St Francis of Assisi College - Term 1 Week 0 - 2022
First day of school
While current COVID guidelines have impacted our planned celebrations for the first day of school at St Francis of Assisi College, we are committed to ensuring the significance of the day is acknowledged and celebrated appropriately. In particular, as we are not able to welcome and include parents and carers into the College on this first day, we are working hard to include parents and carers in different ways. Below is an outline of the program for the morning, including opportunities for parents and carers to join us in a virtual way.
Specific instructions and details will be provided prior to Wednesday, including access to the Microsoft TEAMS links for parents and carers to join our first Home Group, and Prayer and Welcome, as per the outline below.
Please take a moment to look at this with your child so they feel comfortable with the movements of the day.
8.20am Before School
St Francis of Assisi College staff will be welcoming students into the school grounds.
We will welcome our students arriving on our College buses from across the Riverland.
There will be opportunities for photos to be taken of students and families outside of school grounds.
8.55am Home Group
Students move to their Home Group room inside the Collaboration Centre (year 7 to 9 building).
Parents are invited to join the first 10 minutes of their child’s lesson via a Microsoft TEAMs link to be provided.
9.10am Acknowledgement of Country, Prayer and Principal’s Welcome (via Microsoft TEAMS)
Students remain in Home Group rooms, and each class will join using Microsoft TEAMS. Parents are invited to join via a Microsoft TEAMs link to be provided.
9.35am Extended HG
Home Group teachers will take students through key information to set them up for an excellent start. This includes distribution and set up of stationery packs and student lap tops.
10.55am Recess
11.15am Lessons Begin
The St Francis of Assisi College team can’t wait to welcome our first students next Wednesday, and we have been collaborating in readiness for an outstanding start the school year. While recent COVID Guidelines have influenced what we can do, we are ready to go and our focus on delivering an excellent Catholic education for our school community has not wavered.
Due to the current SA Government COVID guidelines for SA schools, we have had to postpone events planned within the first four weeks of school.
Planned events now postponed:
Week One Parent Information Evening
Week Three Year 7 Outdoor Education Camp
Beginning of Year Mass
College Swimming Carnival
With events scheduled from week 5 onwards, we will provide updates as we become aware of COVID guidelines that continue beyond the first four weeks of school.
Monday 31 January and Tuesday 1 February 2022
Mon 31 January and Tues 1 February 2022 are pupil free days, providing time for staff to prepare for Term 1 teaching and learning.
For these dates families should make arrangements for the care of your children as you would for any other pupil free days.
For families who are unable to make alternative arrangements, your children may attend school for supervision on these dates. No child will be turned away. Please call Claire Smith at the College (phone: 8595 4500), and register your child’s name and attendance for either/both of these pupil free days if supervision is required.

Tuition fees cover the cost of all school organised curriculum and co-curriculum activities (e.g. excursions, camps, arts performances, sports events, etc.) and a personal laptop computer.
Families are required to pay for uniforms, consumable stationery items and some individual expenses for specialised projects in some senior secondary courses.
Tuition fees will be invoiced soon for the full year, payments options for tuition fees will be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and termly. A payment form is available on our website
Families on low incomes are encouraged to apply each year for assistance. Two types of assistance are available, School Card Scheme and Financial Hardship.
For information on our Tuition Fees and financial assistance please visit
Stationery Packs
Stationery packs will be provided to students on their first day by their class teachers. The packs include the specific calculator required for mathematics. The cost of the stationery packs for Years 7 and 8 is $60, this amount will be invoiced shortly.
What if affordability is an issue?
Our aim is to provide families with access to affordable education of the highest quality. A family’s financial circumstances are not a barrier to enrolment at St Francis of Assisi College. We are committed to working with parents/guardians in a just, respectful, compassionate, transparent and considered manner in the processes for setting and collecting fees.
Families experiencing hardship are encouraged to meet with Anthony Pickering, College Finance Manager. Details of a family’s financial circumstances in determining fee remission arrangements will be handled respectfully and with appropriate confidentiality in accordance with the school’s Privacy Policy.
It is important for families to provide Health Care Plans for students who have particular health needs to ensure teachers and staff are aware of their specific health needs. The Department of Education provides a range of resources, including health care forms, these are availabile at:

Please note: Class 7A will have practical PE Wednesday afternoon and need to wear their sports uniform for the day.
Delay on Sports Shorts and Bucket Hats
We have been informed the supply of the College sports shorts and bucket hat has been delayed, with both expected to arrive during term 1. Our uniform provider has been outstanding at ensuring timely supply of our new College uniform range, and these minor delays are our of the control of the supplier. We have developed interim solutions for students:
Sports Shorts
Students can wear plain navy blue sports shorts, this can include sport shorts from their previous school if navy blue. Yates Menswear also have a plain blue basketball short for $15 if required.
Bucket Hat
Yates Menswear have a plain blue bucket hat available for under $10 that can be used as an alternate until the College hat is in stock.

Link SA are proud of their two brand new coaches (pictured above) that will be transporting our students to the College.
Families that have registered and/or contacted us regarding the bus are currently being set up in our Transport System and will be allocated a unique Username and Password for the TransportMe Passenger App via email.
An email to registered families will be sent out during February and Smart Cards will be sent in the post for swiping on and off the Bus. A manual system is in place while we are setting up the TransportMe system.
Transport fees will be invoiced in Term 1 and can be paid weekly, fortnightly, monthly or termly via a direct debit payment arrangement. This can be incorporated into your Tuition Fees payment at your request.
For information on our Bus Service with routes and cost, please visit our website here https:
Through Catholic Church Insurance, the College provides Student Care Insurance for all students, which covers enrolled students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Student Care is a student accident insurance policy specifically designed for kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities. Student Care provides benefits for a range of events such as death, total and permanent disablement, loss of sight and broken bones resulting from personal accident injuries. The policy also covers medical services for which a Medicare benefit is not available, such as dental and physiotherapy. Student Care is a world-wide policy that is purchased by educational institutes to cover all enrolled students