St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 4 - 2024
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- What's Cooking?
- 2024 College Swimming Carnival
- 2024 Vitor Renmark Swimming Club Open
- Important Note: College Athletics Carnival - Thursday 7 March 2024
- Catholic Education SA - Transition to Teaching Scholarship
- College Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group
- Mission Transforms Lives
- Have your say - Renmark Paringa Council - Paringa Nature Play Survey
- SA Premiers Reading Challenge 2024
- Mr Reeks’ Wonderful Fantastic Magical Art Classes
- Middle to High School Cool - Information Session
- Renmark Netball Club - Junior Netball Trials
- 2024 Youth Environment Council applications open
- Saver Plus - a program to help families save for 2025 school expenses
- Recharge Youth - Chill and Chat
- G1 Youth - Term 1 Planner
- Stay Connected
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Lenten Season and Project Compassion – For All Future Generations
Fundraising throughout the six weeks of Lent will contribute to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion Campaign. Once again, this Lent Caritas Australia calls us to support Project Compassion under the theme of ‘For All Future Generations’, which is an expression of hope, and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.
Project Compassion 2024 shares the stories of resilient and inspiring individuals whose lives and futures have been impacted by the ongoing support of Caritas and its supporters. We will be encouraging students to discover the power of giving and the impact that their contribution, however big or small, can have in the lives of others. When we lend a hand to someone in need, they will go on to help others and make better opportunities for future generations.
Secondary Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday February 14 we held our annual Swimming Carnival and it was a terrific day. The spirit in which students participated throughout the day was excellent. Some students were able to excel in a range of events, and for some it was a day to push comfort zones for the greater good of their team. The success in and outside the pool was a delight to see and I thank staff, students and parents for their support of swimming endeavours within our College community.
Wellbeing Initiative - Classroom Pulse ‘Check-In’
As in past years, each term during week 5 and 6 every student in a Catholic School in South Australia will participate in a simple online Classroom Pulse Check-In. This Check-In has been developed to ascertain how students are currently feeling about their experience in school. It is tailored to allow your child’s teacher(s) to Check-In and provide immediate feedback and support to them. The Check-In will be carried out during Home Group / Pastoral Care.
I am conscious that life in school has its’ ups and downs, but I am also confident that your child’s teachers want to understand how they are feeling so they are able to support you and your child in meeting any social, emotional, or learning needs that they may have.
To enable this, your child’s teacher and I will have access to their responses to facilitate follow up and support as required. Please be assured that, as your child’s prime caregiver, any support required will be communicated and discussed with you in advance.
There are a range of simple questions about your child’s life at school, their identity as a person and a learner, their sense of belonging, safety, and friendships. A sample of the Check-In can be found here
In addition to supporting your child, de-identified data from all participating schools will be used by Catholic Education SA to identify trends to assist in future planning for the support of the learning and wellbeing for students across South Australia.
Catholic Education SA believes that our role is to help every child to be a thriving person, capable learner and a leader for the world God desires. We believe this Check-In will play an important part in supporting that goal and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further clarification.
Seondary Athletics Carnival – 7 March, in Week 6
I extend a very warm welcome to parents, carers, and family members to attend these carnivals to witness the athletic endeavours and meet other families who are part of the College community. Catering will be available, so come to the College for a long lunch break from work commitments, enjoy the athletics and have a bite to eat at the same time.
Don’t forget to bring a hat!
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal

The Season of Lent
Last week, we launched our Season of Lent with Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and a Liturgy in Pastoral Care Groups on Wednesday.
A massive thank you to Mrs Burgess and her Year 10 class for making and cooking the pancakes for the whole school. And to our Student Leaders for serving these during lunch time. We also had some generous donations towards Caritas’ Project Compassion.
On Wednesday morning, each House took part in a Liturgy for Ash Wednesday. During this time, we prepared ourselves for this Lenten season where we give up things in order to give to others and do our best to help and pray for others. Students created prayer chains in their Pastoral Care groups that we can reflect on throughout Lent and leading into Easter. Student Leader, Riley, Mrs Bonney and Mrs Stavrou also joined our local parish Mass with Fr Hau.
Project Compassion
Throughout Lent, which runs until Easter, we are raising money for Project Compassion. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s main annual fundraising campaign. It mobilises Australians to raise much-needed funds to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world.
Held during Lent, the six-week period before Easter, Catholic schools, Parishes, and the wider Australian public participate in a diverse range of fundraising activities and events to support Caritas Australia’s programs both overseas and here with our First Australian partners.
Aqua House will be organizing a fundraiser this term to support Project Compassion. More details will be revealed for this very soon. Project compassion boxes have also been distributed to students to take home and fundraise throughout this time.
Compassionate God,
We pray for all who are trying to rise from the ashes in their lives. May our support for Project Compassion remind us that now is the time to turn to the Lord with all our hearts and embrace the needs of God’s whole family.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2024 for Years 7 and 9 students will be held this term between 13 and 19 March 2024. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The results of the test provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals which can be used to improve student achievement.
In preparation for NAPLAN, our school will participate in practice tests on the 27 February. This practice test will be a trial run and is a key preparation activity for NAPLAN in March. It is not an assessment of student ability, and the tests are not marked.
Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not recommended. Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in NAPLAN.
Participation by all students is expected; however, in certain circumstances students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with myself, the Leader of Learning. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a withdrawal form.
Later in the year you will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The report will also show how your child performed in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia.
If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the college.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning
When a student is absent from school, a parent/guardian is to inform the College by email, phone call or SEQTA Engage.
Phone: 08 85954500
SEQTA Engage: Direct message
Students who arrive after 8:45am must report to Student Services (Front Office/Wisdom Centre) to sign in.
Any students who are required to leave throughout the school day before 3:15pm, must report to Student Services to sign out. Parents/Caregivers must inform Administration staff via phone, email or SEQTA Engage before a student can leave school grounds.
College Uniform
Home group teachers regularly inspect student uniform and refer to the College uniform policy for guidance. The full uniform policy can be viewed here: St Francis of Assisi College | College Policies
- A fine gold/silver necklace and/or chain will be permitted only when they are part of a cross, or other religious symbolic jewellery.
- Students may wear a single gold/silver stud or a small sleeper on each ear lobe only. There is to be no other ornamentation.
- A watch is permitted
- One simple ring e.g. signet ring may be worn
House Formation
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number - (08) 8595 4500.

Student Leadership
The Year 7 cohort are invited to apply for student leadership positions for 2024. There is one position per house to be filled by a Year 7 student. Please use the forms below to submit your application. All applicants will go through a shortlist process and may receive an interview. All students who receive an interview will also be listed as part of a student vote.
Student Leadership Application Form

“6 Ways To Give Your Mind A Break:
1. Stop stressing
2. Stop worrying
3. Give rest to the problems weighing you down
4. Lighten up
5. Forgive yourself
6. Forgive others”
― Germany Kent
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing

Term 1 has started off with students getting straight back into the food tech space and cooking up some delicious recipes, all while working on fine-tuning their culinary skills.
The Year 8’s have made sushi, chocolate-chip cookies and pasta bolognaise. While the Year 9’s have focused on ‘finger foods’ and have made spinach & cheese pinwheels, pavlova, and sausage rolls.
The year 10’s have been working on recipes with a number of cooking elements to enhance their skill development and confidence. So far they have made Asian green-triangles, chipotle chicken burrito bowls, and beetroot brownies.
Watch this space for more amazing food and recipes!
Mrs Amber Burgess, Food Technology

Our 2024 Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday of Week 3, with our growing College community coming together for a day of fun, competition and team spirit.
It was great to see strong attendance and participation from most students, regardless of swimming ability and confidence. The winners of the Championship Shield were Aqua on 376 points, ahead of Terra 308, Ignis 289, and Ventus 235. The team spirit shield went to Ignis on 34 points, ahead of Ventus 33, Terra 25 and Aqua 23.
A special thank you to:
- Mark Riedel & the Vitor Renmark Swimming Club for their generous use of equipment, facilities and setting up in the morning.
- Janet Riedel and Sandra Kernich, for assisting as stroke judges throughout the day.
- The parents who assisted with timekeeping and supporting our students.
- Ivan Smith, for providing us with radios for communication.
- All staff, for their support, flexibility and effort on the day to support an important whole school event.
Please see a summary of Age Cup points below and a video link showing some of the day's highlights
Mr Fraser Sampson and Mr Luke Propokpec

