St Francis of Assisi College - Term 2 Week 4 - 2023
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- Yr 5 & 6 Students from OLOR Immersion Day
- Wellness Hub
- Laudato Si’ Action Group
- Combined Catholic Education Week Celebration Day
- Year 9 Religion
- Thank You & Best Wishes - Teagan McCarthy
- Rowing Program Update
- Mountain Bike Teams Championship
- St Francis of Assisi College - Cross Country
- Stage Two Build - Progress Photos
- Relay for Life
- South Australia Commission for Catholic Schools
- Riverland Youth Theatre
- College Uniform Update
- 2024 New Enrolments
- Ocean Plastic Pollution (from Ruby & Maegan)
- Renmark Paringa Council Youth Sponsorship Program
- Child and Adolescent Metal Health Services
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Laudato Si’ Week
In Australia, Laudato Si’ Week is being celebrated from May 16-24. Laudato Si’ Week, is a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and is a call to action for Catholics around the world. With the Australian Bishops releasing their statement Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor in 2021, and the release of the documentary ‘The Letter’ last year, there is a deliberate focus on the Laudato Si’ Platform Goals over the next 7 years. All things on our planet are interconnected and with profound care for each other, our Creator, and all of creation, we are building a better future together. The theme for 2023 is Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity.
This week our school community has celebrated connecting closely through our College ethos ‘Laudato Si’. Some of our students have spent time cleaning up around Bookmark Creek during their Religious Education classes.
Catholic Education Week
May 15 – 19 was Catholic Education Week, celebrated across all CESA schools in South Australia. Schools within the Port Pirie Diocese also celebrated with some specific initiatives across the week. Wednesday May 17 was a particular highlight when the College hosted St Albert’s School, St Joseph’s School Renmark, St Joseph’s School Barmera, and Our Lady of the River School.
The Port Pirie Diocesan theme is ‘Called to Community’ and our day began with a Liturgy with students and staff from all schools participating, demonstrating our Riverland Catholic Community.
The five schools spent the afternoon participating in a range of organised activities, grouped in four rotation sessions, based on: Creative Arts, Novelty Games, Sports Games, and Design and Technologies.
It was an outstanding celebration and a very special day bringing everyone together. Our year 9 students were terrific role models as they facilitated the Sport and Novelty activity stations throughout the whole afternoon.
National Reconciliation Week - Be a Voice for Generations
Beginning this Friday 26 May - National Sorry Day - through to Saturday 3 June, members of faith communities across Australia are encouraged to offer prayers for reconciliation between Indigenous and other Australians. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. For the work of generations past, and the benefit of generations future, we are invited to create a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.
National Day of Healing, or Sorry Day, commemorates the anniversary of the tabling in 1997 of HREOC’s Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their families, ‘Bringing Them Home’.
National Reconciliation Week occurs from Saturday 27 May to Saturday 3 June each year, as these two dates mark important anniversaries in Australia’s history. On 27 May 1967, Australians passed a referendum that removed clauses from the Australian Constitution which discriminated against Indigenous Australians. On 3 June 1992, the High Court agreed with the position put in the Mabo case, that Australia had been occupied prior to European settlement, and as such, certain rights to native title were preserved by the Indigenous population. These two historic steps forwarded the recognition of Indigenous Australians and their rights, as they both reversed previously held beliefs.
Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of reconciliation is the relationship between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. To foster positive race relations, our relationship must be grounded in a foundation of truth. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have long called for a comprehensive process of truth-telling about Australia’s colonial history. Our nation’s past is reflected in the present, and will continue to play out in future unless we heal historical wounds. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

National Volunteers Week
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteers. From Monday 15 May to Sunday 21 May, NVW celebrates the significant contribution of Australia’s almost six million volunteers. The week-long event recognises the vital support that the millions of volunteers provide to their communities and encourages people to consider volunteering. National Volunteer Week 2023, with the theme The Change Makers, is a celebration of our power to drive change and ensure volunteering is inclusive of all members of the Australian community.
At St Francis of Assisi College, we are so thankful to the parents, caregivers, students and staff who volunteer their time to our school and parish community in a variety of ways, and this is an area we are committed to growing moving forward.
We thank the volunteer support for initiatives such as school excursions and camps, significant events such as Sports Day, Catholic Education Week, and assistance with general maintenance around the College.
Any parents who would like to offer their time as volunteers, please contact Mrs Claire Smith on 8595 4500, or

