Religious Identity & Mission

We welcome all families at St Francis of Assisi College.
We welcome all families – including those of other faith traditions and families with no particular faith tradition. St Francis of Assisi College holds core Catholic beliefs as central to its mission. Such beliefs permeate all that is done at the College, including teaching and learning across the entire curriculum.
All curriculum areas have a religious dimension: inviting students to examine the world of human culture and the world of religion: exploring a Catholic worldview, fostering the search for meaning and truth, and making links to the Good News of Jesus. This religious dimension is given depth by the faith witness of staff through their presence, relationships and teaching.
At St Francis of Assisi College, Religious Education is a core curriculum area. As well as being an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills, values and dispositions, Religious Education invites students into a deepening encounter with the living God.
Students will have opportunities to express the essence of the Catholic faith in action, organising and engaging in community outreach initiatives, actively supporting and raising awareness around social issues and those most vulnerable in our communities.