Over 300 swimmers from 28 SA and VIC swimming clubs competed last weekend in the 2024 Vitor Renmark Open. Vitor Renmark Swimming Club was placed 4th place on the overall score board. Seven out of the 24 swimmers are students of the College.
Competition was very strong with our student swimmers backing up from their performances at the College Swimming Carnival held Wednesday prior to the Vitor Renmark Open. Under leadership of the Club Captain, Hugh, Vice-Captains Ruby and Daniel, all swimmers represented their swimming club, and their school superbly, both in and out of the pool.
11-12 years group
Ruby - 7 swims & 7 personal best times – 100%PB
Harper - 5 swims & 5 personal best times – 100%PB
Congratulations to Harper, who has qualified SA State Long Course 50m Backstroke in 11 years old group. Harper will attend SA State Aged Long Course Swimming Championship on 8
Sophie - 4 swims & 4 personal best times – 100%PB
Daniel - 9 swims & 6 personal best times - 10.15PB drop 100m Butterfly
Jacob - 5 swims & 5 personal best times – 100%PB
13-14 Years Group
Louis - 7 swims & 7 personal best time – 100% PB
Congratulations to Louis, who has qualified SA State Long Course 50m Freestyle in 13 years old group. Louis will attend SA State Aged Long Course Swimming Championship on 8th – 11th March 2024.
Hugh - 9 swims & 9 medals, total earned 78 points topped club scorecard.
Congratulations to Hugh, who has qualified SA State Long Course all 9 events in 15 years old group. Hugh will attend SA State Aged Long Course Swimming Championship on 8th – 11th March 2024.
The canteen will be open for the College Athletics Carnival (Thursday 7th March), selling snacks, lunch and drinks.
Please note that Grab and Go/QKR lunch orders will not be available to order on that day.
Further information (menu and pricing) will be shared next week.

Picture: Nichii Mardon, Director Catholic Education, Port Pirie Diocese, Layne Fenwick, Education Support Officer and Nathan Hayes, Principal
We are thrilled that Layne Fenwick, our very own Education Support Officer (ESO), has been awarded one of three Catholic Education SA Transition to Teaching Scholarships. The scholarships provide financial support and are specifically designed to assist aspiring teachers in regional areas, giving recipients the opportunity to study while remaining in a regional location. In Lane’s case she can continue to live in the Riverland and work as an ESO in a part time capacity.
Layne said “I am deeply grateful for the scholarship and am eagerly looking forward to the day when I can transition into teaching”. She added “this is an opportunity to further my journey in education, guiding and nurturing young minds, fills me with anticipation for the opportunities that lie ahead”.
To apply for the Scholarship Lane completed an online application followed by an interview. Layne will begin studying a Bachelor in Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) in March 2024.
The College has set up a Second Hand Uniform Facebook Group to enable parents and caregivers to buy, sell, swap or giveaway second hand uniforms. For these transactions parents and caregivers will deal directly with each other, with the Facebook Group merely acting as a way to connect families disposing of, or wanting, second hand uniforms.
The group is for members only and the following group rules apply:
- it is the parent/caregivers responsibility to liaise directly with each other for the purpose of
buy/swap/sell/giveaway of second-hand uniforms
- detailed information about the College's uniform policy is available on the College website and can be referred to as required
Please use the link if you would like to join the group

Learn more: join our Mission Webinar March 5th, 6:00-6:30pm
Learn even more: join our two-week tour to Timor-Leste on 5th May to see Palms program participants and our local partner communities in action together.

