St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 2 - 2025
- Acknowledgment of Country
- From the Principal
- Catholic Mission and Religious Identity
- Visit from Sam Mitchell
- Leader of Learning
- College Community Wellbeing
- 2025 Athletics Carnival Rescheduling
- Welcome to New Staff
- Year 7 Science
- 7 HASS
- Years 7 & 8 German
- Year 8 Mathematics
- Year 8 Science
- Year 8 Kitchen Garden
- Year 8 Food Tech
- Year 10 Food and Hospitality
- Rowing Program update
- Breakfast Club
- Employment Opportunity: Jarahs Hair
- Riverland Youth Theatre
- Air Force Cadets
- National Apology Day
- River Murray Youth Council - Call for Members
- Riverland Special School's Disability Expo
- Uniform buy/swap/sell/giveaway Facebook Page
- College Office - Open Hours
- Family Business Directory
- The Ways We Communicate
- Saver Plus-Funded by Department of Social Services, partnered by Brotherhood St Laurence and ANZ, delivered by The Smith Family.
- Contact Us for More Information
REMEMBER If you are reading this newsletter from your email don't forget to click 'read more' to expand your view and access all of our feature photos!

Our Diocesan Theme ‘Seeds of Hope’
Each year, Catholic schools in the Port Pirie Diocese take on a shared theme, and this year’s theme is ‘Seeds of Hope’.
As we begin a new school year, it is an ideal time to pause and consider what seeds we are going to plant, water and nurture over the course of the year ahead.
During our recent beginning of year staff planning days, we considered as educators, what the notion of planting seeds could mean for us.
As educators our role includes planting and nurturing seeds for our students, in the hope that at some point, they will continue to water and nurture the seeds to then harvest the rewards. We also recognised we often need to harvest many seeds with only a few flourishing. Even further, it may be that we will not see the harvest from the seeds we plant. After all, as parents and teachers, we understand that we can simply continue to plant the seeds for our children and students and walk alongside them as they water and nurture the seeds, in their own way.
How exciting to wait and see which seeds will grow in 2025!
A Strong Start
Our staff collectively focus on supporting students to feel welcome and safe as we begin the new school year and settle in to engaging and purposeful learning. Our new year 7 students have significant change to manage. I encourage parents and carers to contact their child’s Home Group teacher in the first instance, with any questions or concerns to ensure we can work in partnership to support your child.
I hope that all students have been able settle into a productive routine as quickly as possible. The new year brings all sorts of new opportunities and experiences. In 2025 this is certainly so! It is an exciting time at the College and we look forward to providing many rich learning experiences as the year unfolds.
If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact the College. We believe that it is critically important for your child’s educational experience that a positive, healthy relationship exists between their parents and the College.
College Leadership
Executive Leadership:
Principal - Nathan Hayes
Assistant Principal of Religious Identity and Mission - Sheridan Bonney
Acting Religious Leader (Sheridan Bonney will be on leave from Term 2) - Isabella Trudgian
Leader of Learning - Natalie Meuret
Leader of Wellbeing - Luke Cotter
Learning and Wellbeing Leadership:
Learning Coordinator - Sarah Vater
Wellbeing Coordinator - Isabella Trudgian
Educator Development Coordinator - Jean Booysen
Student Counsellor and Inclusive Learning Coordinator - Tasha Morath
VET and Future Pathways Coordinator - Amber Burgess
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal
2025 Diocesan Theme and Beginning of Year Mass
Each year, our Catholic schools in the Port Pirie Diocese have a theme. This year our theme is ‘Seeds of Hope,’ which was introduced to our College community during our first Whole College Mass in Week 1. We reflected on how planting seeds of hope can mean listening to others, offering kindness, and making a difference in ways we may not even realise. Small actions, like a kind word or a helping hand, can grow into something much greater, impacting the lives of those around us in a positive way.
Our beginning of year Mass was a great way to start the year, with our Student Leaders taking on key roles throughout the ceremony. Thank you to Fr Hau for delivering an inspiring message and well wishes for a positive year together.
Year 10 Religion
Our year 10 Religion classes were grateful to have Sam Mitchell visit and speak about the Aboriginal Creation story in the Riverland area. Students will be investigating the symbolic meaning of the Genesis Catholic Creation stories in the Bible and drawing some comparison to the Aboriginal Dreaming. Thank you to Sam Mitchell for your words of wisdom and for conducting a wholesome and cleansing smoking ceremony for the students to experience.
Beginning of Year Prayer - Seeds of Hope
Loving God,
As we begin this new school year, we ask for Your blessing on our St. Francis of Assisi College community—students, families, and staff. May the seeds of hope we plant for others around us and oursleves grow, shaping our words and actions.
Help us to work together with wisdom and kindness, nurturing the gifts of each child. Guide us in building a community of faith, learning, and love, so that we may bring hope to those around us.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus.
Mrs Sheridan Bonney, Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