2024 Enrolment of Students
I am very pleased to see that the College is experiencing significant demand in relation to enrolments. Current projections indicate our two year 7 classes will fill to capacity by mid-2023 and parents planning to enrol their child are encouraged to do as soon as possible.
To assist with our medium and long-term planning I encourage parents to lodge an enrolment form with the school as soon as they have decided to enrol their child at the school.
There remains places for enrolment open in years 8, 9 and 10 for 2024.
Should you wish to discuss this further please contact our College Registrar, Claire Smith (phone 8595 4500, or email
Staff Professional Development Day – 9 June
Families are reminded that Friday 9th of June is a Pupil Free Day, and college staff will be coming together for a professional learning day, with a specific focus on teaching and learning.
I trust students and parents will experience the benefits of the work that occurs on this day through our service to students and families.
Catholic Education SA (CESA) COVID-19 Approach
The most recent CESA Covid-19 procedures state the following:
Schools should continue to emphasise that students, staff and site visitors who are showing COVID-19 symptoms should stay away from school until acute symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared.
Staff are required to notify the school if the return a positive COVID-19 test.
Families are recommended to notify the school/centre if their child returns a positive COVID-19 test.
Nathan Hayes, Principal
Education Perfect Maths Competition
From May 23 to May 25, all students at the College were able to participate in the ANZ Education Perfect Maths Competition where they were able to revise and deepen their understanding of a variety of mathematical concepts.
Our overall results were outstanding!
The following are some of our notable achievements:
1st overall in SA out of 53 schools
16th overall globally out of 1,563 schools
2nd overall in the 101-250 students category out of 241 schools
10th overall in Australia out of 1,103 schools
2nd in Australia for the 101-250 students category out of 168 schools
1st in SA for the 101-250 students category out of 8 schools
The student who achieved the highest score at was Armann K with 5,370 points. This was an outstanding effort, placing him 90th in Australia.
Other notable achievements:
Elite Awards (4,000 points)
Armann K
Aaron K
Emerald Awards (2,500 points)
Samuel D
Campbell D
Jack O
Gold Awards (1500 points)
Henry D
Riley B
Tejdeep S
Sebastian C
Avreet K
Tate S
Silver Awards (1000 points)
Gurtaj N
Henry M
Yvette K
Denver K
Heath K
Riley L
Hugh R
There was also 14 students who gained a Bronze Award (500 points) and 62 students who gained a Credit Award (200 points).
Congratulations to all students who achieved an award and to all the students who participated. Also, many thanks to the Maths Teachers for their support and encouragement of the students. The end result is a whole school effort.
The award winners will be celebrated on assembly in Week 10. We look forward to being involved in the competition again next year.
At St Francis all our Year 7 and 8 students engage in the MathsPathway program in their maths classes. Traditionally in schools, it has been extremely difficult for one teacher to cater to the learning needs of 20 individual students. As a result, not every student has experienced success in maths, with many students finding it particularly stressful or difficult. Our teaching team has been working very hard to change that, by evolving the way we teach maths so that instead of all students learning the same topic at the same time, each student will focus on only what they are ready to learn. This means that every student can experience success in maths. There are a few things that happen in the classroom that might be different from your previous maths experience:
- Class wide rich learning tasks that aim to get your child excited and engaged in problem solving using the maths skills they’ve developed, alongside their friends.
- Tailored mini-lessons rotated through smaller groups of students. Teachers can hone on specific mathematical topics with smaller groups of students who will benefit most from that lesson.
- Your child will receive maths that they’re ready for. Each student will have their own maths program tailored to what they’re ready to work on next while working with their teacher to figure out how they can continue to develop their learning skills. That includes regular check-in tests and goal setting to figure out what your child wants to achieve next.
- One-on-one teacher support and feedback. When students are stuck on a particular piece of maths, their teacher will help them out as needed.
This structure has been proven to increase student learning and engagement in mathematics.
We encourage you to chat with your child about their progress and learning goals for MathsPathway.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s maths teacher.
Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
Student Transitions
This week we welcomed Year 5/6 students from Our Lady of the River School, Berri for the first Immersion Day of Term 2. The students were well-hosted by our student leaders and engaged in Science, PE, and Digital Technology lessons.
We look forward to welcoming St Joseph’s School, Barmera next week!
School |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
25th May (Week 4) |
3rd August (Week 2) |
St Jo Barmera |
1st June (Week 5) |
10th August (Week 3) |
St Albert’s |
8th June (Week 6) |
17th August (Week 4) |
St Jo Renmark |
15th June (Week 7) |
24th August (Week 5) |
The College will share further communication via your child’s classroom teacher at all four catholic primary schools. If your child is enrolled at a non-Catholic school, please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email

