St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 9 - 2022
- From the Principal
- Additional Pupil Free Days
- Bus Times – Pupil Free Day 14 April
- Religious Identity and Mission
- Leader of Learning
- School Community Wellbeing
- National Pet Day - Celebration and Blessing
- Year 8 Digital Tech Advanced
- Rowing Experiences
- Year 7 Outdoor Education - Wilderness Escape Excursions
- Principal's Twilight Tour
- Wakakirri Dance
- Royal Life Saving South Australia - River Safety Day
- Project Compassion - Fifth Week of Lent

Laudato Si’ – Prasie be to you, my Lord
Our College Motto, Laudato Si’ encompasses why St Francis of Assisi College exists, serving the Riverland community. Laudato Si’ is Pope Francis encyclical on caring for our common home and calls us toward sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. An integral ecology is one where “everything is connected” (LS 91), and fundamental to this is the notion of care for self, others and Earth.
I am a believer that we learn by doing, and a significant aspect to living our College Motto, is through an intentional approach where we focus our energies as a school community. The seven Laudato Si’ goals provide a tangible guide to what living out this ecological conversation might look like:
- Response to the cry of the earth
- Response to the cry of the poor
- Ecological economics
- Adoption of sustainable lifestyles
- Ecological education
- Ecological spirituality
- Community resilience and empowerment
As Term 1 draws to a close, the influence of Laudato Si’ on our College community is fast becoming visible in many significant ways such as:
- College House Names
Ventus, Ignis, Aqua and Terra
- Student Action Groups
Laudato Si’ Action Group: Bookmark Creek and our Environment, Inclusion and
Community Wellbeing Action Group – Peer Support, Arts Development
Partnership with Jacqui Remond
Jacqui is the Joint Coordinator of the Ecology Taskforce and has been working with the College Leadership Team to develop a strategic approach to living our College Motto of Laudato Si’. We look forward to sharing this strategy and consulting with the school community in a range of ways in the near future.
We look forward to continuing on this journey of ecological conversation with our students, staff and broader school community.
Student / Parent / Teacher Progress Conversations
Home Group teachers have recently engaged in progress conversations with students and their parents / carers. We have a vertical home group structure, meaning eventually, home groups will consist of students across years 7 to 12, and any siblings will be part of the same home group. The purpose of running these conversations with the home group teacher, was to attend to the ‘whole child’. That is, reflecting on the academic progress and any concerns and supports that may be needed, and also looking at how the students are travelling from a social and wellbeing perspective. While in person is always the preference, the use of Microsoft Teams to facilitate the majority of conversations proved to be very effective, and the initial feedback has been positive. We have a continuous improvement approach to all we do at the College, and any further feedback on the progress conversations process is welcomed.
These formal conversations form part of our overall approach to assessment and reporting, and the aspiration to provide ongoing academic progress feedback to students and parents / carers across the school year and our Learning Management System, SEQTA is our primary system used to achieve this, with the SEQTA Teach, Learn and Engage components of the system working together.
In summary, here are the key ways we provide ongoing feedback around student academic progress:
- teachers have ongoing assessment results and feedback released for students and parents available through SEQTA
- Student Progress Reports (released for each subject in week 6 this term)
- Student / Parent / Teacher Conversations
- End of Semester Reports released through SEQTA.
I take this opportunity to reiterate that while we have formal feedback opportunities such as those listed above, I encourage parents and carers to contact any of your child’s teachers if you have particular concerns, or simply want to check in with how your child is progressing.
Nathan Hayes
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has impacted school communities significantly during Term 1.
Thank you for your continuing support to adapt to the changing circumstances throughout the term, and for supporting your child to engage with learning at school, and where necessary using our Learning Management System, SEQTA, to support quality learning from home.
You will recall that the year began with additional time set aside for staff to prepare for the term in the knowledge that COVID-19 would cause disruption. It is now clear that Term 2 will be at least as challenging as Term 1 has been to date.
In order to ensure we are best prepared to support learning continuity for and wellbeing of our students throughout Term 2, Catholic Education South Australia has endorsed two additional teacher preparation days ahead of Term 2 for all Catholic Schools in South Australia.
Our pupil free days will be as follows:
- the first additional pupil free day will be held on Holy Thursday (14 April),
- we have an existing pupil free day scheduled for the first day of Term 2 (2 May), where will participate in training for our whole school wellbeing framework with David Kelly from the Life Buoyancy Institute,
- the second additional pupil free day will be held on the second day of Term 2 (3 May).
Noting that these two additional dates are fast approaching and that some families will not be able to make alternative arrangements for the care of their child, supervision (not a learning program) will be made available for students who need to attend the College on one or both of these additional dates (April 14 and/or May 3).
