St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 3 - 2022

Connectedness: We are all part of Creation
In preparation for the school year to begin, and over the past weeks, our staff and students have begun to explore our College motto, Laudato Si’, to develop our understanding of this, and how it will inform what we do, and we do it at St Francis of Assisi College.
The key theological lesson of Laudato Si’ is Pope Francis’ challenge:
We are all part of the one created world. Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it …(139)
Job 12:7-10
But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of they will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In God’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breadth of every human being.
We are all part of Creation…. Coming together as a College community to begin the school year illustrates in a tangible way that we are all part of Creation, and Pope Francis teaches us in Laudato Si’, everything is connected.
Our College community extends across the Riverland, with more than 50% of our student cohort using our regional bus service ….everything is connected.
Whilst we are not yet able to invite families into our school physically, using technology we were able bring our parents, members of the Port Pirie Diocese and Catholic Education South Australia into our school, to be part of our students first lessons, and to join us for our Welcome and Prayer as we started our first day at the College…. everything is connected.
The first two weeks of the school year has realised the hopes, dreams, planning and efforts of many people outside of the St Francis of Assisi College team. The Our Lady of the River Parish (OLOR), and the existing Riverland Catholic primary schools share over 100 years of Catholic Education in the Riverland, and our College is now privileged to join this partnership. Members of our Parish community can recollect efforts spanning more than 20 years ago to establish a Catholic secondary pathway in the Riverland, and the CESA Project Team have been working for more than 2 years to ensure our successful opening, with outstanding educators and facilities …….everything is connected.
During the first two weeks of term, students have been working in partnership with their teachers to focus on a successful start in a new school environment, forming new relationships, adjusting to new routines and expectations. It has been through a shared commitment between parents and carers, students and teachers that we have had an excellent start to our learning, among all of the newness …….everything is connected.
‘Growing in Harmony’ is a College theme for 2022, and it has been a privilege to be with staff and students in the yard, and in classes to see evidence of our growth on a daily basis. Students have been working in partnership with their teachers working through a range of critical formation for our College. This formational work has included identifying how they want use their indoor and outdoor spaces, articulating what good leadership looks like for themselves and their peers, and researching possible themes and names for our House groups at the College.
On behalf of our College team, thank you to the efforts of parents and carers, and our students for supporting us in an excellent start to the school year.
Nathan Hayes