A Strong Start to the School Year: Inspiring Learning and Growth
The start of the school year has been marked by an outstanding level of success for both students and teachers, setting a positive tone for the months ahead. Through dedicated teamwork and collaboration, our teachers have thoughtfully designed and implemented learning experiences that are not only academically demanding but also deeply engaging and meaningful for every student. This intentional approach ensures that students feel motivated, challenged, and supported in their learning journey at St Francis of Assisi College.
Across all subject areas, students have eagerly begun developing and refining essential skills such as communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. These foundational competencies are crucial for their academic progress and personal growth, equipping them with the tools needed to become capable and thriving learners in an ever-changing world.
On a personal note, as I’ve had the opportunity to visit classrooms and observe lessons firsthand, I have been genuinely inspired and impressed by the remarkable levels of student engagement, participation, and enthusiasm. The energy and passion displayed by our students, combined with the dedication and expertise of our teachers, create a dynamic and vibrant learning environment where everyone is encouraged to thrive and grow.
PAT Testing
Next week, in week 3, all year 7 students will complete the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT). There are two tests: PAT-R (reading) and PAT-M (Numeracy). These are diagnostic assessments conducted to measure student’s growth throughout the year. They provide valuable information to teachers about your child’s learning strengths and needs. The tests will indicate what skills students have mastered, what skills they are consolidating and even more importantly what skills they need to be educationally stretched. It will also provide teachers with objective information for setting realistic learning goals and enables them to better plan learning programs as students’ progress through the college.
If you have any questions about PAT Testing, please contact the college.
Mrs Natalie Meuret, Leader of Learning