A reminder to pop your name down for the Breathwork and Meditation session with special guest Val, for Wellness Hub on Tuesday, Week 5!
Sign up sheet is on the student notice board.
Laudato Si’ Action Group
The Laudato Si Action Group are seeking to gauge interest for a Chess Club. If you would like a Chess Club at the College, please complete the form using the QR code below or click here: Chess Club Form
Laudato Si’ Action Group |
Bookmark Creek Inclusion and Diversity Student Clubs |
Peer Support Arts Development Community Outreach |
“Every person on this earth is full of great possibilities that can be realised through imagination, effort and perseverance.”
– Scott Kaufman
Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

As part of a Year 9 Religion unit, students worked together to create class definitions of the 4 elements which make up The Holy Spirit. Students first explored provided resources, then created their own sticky note definition which was shared with the rest of the class. From there we agreed on what we thought encompassed Love, Compassion, Mercy and Service.
Isabella Trudgian, Teacher
This term we have been privileged to support our first pre-service teacher, Teagan McCarthy. Teagan is studying teaching through Swinburn University and today has completed a four-week practical placement at the College.
Teagan has been involved in a range of teaching tasks which have included Fraser Sampson's HPE classes and Amber Burgess' cooking classes. She has been a great help at the rowing sessions and was a keen contributor during our recent Combined Catholic Schools Celebration Day.
We wish Teagan the absolute best in her teaching career, and know that she is, and will be, a fabulous teacher.
Yr 7 HPE Rowing
Year 7’s are continuing their rowing practicals during HPE at the Renmark Rowing Club. Students are enjoying getting onto the water, showing a growth in confidence from start to finish. They are progressing well with their stroke sequencing and learning to row together.
Here is a short video:
Stephanie Turnbull
Rowing Coach

Our Year 7, 8 and 9 team mountain bike riders completed in the Schools SA Mountain Bike Teams Championships in Sturt Gorge Recreational Park at Flagstaff Hill recently. The day was very successfull and super fun for the teams. Big thank you to Luke Prokopec for coordinating the event that was held over two days, and to our parent volunteers who assisited on the day and helped to transport the students to and from Adelaide.
Mountain Bike Teams Championships video
Mountain Bike Teams Championships Results

Congratulations and well done to all students who competed for their house in the 2023 College Cross Country Championship. A big thank you to Mr Cotter and all staff who assisted in the running of the event. A summary of the results is below:
U13 Boys | U13 Girls | U14 Boys | U14 Girls | U15 Boys | U15 Girls | |
1st | Jack O | Amber M | Hamish P | Chelsea D | Noah B | Marissa F |
2nd | Seb C | Emma Mc | Kaiden N | Ael A | Aaron K | Cleo L |
3rd | Samuel D | Shynae P | Armaan K | Billie A | Mitchell E | Leappyea S |

South Australia Commission for Catholic Schools is calling for nominations to serve on the Commission applications to
Checkout RYTs latest newsletter:
Yates Menswear supply our College uniforms directly to families. Jenny, from Yates, has let us know they have the following knitwear and softshell jackets available:
Softshell jackets sizes: 10, 12,14,16, XS, S, M and L
Rugby knit jumper sizes: XS, S,M,L,XL and XXL
Knit jumper sizes: 12, 16, 18, 20 and 22
A number of other winter uniform items are due for delivery to Yates in two - three weeks time.

Students currently attending the College do not need to re-enrol.
