College House System
The wellbeing of students goes beyond the classroom. Our College four house system builds a team environment in which students can fulfil their potential.
Home rooms are arranged across vertical year groups. Students build a strong sense of loyalty to their house and form strong relationships across the age groups. Each house, with its special uniqueness looks to challenge, inspire and support students.
Ignis, representing the light that fire provides in times of darkness.
The flora and fauna were chosen for their resilience to adversity. The Black Beak Duck Orchid is a critically endangered native species that requires fire and smoke for seeds to germinate. After the 2020 Kangaroo Island bushfires, four new populations were observed along the fire scar.
Our virtue of Courage strengthens us to be bold and daring in our learning and to speak for social justice.
Origin: Fire
House Colour: Sunset Orange
House Flora: Black Beak Duck Orchid
House Fauna: Dingo
House Virtue: Courage
From the Canticle: Praised be You my Lord through Brother Fire
through whom You Light the night and he is
beautiful and playful and robust and strong.
Ignis Student Leaders - 2024
TBA, Year 7
Sebastian C, Year 8
Anu A, Year 9
Cleo L, Year 10

Aqua, representing the lifeblood of our world, water.
The flora and fauna were chosen for their enduring
connection to the Murray River. The River Cooba
Tree can be found across Australia, usually near
water sources in inland arid areas, and is present in
woodlands and floodplains along the Murray River.
Our virtue of Humility encourages us to act with
modesty and reminds us of the precious nature of
water in our environment.
Origin: Water
House Colour: Sky Blue
House Flora: River Cooba Tree
Hours Fauna: Murray Cod
House Virtue: Humility
From the Canticle: Praise be You my Lord through
Sister Water. So useful, humble,
precious and pure.
Aqua Student Leaders - 2024
TBA, Year 7
Ruby M, Year 8
Archie P, Year 9
Hugh R, Year 10

Terra, representing our connection to land and the
grounding earth provides us.
The flora and fauna were chosen for their presence
and symbolism of the South Australian outback. The
Sturt Desert Pea was chosen as it is the state flower
of South Australia has a tenacious ability to withstand
harsh climates. The Kangaroo has a strong presence
in our region and especially in our College grounds.
Our virtue of Tenacity drives us to be resilient in our
learning and reminds us of the strength of Mother Earth.
Origin: Earth
House Colour: Earth Red
House Flora: Sturt Desert Pea
House Fauna: Red Kangaroo
House Virtue: Tenacity
From the Canticle: Praise be You my Lord through our
Sister Mother Earth who sustains and
governs us, producing varied fruits with
coloured flowers and herbs.
Terra Student Leaders - 2024
TBC, Year 7
Avreet K, Year 8
Jessica G, Year 9
Ael A, Year 10

Ventus, representing the role wind has in sustaining life and providing energy in a sustainable world.
The flora and fauna were chosen to represent our Riverland region, their strength, and the pivotal role they play with the local ecosystem. The river red gum was selected for its presence across the Riverland region and the support it provides to numerous species. The pelican reminds us that even a force as destructive as wind can be used to our advantage.
Our virtue of Solidarity asks us to stand together and requires other virtues to be displayed. It captures our need to collaborate and be united to achieve our goals.
Origin: Wind
House Colour: True White
House Flora: Ghost Gum
House Fauna: Pelican
House Virtue: Solidarity
From the Canticle: Praise be You, my Lord, through Brothers
Wind and Air, and Fair and Stormy, all
weather's moods, by which You cherish
all that You have made.
Ventus Student Leaders - 2024
TBA, Year 7
Ellose L, Year 8
Henry M, Year 9
Riley B, Year 10