Welcome back!
It seemed we all hit the ground running to start 2025! It has been excellent to see all our new students become so comfortable and for our returning students being great mentors and role models. By the end of the first week, students were seamlessly moving between classes, mastering their locks, and building on newfound friendships.
When a student is absent from school, a parent/guardian is to inform the College by email, phone call or SEQTA Engage.
Phone: 8595 4500
SEQTA Engage: Direct message
Students who arrive after 8:45am must report to Student Services (Administration/Wisdom Centre) to sign in.
Any students who are required to leave throughout the school day before 3:15pm, must report to Student Services to sign out. Parents/Caregivers must inform Administration staff via phone, email or SEQTA Engage before a student can leave school grounds.
College Uniform
Home group teachers regularly inspect student uniform and refer to the College uniform policy for guidance. The full uniform policy can be viewed here: St Francis of Assisi College | College Policies and the key takeaways are addressed below.
The College uniform must be always worn correctly going to and from school and on other occasions when students are asked to wear it. The uniform should be kept clean, and students should always take care to see that they present well.
It is important to note that the acceptable length of the dress and skirt is to the back of the knee when standing and for both the sport and formal shorts to extend past the end of fingertips when standing.
Only on the days students have practical PE lessons are they permitted to wear the full sports uniform both to and from school.
Students should always wear the correct footwear unless a note is provided by a parent/guardian. Approved footwear for the Formal Uniform are black lace-up school shoes (not black sneakers), and T-Bar sandals.
Hair & Make-up:
It is expected that students have a neat and tidy hairstyle that is of a natural colour and is tied back if extending past the collar. All students are expected to be clean shaven; cultural and / or religious reasons are exceptions, as communicated by parents and / or carers. Makeup should be minimal, with only a subtle amount of mascara and foundation is permitted. No nail colour or fake nails are permitted.
House Formation
Our aim is to ensure Home Group and each House is always a safe, welcoming, micro-community within the College where they are valued, have agency and form leadership skills. All teachers have begun to make strong relationships with their Home Group. Notably, the students have been open to forming friendships across year levels in our morning meetings and are already continuing to show pride and care of their house common areas where their lockers and rooms are located.
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email or through the College phone number 8595 4500.
House |
Home Group |
Teachers |
Ms. Anita Modlinski |
Ms. Neven Daoud |
Mr. John Lyons |
Ms. Amy Hunt |
Mr. Fraser Sampson |
Ms. Tahlia Woodgate |
Ms. Isabella Trudgian |
Ms. Jean Booysen |
Student Leadership
Last year, we announced our Year 8, 9 and 10 student leaders and our House Captains for the 2024 school year. Upon their return from Camp in Week 4, the Year 7 cohort will begin applying for leadership positions within their house.
The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by elected members from the student body each year:
The broader student population will have the opportunity to seek informal leadership in the Laudato Si Action Group and overseen by the Leader of Wellbeing:
Laudato Si’ Action Group
Bookmark Creek
Student Clubs
Peer Support
Arts Development
Community Outreach
Mr Luke Cotter, Leader of Wellbeing
Due to current development to our College oval and athletics facilities, we have recently been made aware that we won’t have access to the full oval area and athletics facilities until the end of Term 1. Having considered our options, the decision has been made to re-schedule our Athletics Carnival to later in the school year.
Our College Athletics Carnival is normally scheduled in Term 1 so our College Combined Athletics Team can then be selected for the Combined Catholic School Athletics Carnival and the combined SA Schools Secondary Athletics Championship (C Grade), both fall later in Term 1. A consideration in shifting our own carnival to later in the year, is to put in place an alternate plan for students to trial and be selected for the two combined carnivals in Adelaide later in Term 1.
Please see the following points that summarise key information.
Key Dates
- The new date for the St Francis of Assisi College Athletics Carnival is Friday 19th of September, Friday of Week 9, Term 3.
- The Combined Catholic School Athletics Carnival is March 25th, Tuesday of Week 9, Term 1.
- The SA Schools Secondary Athletics Championship (C Grade) is April 8th, Tuesday of Week 11, Term 1.
- The St Francis of Assisi Swimming Carnival will now be held on Friday 14th of March, Term 1, in place of the Athletics Carnival.
Combined Athletics Squad Qualification Process
- Track Event Qualification (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m):
- Students will be asked to nominate any track events they would like to trial for, to be considered for combined squad selection.
- A trials morning will be held on Wednesday 26th February, Week 5 of Term 1, where students who have nominated will go to Renmark Club Football Oval to run trials to determine selections.
- Trials for the 1500m will be held Friday 28th February, Week 5 of Term 1.
- Field Event Qualification (Discus, Shot Put, Javelin, High Jump)
- Student results will be recorded during HPE lessons, and combined squad selections will be determined from this data.
- Year 11 students not doing HPE this year, will be given the opportunity to nominate, and then trial during lunch times for nominated events.
- Field Event Qualification (Long Jump, Triple Jump)
- As we don’t have onsite access to long and triple jump pits, students who nominate to trial for long and or triple jump, will be taken off site to trial, on a date and location to be determined.
- Parents / carers will receive further specific detail if their child is involved in these specific trials.
Combined Athletics Squad Selection
- Students who have been selected in the College Combined Athletics Squad to compete in either of the Adelaide carnivals, will receive notification and further information on Monday of Week 7, Term 1.
In the first instance, your child’s HPE teacher will be able to answer further questions students or parents/ carers may have about the selection process.
Mr Nathan Hayes, Principal
Mr James Goodman, Sports Coordinator

