our story with LBI, you can here: St Francis of Assisi College Renmark - LBI Foundation
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.
Home Group |
Teachers |
Miss Rebecca Ward |
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan |
Miss Niamh Graney |
Mr. John Lyons |
Miss Mae Camporeale |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Mrs Isabella Trudgian |
Miss Ruby Orchard |

Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

9B recently participated in a 'pollinator count' to locate and record our school's Native Bee population. We discovered that there were plenty of European (honey) Bees, but we could not find any Native Bees.
As a result, students have been busily making Native Bee hotels to help improve habitat and boost the population of this important pollinator.
Some interesting facts about Australian Native Bees:
1. There are over 2,000 species!
2. They live alone and prefer it that way.
3. Most Native Bees are stingless!
4. Some of these bees use 'buzz' pollination, some flowers can only be pollinated this way.
5. They nest in unique spaces: the ground, tree hollows, stems, abandoned holes etc.

Everyone is invited to attend the events being held throughout the Riverland during NAIDOC Week 7-14 July 2024.

Mid North Christian College is once again welcoming visitors to attend their Aviation Open Day on 9 August 2024.
Bookings are preferred via the booking form
There is no formal structure to the day, visitors are welcome to view the course in action at their pace between 11am and 1pm.

On Thursday of Week 4, Mr Sampson and Mr Goodman took 22 boys to Riverton to compete in Round 1 of the Year 9/10 Statewide Schools football.
The boys came up against the strong opposition of Clare High School first up. While they battled hard for the entire game, were unable to get the ball forward enough to challenge Clare and went down by 42 points. The midfield worked tirelessly, and the backline held up quite well, but were just overpowered by a bigger and faster Clare side.
St. Francis of Assisi 1-0-6
Clare High School 6-12-48
Best Players: Hugh R, Will L-W, Samuel DeP, Kaiden N, Reece C, Henry D.
Goalkicker: Soren W 1.
The second game was against a combined mid north team from Eudunda, Riverton, and Burra. After having a break and a reset, our boys came out with a positive attitude and played great team footy. The boys were giving the first give, and looking to pass to players in better position to take a shot. There were some fantastic highlights, but maybe none more so that Matthew DiC’s goal from the boundary!
St. Francis of Assisi 9-4-58
Combined Mid North 2-3-15
Best Players: Kaiden N, Henry D, Connor K, Hugh R, Hamish P, Samuel DeP.
Goalkickers: Connor K 3, Jaxon C 2, Kaiden N 1, Mitchell W 1, Matthew DiC 1, Hugh R 1.

On Monday night, French exchange students Julie and Perrine participated in our Learn to Row sessions which we have run throughout the term.
Miss Gibbons, along with our Year 10 rowers, provided Julie and Perrine with an introduction to rowing on the rowing machines during lunchtime in Week 7. This week they extended their experience to on-water rowing. It was a great opportunity to put the skills they learnt into practise, both picking it up really quickly.

The AYCC is Australia’s largest youth-led organisation, uplifting youth voices to work towards climate solutions. Young people are growing up with increasingly frequent climate disasters disrupting our lives. We’re facing a rising cost of living and an uncertain future. But we also have a fast growing movement of young people, all over the world, who’re determined to fight for a fairer and more just future. That’s why we are coming together for training weekends across the continent, to skill up the next generation of climate leaders.
Training weekends are a launchpad for young people to get involved with climate action. The training is open to any young person living in South Australia, whether they've been involved with the environment for years or are new to taking action on climate change.
Youth Climate Training Weekend on 13 and 14 July is a great opportunity for students interested in the environment, social justice or building leadership and advocacy skills.
Our big, bold 2-day training weekends are like no-other. We’re focussed on action - we’ll learn from each other and campaign experts on how to make change happen. We’ll have workshops, discussions on campaign skills, leadership development, tactic training. Participants will walk away with a clear plan about how they can make a difference in their community.
Over 2 days on Saturday the 13th & Sunday the 14th of July.
North Adelaide Community Centre.
Travel scholarships are available for young people travelling from regional areas to attend. This means we can reimburse young people for travel costs and accommodation expenses.
Young people between the ages of 13 and 30 can register to attend here.
AYCC would absolutely love students from SFoAC to be involved, and AYCC is also able to provide ongoing support for any students who want to start an action group at their school following on from the Training Weekend. AYCC has run similar trainings for thousands of young people over the past 10+ years, and many high school students have gone on to become powerful leaders in their community.

Crafty Studio – a relaxed tweens art hangouts - on Wednesdays!
Each session focuses on a different artistic medium. No prior experience needed. Only curiosity and bravery.
For ages 9 - 12 | Berri Community Centre (5 Kealley St, Berri) | No pick ups or drop offs available for these sessions.
June 12 - Painting
June 19 - Badges
June 26 - Animal Painting
July 3 - Bring Your Own Art
Booking link:

Don't hestiate to contact the College office on 8595 4500 if you have any difficulty with the various mediums used by the College to commuicate with families.

Saver Plus is a FREE 10-month matched savings and financial education program funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by The Smith Family.
The program aims to help participants to learn how to better manage their money and develop long-term savings habits.
Saver Plus is available to anyone who is eligible across Australia.
Eligible participants learn money skills and receive up to $500 to help with their school expenses.
* 10 month program (commence at any time)
* Save $50 a month for 10 months and receive $500 towards educational costs
* Complete up to 10hrs of Virtual workshops called MoneyMinded (support provided)
* Must hold a Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card and meet the following eligibility.
* Income: Carers payment / child support are also considered with other eligibility.
More information at