Families who require their child / children to be supervised at the College, please confirm by contacting the College Administration Team, on 8595 4500.
The additional preparation days will be used by staff to undertake marking and reporting and to prepare teaching and learning programs for Term 2 with a focus on being ready to deliver blended learning where that becomes necessary, with our focus being to ensure SEQTA Learn is appropriately set up and prepared for Term 2, keeping in mind the continued uncertainty around students potentially learning from home at different times due to the ongoing impact of COVID.
Term 1 will now finish on Wednesday April 13, at the normal end of school time at 3.15pm.
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to our staff, students and our school community for the way you have supported each other during this challenging time.
If you have any immediate queries in relation to this correspondence, please contact me.
Nathan Hayes
Buses will run Thursday 14 April, departing at 2pm (in line with State Government schools). Buses will be running an hour and fifteen minutes earlier for the afternoon drop off on that day.
Families who require their child / children to be supervised at the College, please confirm by contacting the College Administration Team, on 8595 4500.
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1
Are you like me when you are taking a shower, that before you know it, you’re belting out your favourite song? Singing seems to occur naturally in the shower, and my voice tends to sound great!
When I sing alone, I think I sound great. This is precisely the essence of Lent. Lent is perfect pitch. Lent is the pure and perfect tone of God the Creator. Lent is the time of year where we attempt to attune ourselves to His pitch. And when our tone is brought closer to Him, we suddenly realise how out of tune we really are.
The college’s positioning statement is Growing in Harmony.
What is harmony?
When we listen to two voices, or a choir of voices in harmony, we hear unity. Different voices coming together to produce beauty. Harmony produces beauty.
Therefore, when we align ourselves with our Creator God, we live a life of beauty. A state of harmony cannot be forced by threatening ourselves and others into harmonising. It does not flow from merely knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Harmony comes from love.
When we encounter someone we struggle with, we often go sharp. When we need to get up early, we go flat. We do things we don’t want to do.
May we always remember that God created the world and all its creatures out of a deep love. We are created in His image; we are called into harmony with Him, to unite our differences and grow together to produce beauty within Creation by sharing love for ourselves, others, and the earth.
Let us behold the perfect harmony of the Creator and man that is our bread and our wine made His Body and His Blood.
Nanda de Winter
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2022 for Years 7 students will be held between 10 and 20 May 2022. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
The results of the test provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals which can be used to improve student achievement.
In preparation for NAPLAN, our school participated in practice tests on the 24 March. This practice test was a trial run and a key preparation activity for NAPLAN in May. It is not an assessment of student ability, and the tests are not marked.
Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not recommended. Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in NAPLAN.
Students may also be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with the Leader of Learning, Natalie Meuret. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a withdrawal form.
Later in the year you will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The report will also show how your child performed in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia.
If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the college.
Natalie Meuret
Leader of Learning
Student Leadership
All students are invited to develop their leadership skills and initiate change in the College and broader community through involvement in one of our student-led action groups. Students are asked to complete a survey by following this link here to indicate their interest by Monday April 4th. Students will be required to sign into Office 365 using their College email and password.
Laudato Si’ Action Group |
Community Wellbeing Action Group |
Bookmark Creek Inclusion and Diversity |
Peer Support Arts Development |
College Communication
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s
wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email.
Parents and guardians are also encouraged to contact their child’s subject teachers directly to discuss their child’s learning.
House / Home Group |
Teachers |
IGNIS / 22.HG1 |
Mr. Luke Cotter Ms. Nanda de Winter | |
TERRA / 22.HG2 |
Mr. Fraser Sampson Miss Mae Camporeale | |
VENTUS / 22.HG3 |
Miss Isabella Linnett Mr. Nathan Hayes | |
AQUA / 22.HG4 |
Mr. John Lyons Mrs. Natalie Meuret | |
Volunteers Needed
As part of looking out for our student’s wellbeing and needs before and after school and during recess and lunch, the College has begun to purchase a collection of books. We are seeking any members of the community who would be willing to cover some books in contact laminate. The College will provide all materials required. Please contact Miss Annika Newman via email ( if you can assist.
“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether they are a garbage collector or the President of a University.” - Albert Einstein
Luke Cotter
Leader of Wellbeing