We would like to welcome the following new staff to St Francis of Assisi College!
Our new staff were asked to share a bit about themselves, what they are teaching this year and what they are looking forward to this year at St Francis of Assisi College.
Jake Anspach
Jake grew up in Renmark and has been here his whole life with two short periods in Adelaide. He has two young kids Teddy (2 1/2) and Paityn (3 months). Jake enjoys his sport, especially football playing for Renmark in the A's. He generally likes being outdoors however doesn't mind a good movie on the couch!
Subjects that Jake will be teaching include Global Perspectives, HASS and Technology.
Jake is looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone and helping students achieve their learning goals.
Julia Chukwuani
Julia has recently moved back to the Riverland with her family, having been born and raised in Loxton. For almost 12 years, Julia worked at Westminster School in Adelaide as a German teacher and Co-ordinator of Exchanges and Round Square (an international network of schools). Part of this leadership role included organising all exchanges in the school and supporting both incoming and outgoing exchange students to the school. Julia also organised and accompanied several overseas trips to Canada, South Africa and India as part of this role.
Prior to working at Westminster, Julia spent several years as Head of Middle School in a small international school in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland. Julia has a passion for travel and exchanges and enjoys learning about new cultures and languages, having already studied German, Italian and Spanish at university level. Julia is now setting her sights on learning Igbo language in order to understand more about her husband’s cultural group, the Igbo tribe from Nigeria.
Apart from a love of travel, Julia loves to spend time with her family, especially her young son. She also enjoys creative pursuits such as sewing and art/craft. Julia is looking forward to getting out and about in the beautiful Riverland and being part once again of a country community.
Julia will be teaching Global Perspectives (English and HASS), German and Religion Studies.
Neven Daoud
Neven recently moved from Adelaide to the Riverland in December 2024.
Neven is a proud mum of three wonderful young people—two sons, aged 26 and 23, and a 15-year-old daughter. With an Egyptian background, Neven is fluent in Arabic, French, and English, and also has some knowledge of Coptic, the ancient Egyptian language.
Neven has a passion for cooking, reading, and cherishing moments with her family.
This year, Neven will be teaching Year 7 Maths, Science, and Religious Education, as well as Year 10 Religious Education and the AQUA2 House Group.
In 2025, Neven is excited to learn more about the Riverland through the students and school community, embracing this new chapter with curiosity and enthusiasm.
Mikayla Curtis
Mikayla grew up in Adelaide, recently moving to the Riverland due to her love and passion for the river and water sports. Mikayla loves playing and watching sport such as footy and netball, and spending time outdoors and camping.
This year Mikayla will be teaching HASS, Global Perspectives, Outdoor Education and Food Tech.
Mikayla is looking forward to joining in on all the sporting and community events that the College holds over the year.
Adelle Matthews
Adelle grew up in Barmera before moving away for study and then taught in Adelaide for 10 years before returning to the Riverland in 2022. Adelle enjoys many craft activities including sewing, knitting and model building. As a self-proclaimed nerd, Adelle also likes playing video and board games from her collection with friends and listening to a wide array of music from her vinyl collection.
Adelle is teaching year 9 and 10 English, year 10 History, year 11 Essential English and Stage 2 Activating Identities and Futures this year.
Adelle is looking forward to meeting new people, learning about their interests and becoming a part of the learning journey at the college.
Sarah McGorman
Sarah is a busy mum of three - her husband, Craig, and their kids (Emma-14, Riley-5, and Eloise-4) keep her on her toes! Sarah loves spending weekends camping and hanging out by the river or cheering on the kids at their sports. Sarah enjoys a good book, but with her hectic schedule, it’s tough to find the time. Still, Sarah always looks forward to the next chance she gets to curl up with a great story.
This year Sarah is teaching Stage 1 Chemistry, Stage 1 Physics, Stage 1 General and Essential Mathematics, 10 Science, 9 & 10 Mathematics.
Sarah is looking forward to getting to know all of the families, building connections and being an active member of the college community.
Tahlia Woodgate
Tahlia lives locally in Paringa with her family and has two sons, one of whom attends our local St Josephs's School. Tahlia enjoys spending time on the river, fishing, camping, and exploring new parts of Australia on 4WD adventures.
This year, Tahlia is teaching Years 7–10 Mathematics and Science.
Tahlia is looking forward to getting to know the school community and working with students to develop their curiosity and confidence in STEM.
Education Support Officer's (ESO's):
Lisa Empedocles
Lisa is from South Africa and has lived in Australia for almost 7 years. She has 3 children, a cat and a dog. Lisa enjoys spending time with her family, taking their dog for walks and going to church. Lisa is looking forward to getting to know the students and staff.
Lachlan Marks
Lachlan has lived in the Riverland his whole life and graduated high school last year. Lachlan plays football and basketball for Barmera. He enjoys swimming and running in his free time.
Lachlan is looking forward to making new connections and helping students with their learning and achieving their goals.
Kerryn Van Dyk
Kerryn grew up in Murray Bridge and moved to the Riverland with her husband in 2006. Kerryn enjoys playing tennis and keeping fit by walking and going to the gym. In her spare time (which isn't a lot with 3 children!) Kerryn enjoys reading, listening to music with either a wine or chocolate and spending time in the garden (not that she feels she is very good at this!).
Kerryn is new to the school in an ESO classroom support role, but she brings with her a wealth of information in the work and study space. Kerryn looks forward to getting to know the students of Assisi.
Tia Haseldine
Tia enjoys spending time with family and friends as well as trips down to the beach. Tia is originally from Adelaide, however, has lived in the Riverland for the past 8 years. Tia has enjoyed her last 4 working years in childcare, looking after nursery children, and was ready to jump into a new chapter and landed her feet at St Francis. This year at St Francis Tia is looking forward to expanding her knowledge and learning new skills as an administrator, as well as getting to know students, parents and staff. Tia is a smiley face in the yard and is always up for a chat, and can't wait to see what this year brings at St Francis.
Year 7B students have kicked off their Science journey with exciting hands-on lessons! This term, they’re learning essential lab skills, including earning their Bunsen burner licences. The focus has been on safety, with students practicing how to handle equipment and follow safety protocols in the laboratory. They are also becoming familiar with the tools and techniques used in scientific experiments. It’s been a fantastic start to the year, full of learning and discovery!
Students recently applied their skills in an exciting "Boiling Water Experiment." They made hypotheses, carefully recorded and graphed their data, and drew detailed scientific diagrams. The students then analysed their results and wrote thorough discussions and conclusions, deepening their understanding of scientific inquiry. This hands-on experience enhanced their ability to think critically and apply the scientific method, preparing them for future experiments and investigations in the lab.
Ms Anita Modlinski, Science Teacher

