St Francis of Assisi College - Term 2 Week 3 - 2022
Artists: Leapphea Sok, Angus Nugent, Ael Galiana and Blake Francis

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for God has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers.
Psalm 24:1-2
This week we celebrate Laudato Si’ Week. Laudato Si’ Week is a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and a call to action for Catholics around the world to care for our common home.
We humans are all in a relationship with God. God is the Creator, and we are creatures whom God creates. When we pray, we pay attention to that relationship, learn about it, grow in it, get reshaped and renewed by it.
In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis urges us to pay much more attention. As humans we should pay attention to our relationships to each other, the rest of the created world as well as our relationship to God.
Following the example of St Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis begins his encyclical with gratitude for all of Creation. Encouraged by both, science and conscience, Pope Francis calls on us to hear “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
When Jesus responded to the request “Lord teach us to pray”, his suggestion began with these two words: “Our Father”- not my father. A father who Jesus lovingly addresses as someone very close to him rather than a remote and supreme being.
Nowadays we recognise Mother, Father, Great Spirit, and other ancient and new names for our loving Creator. We understand now, more profoundly than ever, that we are in this together.
Our common humanity - not my needs and wishes.
Our connection with all of creation - not my use of this or that resource.
Our Father. Our common home.
Father of all,
Creator and ruler of the universe,
You entrusted your world to us as a gift.
Help us to care for it and all people,
that we may live in right relationship--
with You,
with ourselves,
with one another,
and with creation.
Nanda de Winter
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission
St Francis of Assisi College Annual General Meeting and Board Formation
Our inaugural AGM was a great success and opportunity to celebrate the many significant contributions and achievements that enabled the St Francis of Assisi College Community to be part of the Riverland in 2022.
Being in our first year as a school, we didn’t have the normal AGM reporting to table and present, however each of our Leadership Team members, representatives of our Student Leaders, and our Parish Priest and Board President, Fr Paul Bourke, each shared the significant achievements to date in their areas of work. I have included a summary of the Principal’s Report in this newsletter.
At the conclusion of the AGM, under the guidance of Board President, Fr Paul Bourke, board members nominated and voted for the standing positions on the board, and I am very pleased to confirm the following composition of our School Board:
President: Fr Paul Bourke
Chair: Tim Pfeiffer
Deputy Chair: Tanya Allan
Chair of Finance: Ben Dring
Parish Representative: Julie Johns
Remaining Board Members: Michael Atsaves, Paul Searle, Prue Kempthorne, Nick Dowling,
This is a significant step in the life of the College, the expertise and commitment of this team will provide strong governance and strategic support in these critical early years. On behalf of the College Community, I thank the generosity of our board members.
Nathan Hayes

Student Transitions
The College will welcome Year 6 students from all corners of the Riverland during Term 2 and Term 3 in the first stage of our comprehensive transition program. The four catholic primary schools have two Immersion days scheduled and students from non-Catholic schools will have two opportunities to be immersed in a day of learning at St Francis of Assisi College.
School |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
St Joseph’s Barmera |
Tuesday May 24th |
Tuesday August 16th |
St Joseph’s Renmark |
Tuesday May 31st |
Tuesday August 23rd |
Our Lady of the River |
Thursday June 9th |
Tuesday August 2nd |
St Albert’s |
Thursday June 16th |
Tuesday August 9th |
Non-Catholic Schools |
Thursday June 16th |
Tuesday August 2nd |
Pastoral Care
The College will share further communication with Year 6 students via their classroom teachers at all four Catholic primary schools. Caregiver's of children attending non-Catholic school are invited to please contact the College on (08) 8585 4500 or via email to register for the Immersion Days.
All students will be participating in a variety of specialised Coaching Clinics including Football, Netball, Soccer and CrossFit across the next four Fridays during Pastoral Care. All students must wear their Sports uniform to allow for full participation.
Ignis (HG1) |
Terra (HG2) |
Ventus (HG3) |
Aqua (HG4) |
Week 3 |
Football |
Soccer |
CrossFit |
Netball |
Week 4 |
Netball |
Football |
Soccer |
CrossFit |
Week 5 |
CrossFit |
Netball |
Football |
Soccer |
Week 6 |
Soccer |
CrossFit |
Netball |
Football |
Community Wellbeing Action Group
The Community Wellbeing Action Group are planning to run a Cancer Awareness Fundraiser this Term with Riley Broad donating her hair to Hair for Heart as she seeks to raise funds and awareness for the Variety Children’s Charity.
Well done Riley and the Community Wellbeing Action group for your commitment to compassion and service to others!
Luke Cotter
Leader of Wellbeing

Word Walls
This term, teachers at the College have been focusing on 10- 15 vocabulary words that are specific for a unit of study be creating word walls in their classrooms. This supports the teaching of key words and subject-specific terminology.
What is a Word Wall?
A word wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall in a classroom. The words are printed in a large font so that they are easily visible from all student seating areas. These words are referred to continually throughout a unit or term by the teacher and students during a variety of activities.
What are the benefits of a Word Wall?
provide an approach to meaningful teaching of vocabulary with an emphasis on student engagement and higher-level thinking skills;
build vocabulary, thereby improving reading comprehension and writing style;
reinforce understanding of subject-specific terminology
build connections between words and concepts.
provide visual cues for students;
encourage increased student independence when reading and writing.
Natalie Meuret
Leader of Learning

Max, and Dad, Tom, restored a grain grinder. It will be used by College students to mill flour, using wheat grown at Our Lady of the River, Berri (2021) and from wheat gifted by the Vowles family, Loxton, to bake unleavened bread for our College Mass.
The grain grinder was gifted by Fr Arno Vermeeren from Port Pirie, formerly Renmark Parish Priest.
Pictured above Tom and Max

Our partners, LinkSA are currently recruiting bus drivers for permanent positions! LinkSA would like to employ someone from our College community and are also open to applications from the broader community. Driving hours are between 7am-9am and 3pm-5pm and the role would suit a semi-retired person. Support will be provided to the right applicant to obtain accreditation and extensive training will be provided.
Requirements –
- As a minimum a MR licence is required
- Applicants need to be willing to get bus accreditation
- Working with Children Check is required
Please contact Paul on 08 85322633 or 0437 860 539

***** Boys Sports Shorts now in stock at Yates Menswear ****
The College uniform is the most visible symbol of identity for students at St Francis of Assisi College. It is expected all students take pride in their appearance and ensure their uniform is well-fitted, clean, neat, and worn in a dignified and respectful manner during the school day, while travelling to and from school and at school related functions.
The Student Uniform Policy is available here
A couple of reminders about the College uniform:
- Formal College uniform to be worn Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the sports uniform to be worn Mondays and Thursdays
- The sports jacket is not compulsory, it can be worn with the sport uniform, and can be worn over the academic jumper, not instead of, mainly on the particularly cold mornings.
- The academic jumper is the jumper to be worn with the everyday academic uniform, and as listed above, the optional sports jacket is not to be worn with the everyday uniform instead of the academic jumper.
- The rugby jumper is not compulsory, it can only be worn with the sports uniform.
- All garments are available at Yates Menswear (with the exception of the boys' sports shorts which are currently not in stock).