College Fees

St Francis of Assisi College

Fee Structure 2025

St Francis of Assisi’s College comprehensive fee strategy reflects our commitment to provide a Reception to Year 12 pathway for Catholic Education in the Riverland.

Our aim is to provide families with access to affordable education of the highest quality to enable students to be thriving people, capable learners, leaders of the world God desires.

Catholic schools in South Australia are funded in a way that requires the setting of fees.

Upon enrolling your child at St Francis of Assisi College, parents/guardians enter a partnership with the school to engage, encourage, and support their child’s education. The partnership extends to families acting in good faith and spirit to fulfil their financial obligations to the school through their adherence to the agreed fee arrangement. As a matter of equity among families that attend the College, there is an expectation that the complete sum of fees payable on behalf of each student is completely paid within the school year. Payments are able to be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly, termly.

The fees set represent our commitment to provide access to high quality education, whilst ensuring that a family’s financial circumstances are not a barrier to enrolment at St Francis of Assisi College.

We are committed to working with parents/guardians in a just, respectful, compassionate, transparent and considered manner in the processes for setting and collecting fees.

St Francis of Assisi College has an all-inclusive structure

Everything we do in St Francis of Assisi College is relevant to students’ learning, therefore the tuition fee is inclusive of all school-organised curriculum and co-curriculum activities (e.g. excursions, camps, arts performances, sports events, etc.).

The fee also includes a personal laptop computer for each student, replaced every 3 years.

Families are required to pay for uniforms, consumable stationery items and some individual expenses for specialised projects in some senior secondary courses.

Sibling Discounts

2024 Annual Tuition Fees

Years 7 – 9


Years 10 – 12


Standard Fee



Low Income Fee* (50% Discount)



Sibling Discount** 20% Second Child



40% Third Child



Fourth Child Free



**If you have a child at St Francis and a younger child at a Catholic Primary School then you are also entitled to Sibling Discount at that Primary School.


*Financial Assistance - Low Income

Families on low incomes are encouraged to apply each year for assistance. Two types of assistance are available, School card scheme and Financial Hardship.

School Card Scheme

To be eligible for the lower income fee, you need to qualify as a low income family. This is determined by your family’s gross income and is a $ value set by the State Government.

Families eligible under the School Card Scheme are requested to submit a School Card application as early as possible. It is important that parents/caregivers work with the school to complete the necessary documentation. Families eligible and approved for School Card will receive a 50% reduction on their tuition fees.

Proof of income is required and applicants will need to apply via the State Government’s School Card scheme.

Financial Hardship

In the event of hardship, remissions are available to families and the application process is sensitive and highly confidential. Families not eligible for the School Card who are experiencing genuine financial hardship are encouraged to submit a Financial Scholarship Application form below  or collect a hard copy at the College. All applications will be assessed on an individual basis.

Families experiencing hardship are encouraged to meet with the Finance Manager. Details of a family’s financial circumstances in determining fee remission arrangements will be handled respectfully and with appropriate confidentiality in accordance with the school’s Privacy Policy.


Direct Debit Payments - Tuition, Bus and Stationery Fees

To set up a direct debit payment, please download the form and return it to the College.

Credit Card Payments - Non Tuition Fees, e.g. stationery packs

Payments using your Visa or Mastercard, can be made in person or over the phone. 

Paying your account in full 

No discount is offered for paying your account in full at the start of the year. 

Accounts can be paid in full via Cheque or Credit Card, we do not accept part payments or cash.


Growing in harmony