The start of the year for 8B has been a fantastic success! Students have completed high-quality work while engaging positively with both peers and teachers. In Maths Pathway, they’ve excelled, making great progress through individual differentiated modules. With explicit guidance from their teacher, each student has been actively involved in their learning journey, demonstrating excellent collaboration and focus. The enthusiasm and commitment shown by 8B set a wonderful tone for the rest of the year ahead!
Ms Anita Modlinski - Mathematics Teacher

"During the past two weeks in Science we have been learning about matter. Today we made ice cream using ice and salt. We had to shake our ingredients inside a sealed bag, which was placed in the salt and ice, until our liquid turned into a solid. I really enjoyed this practical as it showed us how a liquid can turn into a solid.” Louisa D-Z
Students were able to make links between our curriculum content, learning about the particle model and how temperature effects matter, turning liquid (such as milk and cream) into solid in the form of ice cream.
Mrs Tahlia Woodgate, Science Teacher

In Week 2, the 8B class continued their culinary journey in the Kitchen Garden, cooking up delicious apple and cinnamon pancakes, paired with refreshing fruit smoothies. This followed their savoury muffin creations in Week 1, showcasing their growing skills in the kitchen. The students are developing their cooking techniques while learning about nutrition and teamwork, making for a fun and engaging start to the year. We're excited to see what delicious dishes they'll create next!
Ms Anita Modlinksi, Kitchen Garden Teacher

Sushi Making Success!
This week, the Year 8 Good Food class had a deliciously fun and educational practical lesson as they learned the art of making sushi. Students started by preparing their ingredients, including cooking chicken and honing their knife skills to cut cucumbers and carrots into perfect matchsticks.
The highlight of the lesson was mastering the technique of neatly rolling sushi, a skill that everyone succeeded at. After all their hard work, students were able to enjoy the fruits of their labour by eating the freshly made sushi they had prepared. It was a tasty and rewarding experience for all!
Well done to Year 8 for their fantastic efforts and creativity in the kitchen!

In a recent Year 10 Food and Hospitality practical cooking class, students were introduced to the delicious world of chicken chipotle burrito bowls. With a focus on healthy, fresh ingredients, the students learned how to perfectly marinade and grill chicken, prepare quinoa, and assemble all the tasty toppings — from charred corn to diced tomato. The hands-on experience not only taught them essential cooking techniques but also how to balance flavors and customise dishes to suit personal tastes. The students left the class with full bellies and newfound confidence in the kitchen, proving that cooking can be both fun and rewarding!
Mrs Amber Burgess, Food and Hospitality Teacher

Our Rowers are back into the swing of training. We have shifted our focus to on-land sessions as we wait for the completion of the new rowing ramp. Students are excited to be back and even more excited about hitting the water in a couple of weeks to use the amazing new facility at Renmark Rowing Club!
Mrs Stephanie Turnbull, Rowing Program Coordinator and Rowing Coach
Ms Molly Gibbons, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Breakast Club is back for 2025. All students are encouraged to come to Breakfast Club, every Friday morning from 8:15-8:40am at the canteen.
Breakfast Club offers:
- Free breakfast (toast, cereal, fresh fruit, juice & milo) 🍓🍽️
- Students can catch up with friends before the music starts and the bell rings 👫
- Good vibes, and a great start to the day ✨
We thank Foodbank Riverland for their ongoing support of our college Breakast Club program.
Everyone is welcome at Breakfast Club!
We are currently looking for our next apprentice to join our team!
At Jarahs Hair, we pride ourselves on creating beautiful hair and excellent education. Our philosophy stands strong with providing our team endless growth opportunities and creating walking art for our guests. Our salon would love to welcome a first year apprentice to our team and begin their journey into the creative fashion industry.
Our industry is one where you get to grow into the best version of yourself, while learning life long skills, that can be the foundation to many life opportunities and travel!
If you want to chat with us – send us a message on our social media, or pop into the salon anytime! We cannot wait to meet you.
Salon - 7 Vaughan Terrace, Berri SA 5343
Phone - 8582 1027
Website - Jarahs Hair
Facebook - Jarahs Hair

Are you 13-16 years of age?
Looking for some fun and adventure, all while making new friends? 603 Squadron in Berri is recruiting new Air Force Cadet members for 2025.
Some skills you will learn include:
- flying
- camping
- gliding
- survival skills
- weapons training
- navigation
- drill and so much more.
For more information see the flyer below.

Are you (or someone you know) passionate about protecting the environment? Would you love to get outside and learn more about fish, frogs, birds, local landscapes and so much more?
Applications for 2025 River Murray Youth Council (RMYC) are open now. Join a group of like-minded young people making a difference!
Not sure yet? Come along to our FREE "Come and Try" session on Sunday 16 February at Martins Bend in Berri.
Learn from experts, help with fish & frog monitoring, and discover how YOU can help conserve local landscapes.
Sun 16 Feb | 10:30 AM–12:30 PM | Martins Bend Reserve
Registration is essential: follow this link to register
RMYC is open to students in years 7–12.
Don’t miss this fun and interactive way to connect with nature!
Visit our webpage for more info about RMYC.

Don't forget we have a Facebook page for parents/caregivers to exchange College uniforms.
You'll need to be a member of the group to access and can then directly communicate with others wanting to exchange uniforms.
The College also keeps a small supply of emergency uniforms that are needed from time to time. If you would like to donate pre-loved uniforms please drop them into the College office. Thank you.

We are championing our Family Business Directory and inviting families to be part of the Directory.
The Family Business Directory is an opportunity for families who run businesses to promote their business via our College webpage and Facebook page.
The Family Business Directory gives members of the College community a chance to support businesses from the Directory when making their purchasing decisions.
The Family Business Directory is free of charge for current families of the College.
To be included, send the following information to
Family Surname (not for publishing):
Business Name: Sample Family Business
Business Phone Number: 1800 SAMPLE
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
And your business logo or photo (small file size is fine).
We look forward to seeing many College families' businesses get involved!

Don't hestiate to contact the College office on 8595 4500 if you have any difficulty with the various mediums used by the College to commuicate with families. Or alternatively complete the form below.

Saver Plus has been successfully running for over 21 years, fully funded by the Department of Social Services. The program has consistently delivered real, measurable outcomes that have positively impacted participants’ financial well-being.
In addition to the matched savings component, Saver Plus also offer our MoneyMinded financial literacy workshops. These workshops support participants not only manage their money but also gain critical skills in areas like scams and cybersecurity—ensuring they stay informed and protected in today’s digital age.
Saver Plus will chat with families about their eligibility:
- Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card
- Payment from Centrelink and
- Earning an income (employment, carer’s payment, or child support).
Families can check their eligibility and receive a call back using the enquiry link - Saver Plus - Enquire Now or call our national number 1300 610 355 and a local coordinator will contact them directly.