And when they had performed everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him.
Luke 2:39-40
St Francis of Assisi College joyfully opened its doors for the very first time on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, exactly 40 days after the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day. The presentation of Jesus in the Temple marks the end of one important stage in Jesus’ life and the beginning of another – his childhood and adolescence.
Pope Francis states, ‘We are not living an era of change but a change of era.’ With the opening of St Francis of Assisi College, we collectively enter a new era. Our students enter a new era in their educational journey, Catholic Education in the Riverland enters an era that offers a secondary pathway in our region and together the College, students, staff, families, parish, and wider community enter an era where the call of Laudato Si is finally heard, and action is taken to take care of God’s creation.
The presentation of Jesus in the Temple was witnessed by two old prophets, Simeon, and Anna. Simeon and Anna both believed that God would send the Saviour and had waited for a very long time for Him to keep His promise. Now, they saw the wonderful new beginning which God had long been preparing; the dawn of a new covenant was breaking. Jesus would bring light, not only to a few, but to all the nations around the world.
Like Simeon and Anna, waiting for the Saviour, the wait for the opening of St Francis of Assisi College in the Riverland has been long. Thanks to the many Simeons and Annas in our community who were willing to wait, with deep faith and unwavering persistence, we have been able to bear witness to this new beginning.
May St Francis of Assisi College be a gift of wisdom and light to all in our Riverland region, regardless of origin or ability and may it live out its motto Laudato Si and grow an era of life-long protectors of our common home.
Nanda de Winter
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission
How amazing it has been to see all students become comfortable in our new College so quickly! By the end of the first week, students were seamlessly moving between classes, mastering their locks, and building on newfound friendships. It has been a special time to witness, and we all cannot wait to eventually welcome parents on to the school site for the first time in 2022!
Home Group
All teachers have begun to make strong relationships with their Home Group. Notably, the students have been open to forming friendships across year levels in our morning meetings and are already beginning to show ownership of their common areas where their lockers and rooms are located. We endeavour to build Home Group and each House into a safe, welcoming, micro-community within the College where they are valued, have agency and form leadership skills.
A reminder that if you have any concerns or questions or information to share regarding your child’s wellbeing or academics, please contact their home group teacher in the first instance via email.
Home Group |
Teachers |
22.HG1 |
Mr. Luke Cotter Ms. Nanda de Winter |
22.HG2 |
Mr. Fraser Sampson Miss Mae Camporeale |
22.HG3 |
Miss Isabella Linnett Mr. Nathan Hayes |
22.HG4 |
Mr. John Lyons Mrs. Natalie Meuret |
House Formation
During Pastoral Care in Week 1, each home group worked together on developing the House system of the college. The students were asked to collaborate in groups to suggest ideas for the following areas:
- House name
- House virtues
- House mascots
- House charity
- House colour
As a result of this session, we have been able to narrow down the options for our House names to three sets of options. Please scan the QR code using your smartphone’s camera (a link has also been provided) which will allow you to complete a Microsoft Forms survey. This will give you the opportunity to see the three options for our House names and read the rationale between each. As a family, you will have the option to vote on one of the suggestions provided by Friday 18th February (Week 3).
Student Leadership
During Pastoral Care in Week 2, students were engaged in a student leadership session designed to get them thinking about applying for a leadership position at the College.
The College has the following leadership positions to be filled by elected members from the student body each semester:
House Team 1 |
House Team 2 |
x1 Year 7 Leader* |
x1 Year 7 Leader* |
x1 Year 8 Leader** |
x1 Year 8 Leader** |
House Team 3 |
House Team 4 |
x1 Year 7 Leader* |
x1 Year 7 Leader* |
x1 Year 8 Leader** |
x1 Year 8 Leader** |
*forms Year 7 Leadership Committee
**forms Year 8 Leadership Committee
The broader student population will have the opportunity to seek informal leadership in the below list of student action groups led by the elected student leaders and overseen by the Leader of Wellbeing:
Laudato Si’ Action Group
Laudato Si’ Action Group |
Community Wellbeing Action Group |
Bookmark Creek Inclusion and Diversity |
Peer Support Arts Development |
All students have been emailed a copy of the Student Leadership Application form. A student can request a hard copy from their Home Group teacher or print it off themselves. The application will need to be submitted via email or hard copy to by 3.30pm on Wednesday 16th February (Week 3).
Student Leadership Application Timeline
Applications Open: 3:30pm – Friday 11th February
Applications Due: 3:30pm – Wednesday 16th February
Shortlisted Applicants notified by: 4:30pm – Thursday 17th February
Student Voting: Pastoral Care – Friday 18th February
Shortlisted Applicants interviews: Friday 18th February
Successful Applicants notified by: 8:00am – Monday 21st February
“What’s more likely to get your kids to talk to you: questioning them or allowing them some space?”
Extract from Do Pause by Robert Poynton, 2019
Luke Cotter
Leader of Wellbeing
Learning is easier when students understand what goal they are trying to achieve, the purpose of achieving the goal and the specific attributes of success. (Chappuis and Stiggins, 2002) |
At St Francis of Assisi College, we want all students to be successful and capable learners. To achieve this, teachers provide learning intentions and success criteria for all lessons. Learning intentions and success criteria are critical pieces of information students need to be become independent, self‐monitoring learners
What are learning intentions?
Learning Intentions are descriptions of what students should know, understand and be able to do by the end of a learning period or unit. Learning intentions are the basis for tracking student progress, providing feedback and assessing achievement. In addition to learning intentions, students may also have individual learning goals that they address in their learning.
What are success criteria?
Success criteria are the measures used to determine whether, and how well, students have met the learning intentions.
Why learning intentions and success criteria?
• Ensure all students know what they are going to learn and where they are heading.
• Provide guidance to teachers on what their chosen teaching and learning activities are seeking to achieve.
• Provide the basis for feedback and reduce discrepancies between current student understanding and intended learning.
• Assist students and teachers in tracking and assessing student progress.
• Help teachers to understand the impact of their teaching and learning activities, and when they may need to adapt or change these.
• Help students understand what improved performance looks like.
Natalie Meuret
Leader of Learning
Tuition fees, Bus Fees and Stationery Packs have been invoiced to families accounts and are being mailed out via Australia Post, you should receive these before the end of February.
The College Direct Debit payment form has been updated to allow families to pay for Tuition fees, Bus Fees and Stationery Packs as one payment, payment options are weekly, fortnightly, monthly and termly.
The payment form is available on our website
Families on low incomes are encouraged to apply each year for assistance. Two types of assistance are available, School Card Scheme and Financial Hardship.
For information on our Tuition Fees and financial assistance please visit
Our aim is to provide families with access to affordable education of the highest quality. A family’s financial circumstances are not a barrier to enrolment at St Francis of Assisi College. We are committed to working with parents/guardians in a just, respectful, compassionate, transparent and considered manner in the processes for setting and collecting fees.
Families experiencing hardship are encouraged to meet with Anthony Pickering, College Finance Manager. Details of a family’s financial circumstances in determining fee remission arrangements will be handled respectfully and with appropriate confidentiality in accordance with the school’s Privacy Policy.

Two changes with Bus Transport have been implemented
Loxton pick up and drop off is at Triple 3 Lounge
Renmark High School pick up is at 8:35am
Families that have registered and/or contacted have been set up in our Transport System and have been allocated a unique Username and Password for the TransportMe Passenger App.
A letter to registered families will be sent out this week with Students containing a unique username and password, Smart Cards will be provided to students for swiping on and off the Bus along with the letter.
For information on our Bus Service with routes and cost, please visit our website here https:

St Francis of Assisi College is using EdSmart to make communication between school and parents more streamlined, safer and less stressful.
EdSmart is a digital system that replaces paper forms going home for you to complete and return.
Instead of paper forms coming home in your child’s school bag, you will be sent an email notification with a link to click that opens a secure web page version of the form to complete and submit.
You can do this on your phone, tablet or computer at your convenience.
All of the data you submit in the forms is held in a secure database only accessible to selected school staff.
An introductory email was sent home to primary care givers on Monday, along with a Swimming / Aquatics Consent Form, that is required for the Year 7 and 8 Outdoor Education Camps, and our College Swimming Carnival.
If you did not receive either of these emails and you would like to, please contact the College.