Pets Day!
We’ll be having a youth gathering to celebrate our pets. If you have a pet, bring them along after school on Friday 8th April at 5pm. If you don’t have a pet, that’s ok, there’ll be pets to share, just come along! We’ll meet in the multipurpose room and have some fun with the animals, including a pet blessing with Fr Hau as well as games and food. See you there!
Please let Mrs Claire Smith know if you’re coming and bringing a pet
As part of the Year 8 Digital Tech Advanced elective students have been given the open ended challenge to create a project using ICT to "do good". Riley and Billie chose to focus on the Laudato Si goal of "Adapting Simple Lifestyles", where their project is to encourage people to eat vegetarian meals. They have created a website which they will imbed with cooking videos. To make their project cost effective they offered homemade lunches for staff today. On the menu was Avocado Hero Salads and Tofu with Sweet Potato Bowls. I was extremely proud of how they both work together, showing initiative and independence! I can’t wait to see their final product!
Miss Linnett

We’ve now had all classes visiting the Renmark Rowing Club and a number of students have had the opportunity to get out on the water. Each class has approached the sessions with enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn the skills required to row.
As a College we are learning how best to deliver these sessions and am thankful to have such a supportive student body who have been patient as we’ve worked through the logistics. We have had to contest with some not so favourable weather conditions and other river users, but the students have done well, and everyone has stayed dry!
We are looking forward to more students getting an opportunity to row throughout the remainder of Term 1.
Stephanie Turnbull
Rowing Coach and Learning Support

onday 21st - Wednesday 23rd March 2022
This term in Outdoor Education, our Year 7 students have been learning about the role that water plays as a resource in the environment. The focus has been on the ocean, with our planned 3-day camp scheduled to be at Port Hughes on the Yorke Peninsula. With COVID-19 restrictions on camps not allowing this to occur, we were very grateful that our camp providers Wilderness Escape were flexible. To ensure our students still experienced similar Outdoor Education experiences as they would have at Port Hughes, we conducted 3 x 1-day excursions around Renmark, based mainly around the Murray River.
This included participating in kayaking, raft building and fishing at Plush’s Bend, bike riding through Paringa Paddock, and rock climbing, billy carting, catapult making, and problem-solving games on the oval at our college. All these activities provided our students with the opportunity to develop the transferable life skills of teamwork, resilience, initiative, communication, cooperation, bravery, critical thinking, and the ability to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
Comments from students included:
When asked about their kayaking experience, Georgio said “I really enjoyed learning how to use the oars and I really liked just looking around and playing the games as well, I had never gone on a kayak before, and it was actually really fun giving it a go!”
Denver highlighted the importance of cooperation stating “It was important that we all worked together otherwise we would not have been able to complete the tasks that was given to us. Our billycarts would not have worked, and our rafts would not have been finished. I cooperated with our team leaders to make sure the tasks were done.”
I would like to thank all students for their efforts, all staff who assisted with supervision, and the Wilderness Escape team for their flexibility and providing our students with a great outdoor experience.
Fraser Sampson
HPE Teacher

For information on the Wakakirri Dance program click on the link here
Students can speak with their Home Group Teacher if they would want to be involved in the program.

On Saturday 23 April 2022, Royal Life Saving South Australia is hosting a River Safety Day at Bert Dix Memorial Park, Paringa.
Royal life Saving South Australia are the peak body for inland water safety education and drowning prevention. They have operated in SA for over 115 years, educating communities to be safe in, on and around water. Key activities in the community include:
- Engaging with local stakeholders to develop drowning prevention strategies
- Delivering swimming and water safety programs in key communities
- Educating communities in metropolitan and regional SA
- Upskilling residents with Bronze Medallion, First Aid and Pool Lifeguard training
The event is part of the ‘Make the Right Call’ campaign. It will promote the safe use of the river and other inland waterways. Details on the event are as follow:
Time: 9am - 12pm
Cost: Free
- Safety demonstrations
- Water rescue demonstrations
- BBQ lunch and more
(Week beginning Monday 4th April)
This week through Project Compassion we learn about Shaniella who is attending a vocational school in the Solomon Islands supported by Caritas Australia Solomon Islands (CASI).
Not long after Shaniella started, the school was hit by a landslide, flooding, and a cyclone, all in quick succession.
With your kind support, CASI helped install water tanks, restoring clean water access to nearby schools, health centres and the wider community. Training was held in agricultural skills to help boost the school community’s food security, as well as in environmental risk management and emergency responses.
Now, Shaniella can complete her skills training, with enough water and food to eat, and improved sanitation. She is improving her ability to earn an income, learning skills which will expand her job opportunities. Students are also better prepared to respond when disaster strikes.
Watch a short film about Shaniella’s story
Please support Project Compassion: