St Francis of Assisi College - Term 2 Week 2 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Mother's Day Breakfast
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- Young Women in STEM Excursion - Year 9 Girls
- College Community Wellbeing
- ANZAC Day 2024 - Renmark Service
- ANZAC Day 2024 - Barmera and Moorook Services
- Student Leaders Induction
- Parent Webinar - Phones and Social Media
- Circle of Support
- Quote of the Week
- Mountain Biking State Championships
- Rowing Program Update
- Term 2 Yr 8 - 10 Learn to Row Sessions
- Year 7 HPE Rowing Practical
- Year 10 Careers Camp
- Careers, Pathways and VET
- The Ways We Communicate
- Mr Reeks' Art Classes
- Catholic School Parents SA - Engagement Event
- G1 Youth
- Young RMS production of Frozen Jr
- Saver Plus - Government Funded Program: Assisting families with education costs
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Mother’s Day Breakfast
Mother’s Day Celebrations
This Sunday we celebrate and appreciate our mothers, grandmothers, and all mother figures in our lives. On Friday 10th of May we held our first Mother’s Day Breakfast in the our new senior building. It was terrific to welcome many of our student’s mum, grandmothers, and mother figures into our school community. Our Student Leaders took the lead in welcoming and hosting our guests, and was a wonderful opportunity to bring our school community together.
May is the Month of Mary
For May, give Mary a special spot in your prayer corner. It can be a statue, a picture, or some representation of our Blessed Mother. Make it appealing and a real tribute to her beauty and virtue. She was the first disciple, and we hear of her triumphant “yes” to be the mother of Jesus.
A Mother’s Day Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
You chose to put yourself—tiny, needy, and helpless—into the nurturing and watchful hands of a human mother. Since then, every act of mothering, both physical and spiritual, in every time and every corner of the world recollects Mary’s.
Inspired by this example, we, too, honour our mothers and mother figures today. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers and nurturers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons, and daughters, honour them always with a spirit of profound respect.
We ask this in your holy name. Amen.
Welcome to new families
As I welcome all families back to start of Term 2, we especially welcome new families to our community, hoping that they will enjoy being a part of our learning family. The term has commenced smoothly and students have once again settled into the routines that were established in Term 1. We look forward with fresh energy to the learning experiences to be encountered during the term.
ANZAC Day – ‘Lest we forget’
I was delighted that St Francis of Assisi College was formally involved in ANZAC Day commemorations held across the Riverland. I believe ANZAC Day not only offers us an opportunity to acknowledge those Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who fought and died at Gallipoli in 1915 but is also a day of remembrance for all soldiers who have died while fighting for their country as well as their families whose lives have been significantly transformed by the supreme sacrifice. Furthermore, ANZAC Day invites us as a community to acknowledge the commitment of our contemporary armed forces and their families; a day to say thank you with deep appreciation. I thank our Student Leaders who representated the College at services across the Riverland. It was pleasing to note the number of St Francis of Assisi College students who, as Ariforce Cadets, were involved in the proceedings of the day. Likewise, it was also pleasing that many students of the College attended the ceremonies during the day with their families.
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We shall remember them.
Staff Professional Development Day – 7 June
Families are reminded that Friday 7th of June is a Pupil Free Day, and College staff will be coming together for a professional learning day, with a specific focus on whole of school wellbeing.
I trust students and parents will experience the benefits of the work that occurs on this day through our service to students and families.
Catholic Education Week
May 13 - 17 is Catholic Education Week in all CESA schools across the Port Pirie Diocese, and the Arch Diocese of Adelaide. To celebrate this, next Wednesday we are hosting St Joseph’s School Renmark, Our Lady of the River School Berri, St Albert’s School Loxton, and St Joseph’s School Barmera. The day will begin with combined outdoor Liturgy, and then an afternoon of activities students and staff will engage in across the campus.
Student Uniform
The College uniform is the most visible symbol of identity for students at St Francis of Assisi College. It is expected all students take pride in their appearance and ensure their uniform is well-fitted, clean, neat and worn in a dignified and respectful manner during the school day, while travelling to and from school and at school related functions. A high standard of personal dress and grooming is required at all times. While students are encouraged to take responsibility for their standards of grooming, parents are expected to send their children to school appropriately groomed.
The correct wearing of the St Francis of Assisi College uniform shows that students take pride in themselves and are ready to learn. It presents a positive image of the College and supports the College ethos.
- Students are required to wear all aspects of the uniform neatly and according to the published uniform regulations of the College.
- All uniform items must be those supplied by approved St Francis of Assisi College uniform suppliers.
- The correct footwear should be worn. Sneakers are not a part of the college uniform and must not be worn to and from school except on days when PE is scheduled.
- Approved footwear for the Formal Uniform, are black lace-up school shoes (not black sneakers), and T-Bar sandals.
- Students should wear sports shoes that appropriately support running and general activity as well as prevent injury.
The complete College uniform policy is accessible on our website:
St Francis of Assisi College | College Policies
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal

Reflection – May the Month of Mary
This woman of faith, Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of God, has been given to us as a model in our pilgrimage of faith. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love one another as God loves us. This is very fitting that May is the Month of Mary, with Mother’s Day approaching this weekend.
Mary says to us today: "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say" (Lk 1:38).
And with those words, she expresses what was the fundamental attitude of her life: her faith! Mary believed, she trusted in God's promises and was faithful.
Student Leadership and Ventus Liturgy
In Week 1, our Student Leaders were blessed along with their badges during a Ventus Liturgy. Thank you for the parents who attended and for all the student helpers who carried out readings and voluntary roles throughout the Liturgy.
Catholic Education Week
Next week is Catholic Education Week for South Australia. The 2024 theme is raising Hearts and Minds to the wonder and awe of God’s creation. Currently, we have 8,499 staff, 52,590 students and 101 Catholic Schools in South Australia.
All the Catholic schools in the Riverland will come together to celebrate our Catholic schools starting with a Liturgy in the morning and activities for all students throughout the day. We look forward to hosting this combined event next week on Wednesday.
Year 7 Student Retreat
On Wednesday, our year 7 students travelled to the Barmera Club for their retreat. The day was based around our College Motto, Laudato Si’, a call from Pope Francis to care for self, others and common home. The morning session commenced with a walk along the lake to an outdoor learning classroom. This walk was centred around connecting with land, appreciating all of God’s creation around us and learning from our surroundings. Guest speaker, Kylan Beech, from the St Vincent de Paul Society spoke with the students about how Vinnies care for others and how we can help through charitable work. We finished the day preparing time capsules, which students will add to each year of their schooling.

Data Wall Construction
This week during our Profession Learning meeting, our staff came together to collaboratively co-construct a comprehensive data wall focused on reading. This wall included the faces of all students from Year 7 - Year 10. Working in year level teams, staff used data from NAPLAN tests, progressive achievement tests (PAT) and English assessment grades. The data wall is physically located in a meeting room that only staff have access to. Using a shared responsibility approach to student growth, ensures that a shared ownership of each student and every staff member is invested in improving the reading performance of every student. By including every student in our school, will stimulate the conversation to ‘our students in our school’. Staff will use this data wall to identify targeted areas of teacher practice and overall, we hope to see some significant changes in student reading. Staff will also meet at regular scheduled meetings to discuss individual students and collectively determine strategies that will best support the student to ensure they are moving forward with their learning.