Renmark Paringa Council would like as many local families as possible to complete a survey relating to Paringa Nature Play project.
The survey can be found here:
The survey is open until mid next week. If you are seeking more information please contact: Jane Kuerschner, Communications and Engagement Officer, Renmark Paringa Council email: or call 8580 3000.
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
As a college, we will be participating in the SA Premiers Reading Challenge in 2024. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading, as well as improve overall literacy levels. The Challenge requires students to read 12 books between the beginning of the school year and early September (6th of September 2024).
To complete the challenge, students are required to read a combination of books from the Challenge booklists and books of their own choosing.
- Year 7- 9 students need to select at least 4 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist and 8 books of their own choice.
- Year 10-12 students can select 12 books of their own choice at an appropriate literacy level.
The booklists are available on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Book List | Premiers Reading Challenge SA
We understand that each student at our college will have different entry points due to various reasons when it comes to reading. However, we strongly encourage all students, no matter their reading ability, to participate and find personal confidence and enjoyment in reading. There are a range of strategies and tools that can be used to support reading, and we encourage all students to communicate with their English teacher to choose appropriate books to their reading level, as well as find other platforms that can support them to complete this challenge.
Public libraries across South Australia strongly support the Premier’s Reading Challenge. They play an integral part in the program by providing books for students to borrow. Many of the books in the booklists can be downloaded for free or borrowed in hardcopy format through the statewide OneCard library catalogue. Your OneCard allows you to borrow and return Premier’s Reading Challenge books to any of the public libraries across South Australia.
→ Join online and search the library catalogue at
→ Read parent and family information about the PRC at
→ Access the digital services, including PRC ebooks and audiobooks at (Libby and BorrowBox are recommended free apps that have a large collection of e-books and audiobooks)
If you have any further questions about the challenge, please email your child’s English teacher, or contact the front office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Isabella Trudgian Natalie Meuret
Learning and Wellbeing Coordinator Leader of Learning

Catholic School Parents SA Info Session – attend in person or online
Tuesday 12 March, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
No matter what we say to young people about not caring about what others think, this is the age where they care the most. During this period of psychological change and growth, pre-teens and teenagers want to fit in. This workshop will help you understand what’s going through their minds, how to help, and the importance of staying connected.
This practical workshop will give you an insight into the minds of this age group, how best to respond to their social and emotional needs to prepare them for the next stage of their education. The event will have online and in person attendance options.
Madhavi Nawana Parker, Director of Positive Minds Australia is one of Australia’s leading experts on Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Cost: Free
Register via the CESA Registration Centre -

The Youth Environment Council (YEC) is open to South Australian students in Years 7 to 11 with a passion for a sustainable future.
Do you want to make a difference and develop your leadership skills all while having heaps of fun? Join this year’s intake to:
- share your passion for the environment and sustainability with students across the state.
- develop leadership and public speaking skills at camps, workshops, and forums.
- take actions for the environment and make a difference.
- share your views and actions with governments.
Eligible students, in both regional and metropolitan South Australia, are invited to apply. Places are strictly limited.
Click here to apply for 2024!
Applications close Thursday 29 February.
For more information on what the YEC involves and eligibility requirements please visit the YEC website or contact

Many families are experiencing cost of living challenges as well as increased education costs.
Saver Plus supports eligible families to take some control of their finances by offering a matched savings incentive and financial education workshops.
If parents commit to saving up to $50 a month for 10 months, ANZ will match their savings up to $500 for families to put towards school uniforms, stationary, camps, laptops, sports fees and music lessons.
*The program accepts Child Support, Carers Payment and Cash in hand as regular income.
If families join in February 2024, they can claim their matched savings in December 2024 in time for 2025 school costs.
To learn more about Saver Plus attend an online Information Sessions: Register here.

Gi Youth is a community youth group located in Berri aimed at young people across the Riverland region in years 7-12. As a ministry of Riverland Central Church, we want to be a safe space for young people to be in community with other like-minded young people, make friends and learn more about who they were created to be. Plus, we have a LOT OF FUN!
"Do you complain there is nothing to do in the Riverland? No bowling alleys, cinemas, frozen yogurt shops?
Well, G1 Youth provides a fun program on Friday nights during the school term for high school aged students. We welcome everyone from all ages, gender identities, religions, home situations and Riverland regions!