Young Women in STEM Excursion - Expression of Interest - LIMITED POSITIONS AVAILABLE
Are you interested in a career in STEM?
Would like an opportunity to meet current women studying STEM while undertaking a range of engaging hands-on activities?
Would you like to spend a day at the University of Adelaide on July 4?
Mrs Meuret is organising an excursion for 15 year 9 girls to attend the Young Women in STEM program at the University of Adelaide on July 4. Only 15 students can attend, so if you are interested, please complete the expression of interest form below before May 17. Any questions, please see Mrs Meuret.
AI and Academic Integrity
In today's digital age, we are witnessing incredible advancements in technology that are shaping various aspects of our lives, including education. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly prevalent in education settings, offering new possibilities for learning, research, and productivity. However, with these exciting opportunities come significant challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining academic integrity.
Integrity is one of St Francis of Assisi College’s core values, therefore it is important as a community we actively address the challenges posed by AI tools and foster a culture of academic integrity, by providing a learning environment that encourages student to embrace ethical practices and take ownership of their learning. Academic integrity encompasses principles of honesty, fairness, and the ethical use of information. It promotes the development of critical thinking skills and the cultivation of intellectual curiosity.
One of the main issues with AI tools is the potential for plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work or ideas as one's own, and it undermines the integrity of academic pursuits. Students may be tempted to use these tools to generate essays or assignments, presenting the work as their own without proper attribution. This behavior is not acceptable as it not only undermines the educational process but also hinders personal growth and development.
The unethical use of AI tools includes
- Plagiarism – using AI-generated content without proper citation or presenting AI generated work as your own. This is the same as taking a definition from Google.
- Assignment outsourcing – using AI to create assignments, essays or projects without any personal input or understanding. This undermines the learning process. This is same as a tutor or parent creating your work and claiming it as your own.
- Misrepresenting abilities – using AI to complete tasks that are beyond your understanding and presenting the results as your won. This is same as copying someone’s assessment and slightly changing it to look different.
- Improper Referencing Checking – using AI to source references without checking the validity of the information and relevance. This is the same as using Wikipedia.
It is important that together we provide students with appropriate education and awareness by providing students with clear guidelines and discussions on academic integrity. It is also equally important to teach students responsible use of AI in education and how it can be applied to enhance education, so they are prepared to live and work with AI. Together, we need to help students understand the consequences of dishonesty and the long-term benefits of genuine learning, to ensure that education at St Francis of Assisi College remains a meaningful and authentic experience.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
Several of our 2024 Student Leaders represented the College at ANZAC Day Services across the Riverland as they paid their respects to servicemen and women from the region. Also pictured is Leader of Wellbeing, Luke Cotter, and College Principal, Nathan Hayes.

In Week 1, we blessed and inducted our student leaders into their positions for 2024. The leaders received their badges and recited and signed a Pledge of Leadership pictured below.

We have continued our partnership with Wellio this year for pastoral care and community resources related to mental wellbeing.
Wellio helps students proactively improve their mental wellbeing using research-backed habits and techniques. Their programme supports students in improving their sleep, managing social media use, building healthy relationships, improving physical well-being, and reducing anxiety.
Alongside their work with students, Wellio will be delivering a webinar each term to parents. The upcoming webinar next week is titled “Phones & Social Media”. Drawing on the latest psychological science, this webinar helps you guide your child to better habits and beat back phone addiction.
Phones & Social Media: Wellio Parent Webinar: Tuesday 14 May at 6:30pm (AEDT)
- Registration Link (so that you can be sent the recording):
Join Wellio for a free webinar to learn practical strategies that will help your children manage phone addiction and social media.
- Reality vs Social Media: we discuss how students compare their lives with what they see on social media and the impact this has on their self esteem. We'll share 3 simple strategies to keep them on track.
- Technology and Sleep: 73% of teenagers aren't getting enough sleep and their devices are a primary cause. We explain how you can limit the impact.
- Techniques to manage anxiety: A toolkit of strategies that you can use to help your child manage and prevent anxiety developing as a result of social media and phone use..
2024 Parent Webinar Schedule:
Please see below for the dates for our other free parent webinars running across the year:
- Tuesday 14th May 6:30pm - Phones & Social Media
- Thursday 29th August 6:30pm - Building Healthy Relationships
- Thursday 31st October 6:30pm - Resilience & Setbacks
Parents can register to attend any or all of these sessions HERE
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.
Home Group |
Teachers |
Miss Rebecca Ward |
Miss Ramanjeet Arkan |
Miss Niamh Graney |
Mr. John Lyons |
Miss Mae Camporeale |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Mrs Isabella Trudgian |
Miss Ruby Orchard |

Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
On Thursday St Francis competed in the Y7/8 & Y9/10 Mountain Bike State Championships.
Our Year 7/8 Boys were set a mountain to climb, being stuck at the back of the pack in a field of 88 competitors. On a tight track with limited opportunities to overtake the St Francis Team started chipping away at their opponents lap by Lap narrowly completing their last lap by the cutoff after a stack at the bottom of the course to finish 15th (1st from the Riverland region) overall from a pool of 80.
Year 9/10 boys snagged a good starting position in the first couple rows of riders and went across the line on the way out sitting in about 30th. Some really fast and consistent times from the group saw the boys climbing their way up after three laps were in a battle with Loxton for 14th. The 2.5hr race became a race of attrition with times across the event dropping rapidly. The lads fitness proving the difference seeing them climb from 14th all the way up to finishing the race in 9th place out of a pool of 65! They were first for the Riverland region – surrounded by many big city private schools who have weekly access to the Adelaide Hills Tracks.
The two teams showed great ability to work together as a team. The day was perfect, apart from the 4:15am departure, with weather conditions of 20 degrees, no wind, and sunny. During the racing there were just two stacks between for the two teams, which was a huge improvement and the teams had incredible results (compared to last year).
Thank you to Mr John Lyons, Mr Andrw Sheene, our School Chief Bike Mechanic, and Mr Luke Propkopec. A proud day for St. Francis Mountain Biking.

Term 2 Rowing
This term rowing is offered after school to any Year 8 to 10 students who haven’t previously been part of the Rowing Program. The group took to the water this week, and for some students this was their first on-water experience. They will continue to rotate between on-land and water sessions throughout the term.
Year 7 HPE Rowing Practicals
As well, our Year 7 cohort are participating in a Rowing unit as part of HPE. This week classes travelled down to the Renmark Rowing Club during their double practical lessons. It’s a great experience for students to get a go rowing on the water.

On Day 1Year 10s made their way to Adelaide for their Career/Geography Camp!
Their first stop was Glenelg where students in Mrs Trudgian’s Geography class conducted their Fieldwork. The rest of the Year 10s completed an industry scavenger hunt and had fun in the playground, before settling into the West Beach Caravan Park to finish off the day enjoying the pool and a beach sunset walk.
On Day 2 Year 10s went on tours and heard about the training and educational opportunities at: TAFE SA and Flinders University Tonsley sites and University of South Australia City West Campus (students experienced a ride on the tram in the city to get to the campus). On arrival back at the caravan park the Geography students went for a walk along the beach with Mrs Trudgian to complete their field work on coastal management and dune protection strategies.
Today is Day 3, students have been capping off their Career Camp with a visit to the Careers Expo at the Adelaide Showground. Watch this space in our next Newsletter for photos capturing the day’s highlights.
Thanks to Mrs Burgess, Mrs Trudigan, Mrs Warner and Mr Goodman for supporting the Camp.

Don't hestiate to contact the College office on 8595 4500 if you have any difficulty with the various mediums used by the College to commuicate with families.

"Do you complain there is nothing for people your age to do in the Riverland? Want to go somewhere to hang out with your friends, whilst having some fun?
Well, G1 Youth provides a fun Friday night program for all High school-aged students. We welcome everyone from all ages, gender identities, religions, home situations and Riverland regions!
If you're free this Friday night, we would love to see you there. Find us from 7-9pm at 11 Mortimer Road, Berri. For more information, or to see what we get up to, check out our facebook or instagram page, We hope to see you there!"

A group of our students are involved in the Young RMS production of Frozen Jr at the Bonney Theatre in Barmera during the upcoming school holidays. Over 50 talented students, aged 7 to 17 years, from 15 Riverland schools are involved in the production and have been busily rehearsing all term.
Performances are on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April at 1pm and 3:30pm. Tickets go on sale on April 2nd April at 8:30am through Trybooking

Saver Plus is a FREE 10-month matched savings and financial education program funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by The Smith Family.
The program aims to help participants to learn how to better manage their money and develop long-term savings habits.
Saver Plus is available to anyone who is eligible across Australia.
Eligible participants learn money skills and receive up to $500 to help with their school expenses.
* 10 month program (commence at any time)
* Save $50 a month for 10 months and receive $500 towards educational costs
* Complete up to 10hrs of Virtual workshops called MoneyMinded (support provided)
* Must hold a Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card and meet the following eligibility.
* Income: Carers payment / child support are also considered with other eligibility.
More information at
